This whole story is pretty sickening from start to finish. Child abuse/rape is certainly among the most heinous of crimes but how twisted and sick are we ourselves if we are able to applaud and support the actions and evil committed by those who would repeatedly and violently sodomize and gang rape someone with 19 other men? And hold them and their sick actions up as some kind of hero’s of justice? The world would be a better place without this man and those who raped him in it. When we discover these types of people among our population we should be exterminating them in an efficient fashion not locking them all in cage together to carry out further devious evil abominable acts amongst each other.
First, I’m heartbroken for that poor child. Second, this individual deserves to be locked up for life. However, I cannot condone someone being raped for some sort of vigilante justice by a bunch of thugs who are themselves a bunch of sexual deviants and who give two fucks (no pun intended) about the actual child victim.
What a horrible man, and what a horrible generation I live in, as I read comments of people condoning eye for an eye mentality. Half the comments posted are almost as disgusting as what this guy did.
I don’t understand how any single person can feel pity for this sick pervert! He raped an innocent, defenceless child! This is one of the filthiest crimes a human could possibly commit! The injuries that his inmates caused him will heal in no time, but this infant and the family have to live with the mental and emotional pain of what the bastard did. Jail time isn’t going to change what sick thoughts this prick has about children, but having to go through what he did to that baby might help! Who knows if his stepson was his only victim?!
If it was your child I doubt any of you would object to his punishment..
I have spent the last 13 years of my life serving this country in the Military and I am hear to tell you that all of you who; A-feel bad for this man, B-think those that raped him should be punished, and C-Feel that this man going to prison is punishment enough- Well I would like to put an M118LR round right through your fucking head as well as end your entire blood line to help prevent any of those that think like you from popping your heads up again. This “man” raped a child!! A fucking child!! This child has no voice to talk about what happened, to tell you that he is hurting, and that that “man” hurt him. No instead this small boy has to suffer in silence! The people that raped this “man” over and over again are fucking criminals you jack wagons, what did you think was gonna happen!! They are in prison for a reason. This was justice via the criminal code! Because even the low life scum that we send to prison for years and years know that what this man did deserves a special kind of punishment that only they can deliver. So take your “this is so wrong” thoughts and beat them out of your heads with a rubber mallet because you are part of the fucking problem. People like you are the reason we have to wait till bullets are hitting right next to us before we can shoot back, people like you are the reason this country is going to shit because you have lost the fighting spirit, you would rather sit back and hope that someone else takes care of it but when we do take care of it you fucking cry and say it was wrong the way we did it. So to all of you who think this man was wrongfully treated, please do those of us that are still willing to fight for this country a favor and stop breathing…Forever!
Yes it is sick that he raped a baby. He will be punished in hell but it’s really sick that so many of you applaud the prisoners rapist. He should just be castrated and put to death No need to make him suffer beyond that.
My gut reaction was… they shouldn’t have left him able to breathe… let alone stand on his own two feet. This was a brutal story from start to finish. It saddens me that he did such a thing to an innocent child. No punishment will ever bring that poor baby back. I hope lives with the horror of what he did and what was done to him for many many years. He said he was posessed by demons when he did. So, were his attackers. Justice is served.
Like in the pictures tie them up and let rats and what no eat their penis while they cry and watch honestly there is no punishment to cruel for adults who in their minds believe it’s ok to touch or do things to children fuck him and every other rapist child sex offender I hope they get raped with baseball bat end with nails and everything stickin. Out stupid sick mother fuckers
I don’t understand why some of you are geting so damn hurt by these comments. Seriously people he’s a grown ass man that RAPED a one year old boy. I’m sure after repeatly being raped by the inmates he still didn’t feel as much pain as that poor child did. The inmates raped him for a reason…what was his sick ass reason for doing that to that baby ?! He deserves what he got in prison.
Ok imma keep it real. I have an 8 year old daughter a 6 year old son plus a 1 year old turning 2… a mother..either way doesnt make this child come back whether they kill him or rape him it wouldnt bring any of my children back if it were to happen to them. NOW I AM A CHRISTAIN, I LOVE THE LORD AND HAPPY I MADE THE CHOICE TO MAKE HIM KING IN MY LIFE….BUT what every person thats on this guys side. Let me paint this act of violence….first imagine you being in a relationship and leaving your child in the Hands of SOMEONE YOU TRUST. He beats your child for whatever reason (strike one) THEEENNNN RAPING YOUR TODDLER YOUR FOR NO APPARENT REASON….YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER ISNT DEAD BEFORE THE RAPE…HE HAS A GROWN MAN LARGE PENIS INTO YOUR CHILD. (but you guys want say he DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE GANG RAPED. Um helloo !!! Then you say he needs to be put to death. (Clears Throat) I dont understand how that makes anything anything GOOD AND DESERVE TO BE PUT TO DEATH QUICKLY….LOL…YALL PLAYING YASELF A BS CARD. In the bible it clearly states…DO TO OTHERS AS YOU HAVE THEM DO UNTO U. The way I see it that baby couldn’t defend himself or do the same to him. And Believe it or not a LOT OF CRIMINALS ARE TOTALLY AGAINST HURTING OR KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN. So yes he is getting what is done to him. YES HE DESERVES IT. I dont care if he has a mental health issue. THAT SHIT WAS MOST DEF UNCALLED FOR TO THAT CHILD…ALL OF IT. I DO HOPE THEY KEEP DOING IT TO HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL HE DIES (WHICH U OBVIOUSLY BELIEVE IN THE DEATH PENALTY). IS THAT NOT WHAT HE DID. ITS NOT THE BEATING THAT KILLED THE CHILD IT WAS THE RAPING THAT KILLEF THE CHILD. Everyone thats on this mans side about not having his ass ripped open again and again. People talking about being logical. I am very LOGICAL AND I AM VERY WILL. Prison time is too easy and being put to death immediately is not fair for what he did to that family. So if it were left up to me, YES HE SHOULD BE RAPED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL HE DIES. THIS ISNT ABOUT GETTING THEIR ROCKS OFF AT ALL. THEY WERE ALREADY GETTING THERE ROCKS OFF BEFORE HE CAME. THIS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE THIS IS ON THE BEHALF OF THE CHILD. PONDER ON THAT.
And to Mr. Tate, read all of the comments before you make such a statement. At no time did I say I felt sorry for this douche. I stated that he deserved to go to jail FOR LIFE. However, I stand by the fact that I do not condone men raping men under any circumstance, or women for that matter. God bless that child. My heart bleeds for him, but raping his abuser will not bring him back. Rape is barbaric and there is no place in society for it at all.
This story is sick. The fact that most people are focusing on how abused the abuser was are even more sick. People’s rights advocates are a disease. What about the poor little boy who was too young to defend himself? Who cares that he died or did none of you notice that part? Why are you all so dang concerned about what is happening to the person who raped and killed an innocent helpless person? Quit scratching the surface and noticing only what you want or what media wants. The person who raped/killed that toddler had no mercy for him so why the pitty party for the offender? I’m not condoning what is happening to him but I don’t feel sorry for him. My heart goes out to the child who lost his life.
It’s wrong to rape a young boy, but the man turn him self in becuase he knows he did wrong but DAME he got rape more than 20 dame time like dame, dont you people think he learn is lesson all ready.
Rape the bastard every day.
Until he dies.
The next child rapist might think twice about raping a kid.
Dont like being raped????
Dont rape.
Leave our kids alone you filthy mutts.
Deserves everything he got and more.
Rape him again
To all, please stop all this, I was raped over 20 times between the ages of 6 and 15. I let this get to me for many years, I watched as 2 marriages were destroyed and still I did nothing. After my 2nd marriage was destroyed I tried to kill myself, spent a few days in psych ward. Here I realised there was nothing wrong with me, and I started to deal with my past. I don’t feel anything towards the people who raped me, I do wish that they were dead. Believe me when I say if you have been raped like that you would not wish it on any person, yes he deserves to be punished but how is upto the judicial system of where he lives, not the bible (I am catholic). What this man has done is so incomprehensible it is beyond belief. So opinions and beliefs are all well and good but at the end of the day only the facts matter, and believe it or not most people could not care less about others belief or opinions.
I wish I had never been raped, I was and that will never change, I have spent the last 15 years enjoying my life with my 3rd wife. But every now and again a story like this comes up, and I go into my own private area and have a good cry.
In the end we are all human beings try being nicer to each other, there are no right or wrong answer as to what should happen to this man, if it were one of my 15 step grand children I would skin him alive, then let my wife castrate him, but is that the answer?
Think of me as you will, I really don’t care, at least my response was based on fact on what it is like.
My deepest thoughts and sympathies go to the mother of this young child. RIP
so do you think that he should just sit there in jail and get fed and pampered??? and just chill out and do some peaceful time behind bars??? NO SO HE CAN GET OUT AND DO THE SAME THING??? NOW MAYBE NEXT TIME HE WILL THINK ABOUT IT before he rapes a baby, cuz hes not going to get very much time!! they NEVER do! so yes, he should get raped every single day and get his stitches torn every single day maybe just for a couple months. he will be way less likely to reoffend
Ur all retarded, do u think the people rapeing him became rapists just for that one event!? Or that they specialise in only raping child killers and pedos, don’t be so fucking stupid. They should all just be put to death it’s like putting a bunch of fighting dogs together and watching them tear each other apart. There’s no difference.
Sickening. He was wrong and should be punished, but by glorifying ‘twenty +’ new rapists as just is just gorifying rapists. So now instead of one person who thinks it is ok to take someone against their will, we now have a whole gang with practice.
I don’t think Rape justifies more Rape. While what he did was deplorable and vicious, I don’t think that it is socially acceptable to cheer on 20 inmates Raping him and then once he was stitched up and returned to the population, tortured by being raped again by these men. I also find it disturbing that 20 men waited to rape this man over and over again. I mean, what does that say about them? They were aroused by him being beaten and blood pouring from his anus? I know that rape and murder are gut wrenching acts that should never occur in our age, but this form of justice is wrong. Condoning it is wrong. It makes us all monsters in the end.
I’m sorry, but once marked- he will carry that on his back.. an eye for an eye.. Sad part is this wasn’t just a random drugged up female or beat up ass female rape.. this was a child.. and at 1 yrs old, the trust he held in his father was unconditional.. Karma Is a BITCH.. for a reason. What goes around does indeed come back around regardless in which so ever way it deems fit.. now in this case.. that child suffered immensely. As what I have read- cost him his life.. do any of u believe in heaven and hell?.. sinners will pay over and over for eternity according to the sins they have committed on earth.. what makes this so different.. Justice in the hands of its own community. And other baby rapers get marked as well. . So silly notion that any one of the 20 men was one.. Do unto others as u shall want them to do unto u.. apparently he asked and wanted therefore sought out for what I deem is action well justified… my opinion. – based on facts.. what dog can sit across another dog during chow knowing what was done and do NOTHING..?? NOT THIS FEMALE.. that’s why they tell women to yell fire instead of rape when in a struggle.. cut pussy ass bystanders “mind their business”.. bullshit.!! To each his own.. and I’d thug out with the rest of them. . And no illiteracy here .. just a different breed than most.. -iNk
Everyone involved are complete idiots and disgusting individuals. The sick ass that raped and killed a poor innocent child, the nasty perverted losers who raped him (because they love to rape people and saw fresh mean, not because of “justice” for the child.) and the court system and prison that allowed this disgusting actions to take place. I have absolutely no pity for this loser. And yes, he got what he deserved. Meaning… u raped and kill a child, knowing you will go to prison and knowing guys there like to rape other guys and pretend its for the victim. So he got what was coming to him. But I could and would never applaud the other sick ass prisoners who are involved. They are also in prison. Some may have killed someones mother, father, daughter, son, ect. Some probably beat and sexually abused children also. There’s no telling what all they could have done. I don’t condone any of it. Just a complete sick and crazy story. Some say he needs to suffer and continue to be raped by the prisoners. So basically, let other murders, rapist and thieves bring down the hammer on another. Makes sense. (sarcasm) If I had the choice, I would have just put him to death and not by injection, but electrocution. (something painful) But that’s just me….
I think it is sadly funny that this much arguing has taken place over this. In prison or jail this is the harsh reality a child sex offender faces,period..from Brazil to the US. These inmates aren’t ‘unsung Herod’s they are criminals, but ppl too,fathers and brothers and one accepts this behavior, not even criminals. So what u see is usual prison behavior, it happens. Itreally happens to child rapist/murderers
Any person who rapes a child deserves nothing less than what this disgusting man received. And I couldn’t care less about the reasons behind why the inmates did it. Point blank period. I understand everyone’s point of view but as a mother I can’t see past my anger for the actions of this piece of shit. Every case has different circumstances and should be dealt with differently but when it comes to a crime against a child there is no reasoning for me.
I think he got a taste of his own medicine,,, the law sucks!!!! They give child rapist a slap on the wrist n let them be free n live right in our neighborhoods around our kids!!!! N they continue to do it again,,, oohhh… But I’m sure he won’t be raping another child!!!! Dumb fucker he shoulda known that child rapists get raped in jail,,,, I always say they should throw them all in a island that they can’t escape from so they can rape each other at no cost to US the taxpayers!!!!!!! Survive off nature and other peoples asses…
Please stop with feeling sorry for this poor excuse of a man!! First of all his son whom he looked up to and loved and was supposed to be protected is now suffering and will NEVER be the same little boy again! He deserves worse that 20 prisoners raping him..he deserve to die a horrible death! May God gave mercy on his soul!
Shawnte Cincinnati you may be right about the guy getting what he had coming to him. But your ignorance and arrogance show just how immature and unfit you are as a parent.
I don’t care who opposes my opinion. That baby died! He earned this. He should be dragged to town square and beaten then hanged. I’m no humanitarian. I believe in an eye for an eye!
wen them prisoners planned the attack i truly believe yt was,nt just for the rape of this poor child it was for the fact he attacked him,and died,i not saying i am rite bout every prisoners,i always watch prison types of things,i read alot ,and nearly every prisoner will say that any person jailed for anything against children is attackd,they say its a law within the jails,also i hope to god it fucking hurt him good cos its exactly same pain and abuse he did to that poorbaby just before he died,hope they do it again….
A lot of the people on here have closer views and emotions to the rapist than I : / How does his pain and suffering solve and improve the situation other than for your own feelings of satisfaction and justice ?
FINALLY!!!! Personally I do feel this POS,, had it coming & deserved it,, every fuckin sec of it.. Matter of fact every prison in the world needs a prisoner welcoming committee!!! If the justice system slaps em’ on the wrist,, let the inside justice system,, slap em on the ass!!!! Lol!!! They all need to get it in the end!!!!
This is crazy anything dealing with harm to a child is not acceptable but let’s really draw the line here that is just nasty to allow inmates to do this to the man and then you put him back for a round two how can you say that’s what he deserve no man or women should experience rape neither a child but for them to just abuse this law is beyond jaw dropping. Put yourself in that situation
I hope he gets raped repeatedly every day, dont let his wounds heal. No child should ever know those evils. Someone who could do something like that to an infant or child should not be allowed to live, I hope he got hepatitis and AIDS…..and even then, he still hasnt suffered enough!
I dont feel bad for him the prisoners should practice that over here in the USA… It would cut down on a lot of child rape if rapists were made examples of
What happened to his martial arts ? It only works on children! You bastard ! Only hope there’s for guys like him is life in that hell hole … Jail 🙂 you fuck
Its just like street justice but prison justice!! Known fact been around for years thats why they keep them separated! Personally, they just need to go on with the death penalty, no such thing as a one time offender……….signed a victim from 3 yrs old to 12 yrs old
I got 2 sons n if dat was any ov mine n i ever caught him I wud watch as 200 man raped him fuk stitches e ain’t gettin NO break, cut off his dick n make him eat it sick prick u fukin crazy e got wat e deserved n day shud carry on raping him till da day e dies n teach him a lesson
I’m sorry, but once marked- he will carry that on his back.. an eye for an eye.. Sad part is this wasn’t just a random drugged up female or beat up ads female rape.. this was a child.. and at 1 yrs old, the trust he held in his father was unconditional.. Karma Is a BITCH.. for a reason. What goes around does indeed come back around regardless in which so ever way it deems fit.. now in this case.. that child suffered immediately immensely. As what I have read- cost him his life.. do any of u believe in heaven and hell?.. sinners will pay over and over til the end of TIME according to the sins they have committed on earth.. what makes this so different.. Justice in the hands of its own community. And other baby rapers get marked as well. . So silly notion that any one of the 20 men was one.. Do unto others as u shall want them to do unto u.. apparently he asked and wanted therefore sought out for what I deem is action well justified… my opinion. – based on facts.. what dog can sit across another dog during chow knowing what was done and do NOTHING..?? NOT THIS FEMALE.. that’s why they tell women to yell fire instead of rape when in a struggle.. cut pussy ass bystanders “mind their business”.. bullshit.!! To each his own.. and I’d thug out with the rest of them. . And no illiteracy here .. just a different breed than most.. -iNk
Whether raped for hurting a child or not, there are innocent peoples also being raped by big bubba and his thugs!!! it seems no matter what theses people love sexing who ever is locked up. No child deserve to be hurt in that manner!!
that man should have just been shot on the spot theres no reason to even still let him live… he’ll probably end up killing himself anyway before he gets raped again…. I feel bad for the child that had to go through that.
and that guy needs to die what person in theyre right mind would do that to a child? thats right no one would do that in theyre right mind so his must be really fucked up..
i was actually talking to a group of friends about this same thing thats happening now but a while back we saw something on the news that had to do with rape, and we said they deserve to be raped back then killed, this is a one year old child people think about it does he deserve to die? or does he deserve to live and have the pleasure of offing himself anyway?
to be honest though the 19 or 20 guys that raped that one guy well its not like they had anything better to do theyre in prison so why not gang bang on him? so basically it was pretty much expected from inmates to do that to a guy that raped a one yearold his own child..
You mess with a child in an inappropriate way , get busted , and go to jail for that act….. You made your bed , now lay in it…… May God have mercy on his soul , because I have NONE for him!! Prison is no joke , I have been there and seen what happens , you molest a defenseless child , what the fuck do you think is going to happen to you in the joint? It is my understanding ( after some further research ) that he not only raped his son , but also beat him to death… He is getting what he deserves! I have no mercy for those who hurt children! There is a special place for those who hurt children….this douche bags journey is just beginning!
When babies or kids get rape, we all wish 4 the worst 4 the scum that did it,soon as our wish comes true, people cry like a bitch, you would want more done than that if it happen 2 your child, so let karma do her job.
Dear God how can anyone rape a child? I just can’t understand how anyone could rape a child let alone their own child. I was taught all my life that only God can judge but as a mother & UN-perfect human I say he got exactly what he deserved just the thought of anyone hurting one of my babies in anyway especially like this POS hurt his own child makes me cold & heartless against people like this man. I have no symphony at all for him & others like him. He chose a poor defenseless child, not a man or woman his own size who would have at least had a fighting chance. I get what others are saying about the men who raped him, they for sure should not be seen as hero’s because they are probably in there for things just as bad but I doubt their crimes were worse than raping & killing a baby (unless they did the same) anyways I won’t judge the people who have pity for him but I will ask if it were your child what would you do? How would you feel? What would you wish for a child rapist? Would you be forgiving & sympathetic? I can say without a doubt that I would hate the SOB, I’d wish the worse for him & even if I had to sale my soul to the devil I would just to see the MotherF**ker suffer like he made the child suffer.
Ok so those of you who thinks this man doesnt deserve this !!! All have lost your fucking minds … I just read a story about a woman and her boyfriend brutally raping their 6 and 8 year old daughters … the mom held the girls down while her fucking boyfriend raped them repeatedly , where she took videos and pictures of the horrific acts ! She then proceeds to tell her daughters that this is how real men show they love you !!!! Now tell me how thats fucking ok with anyone …. she was given 30 years and her boyfriend got 25 !!! Now where is justice there? Our taxpayers are paying for their food clothes cots and roofing over their heads !!! Prison is way to good and hell just isnt close enough !!! Hope any sick minded fucker like these get every ounce of the shit they deserve
Asshole gets what he desearves hes lucky he dont get gutted like that one child rapist ur a sick fuck a one year old !!! Ut fucking pathetic how can u get any pleasure out of a baby!! Not even fully devloped only been in this fucked up world for a year . U desearve every rape u get sick bastard . Wait till ur in hell getting ur dick chopped off and feeling it for eternity (:
This man so got what he deserved. I feel like he deserves worse. This was his son his blood someone he was supposed to protect not rape and kill. This man is sick and he deserves the worst it may not be right but it’s what I feel he deserves. This was an innocent child who did not deserve to leave this world in such a horrible way. I hate the people who reproduce and hurt these innocent children when they have done nothing wrong. I hope this man gets the absolute worse punishment.
I am in no way, on ANY LEVEL condoning what this DISGUSTING monster did. He deserves to be punished severely, BUT to condone what these men have done and even to applaud it is wrong. Everyone keeps saying “an eye for an eye” well an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. If it was up to me this man would be this man would be castrated and then spend the rest of his life in prison, where he couldn’t hurt anyone else. What animal does this to children? But what animals does this to another human being? I sincerely believe all of them are disgusting for this. Not just him but the men that did this to him and the justice system for putting him back in that situation.
I hate that we separate child rapists from general population in this country. I wouldn’t say let them be raped but I don’t think they deserve my tax dollar supporting them for even one day. If they can do it once I don’t want to take the chance that they wouldn’t do it again. What’s the point of keeping someone like that alive? Why take the chance of releasing them to society?
This man is one that you can say has done something that will never be forgiven and if you don’t know what he is going through right now I don’t think you should be talking if you think that this man is living good why he is in jail no but at the same time this man is dieing from in said just thinking about what he did wrong and gods says that he who causes harm will be brought harm the first time was fine I don’t think that they should keep doing that to him and at the same time he has to live with what he did and what he did will never leave his soul he will live with the pain for the rest of his life apart of that if the prisone knows what will happen when they put him with the others why would they do it again
I think they should castrate all the rapists.
Rape is wrong no matter how it happens. It is much worse when it is your child. It is a pain both of you will take a while to heal if it ever does.
So I say let’s go back to mid-evil torture and castrate them and cut off their fingers one by one.
If they can’t hold their shit together then let the really sadistic people run free.
Death is too swift and repeating the offense is too unsettling let’s break all those who have hurt children in any way, break them from the inside out.
The sick bastard gets what he deservises he shouldnt be molisting his son wtf is wrong wid ppl now days i mean hell if that was my kid trust n beleive he would not be standing on earth bc i wuld have beat him to death u got what u deserive that poor kid has been scared for life bc of him so fuck what anyone says ab its not justic because u know what they should be able to do what they want to that sick son of a bitch
He deserves it. That poor baby has to live with his grossness for the rest of his life. They can do whatever they want to him. Ppl that are saying its wrong, let them be the 1 who was wronged an let’s see how they change there mind.
Our justice system is just gonna give him a slap on the wrist, so this is the only real punishment he’s gonna get. All of you know this…I mean really. We’re gonna be paying for him the rest of our wrking lives.
I do not judge for god …bt this us why this world is so far away from being saved…..the truth is this world is so fucked up …no one in it deserves salvation …everyone is a sinner and every single person on here thinks they are innocent … if people want this justice…if people believe this is justice …then we should all be tortured and killed.. this world deserves pain.
Some where in this twisted ass man head he thought it was ok to do what he did even though it is HORRIBLE. So I see it like this what u do to others should be done to you. A innocent baby absolutely disgusting. It is disgusting and horrible to do to anyone. I hope the inmates continue to do what ever they can to you so u can ever imagine how that poor angel felt u sick pig. KARMA IS A BITCH AND WHAT GORS AROUND COMES AROUND.
This tread of insults is childish! Everyone will have their own opinions… Diff strokes for diff folks! This man will have to live with disgrace of killing his child and getting abused! Story is sickening all around and ignorant behavior on social media is contagious! Rip little man.. Your in beautiful Gods hands now
I believe that he got way he deserves give props to those inmates i have a son and if anyone raped him I would wish the same upon that person for no child deserves to be hurt in that way it’s not anything they get over it cost them their life it is truly sad
Just as the legal system upholds laws, rules, and regulations so does the inmate system. If you rape, violate, hurt in any form or way a child, children or women you will be held accountable for your actions for the rest of your prison life and if your or he’s ever freed, freedom will not be free. Now god bless that child, :'(
How cruel?
Mainly for that innocent child,who will never forget what happened to him…this may haunt him forever.
I have no sympathy for the man.
Now 20+ ppl doing what he did to him….eh a little iffy on that,but what’s done is done.
Even The Lord can’t change that,I just hope he now realizes what he did,and go through what his son will have to.
What should and shouldn’t be, all went out the window when he RAPED his 1YR OLD SON. Even in the US everyone knows if you rape people, especially a child, the Inmates usually find out and you get raped/some ones bitch in prison. That is how it works. They should rape him until his intestines fall out of his ass followed by his stomach. Turn that fucker inside out!
I know the feeling of being raped/molested for years by “so call” family members, (no family here). I was a child and threaten that if I ever said anything I would die. And for those that did that to me they will get theirs in way that will be 5x times worst then what they did to me for so long.
Karma… an act,and when you act upon the innocent you will get bit in the a**! :}
Are all u people who say it’s wrong that 20 inmates raped this nasty bastard not reading correctly??? This disgusting mother fucker RAPED HIS OWN 1yr old SON!!!! This disgusting fuck got what he deserved… Hope He Keeps Getting Raped But This Time By The Whole Entire Jail!!!
It’s sad that people do this to children. Being a child of abuse I believe eye for an eye. That child will never have his innocence back and who knows if he will remember what happened if he does it may alter his man hood . And for that this man got his man hood taken from him . Justice well never be served for that type of person that monster
I think he deserve to be punish for what he did for God sakes the child was only a year old he doesn’t know what is going on I like to know where in the he’ll was his mother I say fuck him like no other he just needs to kill himself bahaaabaabaah ASS…. HOLE…. LOL
Pretty sick lifestyles people live in those 3rd world countries!! Its not normal 2 rape your own child so the man had 2 be mentally sick in the head!! The problem is the mentally sick people never get help from are system but instead they think jail is the hospital. Nice 2 know the law and inmates are judge and jury instead of god
U guys r missing the point . Fuk this man that Raped this baby that is his son . This inmate r against men or women that rape kids or women and this is wat happens to them the law gives them a tap on the hands then there back on the street . So the inmates will they r in there Do to them wat they did to the victim and hope that he won’t do it again . ……
No matter were you are a child molester or mocho will get what he put out. It’s the way the prison system is. The police tell the inmate that a pedo is coming in so every body knows why he is there. The image might if done sometime. To be there but mochos all ways get there’s in the end.
If people cant
even feel pitty..theyre just as animals…it doesnt make them even and its not humane at all…People convicted of rape should have their own fucking prison locked down 24/8…jus saying
Very sad to know that there are so many sick people in this world. That poor innocent child didn’t deserve this especially from his father. He who is supposed to be there to protect his kids from harm. He got what he deserved. No pitty for this animal
He deserve everything he got. He physically n mentally damaged his 1 year old. Glad he felt the pain that his own child endure. Not sorry for him karma is a bitch
He got wut he deserves, now he deserves to be killed, because killed that kids future to have a normal life. My bad if my comment rubs u wrong & I understand if it does, but its about that kid, not u.
I think that’s real justice !! Why when a dog bites a kid has to be sacrifice !? Then it should be the same with this kind of ppl!! Uncivilized sure what would you do or think if the kid raped was your son!? Yea that’s right!!
Its weird how a lot of people are not recognizing the carma that God has allowed to happen to this man…..yea its not right what the 20 prisoners did…but that don’t mean he didn’t deserve it
I think what the inmates did to him was perfectly fine he deserves it. I have two boys of my own an if anyone was to touch them I would have that person hung an raped the fuck outta. >:( burn you sick mother fucker !!!!
I my self think he should get his ass beat down cuz if they fuck him again he is gonna get used to it he gonna wanted every day but then again fucket but fuck that motherfucker son of a bitch
Just freakin hang em .. That’s what they need to do instead of trying to make them learn a lesson which they never will these perverts are gonna keep raping ppl
It should be a law to cut their members once they are convicted of rape. Cause not matter how many years they get in jail they’ll come out.and do the same…
It’s disgusting but yes he deserves this over and over. How can you do this to any child let alone your own and a 1 year old. I AM GLAD DISGUSTING FUCK!!
sick all round … i get that gang banging the molester isnt going to give the child back the remainder of his childhood nor prevent future emotional/mental scarring – that is very clear! however to those of you condemning the vigilantes: are you happy to bust a nutt paying taxes to aide such scum to live rent, sustenance, tax and utilities FOC? do you think a simple apology sufficient reparation? have you no children in your family and/or peers? molesting a child is the lowest of the low how many such molestations result in the victim/s becoming/’realizing’ they’re gay in later years? have you any idea statistically how many abuse-es’ become abusers? are you abating because of your own experiences….? jail is for criminals with a few exceptions here and there where the judicial system has failed subsequently if ‘they’ decided to have a cannibal night and put such scum on the menu thats their business. Some humans are just plain fodder and those of you that want to live with fodder should go camp outside the jail or smash a window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is horrible.What he did was terrible and what he got is what he deserved.Some people may not agree that condoning to him what he did to the child was right.The poor child suffered,struggled and didnt have the physical strength to defend himself,so he overpowered the child like the 20 prisoners overpowered him and made him feel what the child possibly felt.An eye for an eye may not have been the best solution,I would have choosen the death penalty for him,but I dont feel an ounce of pity for him.Its not our fault karmas a bitch.
I read the story and I dont feel sorry for what happen 2 him. All I see is now he knows how HIS OWN 1 YEAR OLD SON feels. Because he couldn’t stop it from happen 2 him. I feel its a option. Its easy 2 say that its wrong and they should be punished for what they did. If you have never been rape r had your child rape then u will never understand the feeling. I feel that he deserve what he got. I don’t care if u don’t agree like what I said. I’m not going to go back and forward with anyone that has something 2 say. Cant feel sorry for a child rapist.
He deserved to be raped in the ass with a cactus for hurting any child that way, but for him to hurt his own child that way!!! Wtf is wrong with the world.!? This is disgusting and I hope he rots in hell for doing such an awful thing to a poor innocent baby. NO MERCY!!!
I have been sitting here reading all of these damn comments for an hour! Yes the fucking sick bastard should be dead, no child deserves what he put him through! But most of the people that have commented on Adrian’s post or Shawnte’s post neither really give a rats ass or are so utterly stupid that they would take the time to insult people over and over…That is what is wrong with this country now, everyone has something to say about shit they dont care about. I feel for all the poor children that have undergone such horrific things. karma is a bitch and in the end they will be dealt with by our Lord and Savior. So before some of you keep insulting people that you will never meet face to face- think about what your words make you sound like. Im pretty sure that if we were all in the same room, noone would say shit! JS
get what you give, ive always said , round them rapist , murderers , molesters , and all those other nasty fucks , house them, exercise them, feed them only the healthiest foods, use them, harvest body parts, lab test , medical cures, cancer research, aids research, any research
Anyone that feel for him is sick in my opinion alone. Only thing I feel is pain in my heart for the baby boy. And to know that when he grow up, he’ll know that one of the few ppl that was supposed to protect him from that. Was the one that hurt him. And im sure the 20+ that raped him was only thinking of the loved ones they have that they cant see or touch. I feel like those 20 dicks caused him the same pain, his adult sized did to that baby. He had no remorse for the cries and screams of his child so i feel no remorse for him. And we all know if he didn’t get caught he would’ve continued to abuse that baby.
I agree with Adrian I’m afraid . Rape of any human being is the sickest act ever. Child rapists should just get the death penalty to stop them ever doing it again. The people raping that guy are as bad as he is!
#1 has this man even had a trail yet and been proven guilty??? I hate when someone is charged then all assume that it’s true! Why does the prison keep putting him in open population when they know he’s at risk? He still has human rights no matter what the crime. I understand the child is a victim, I was a victim of a crime like this, but I never would want my abuser to be abused over and over again that just continues the cycle of hate!
What he did to his son is the most horrific pain he could’ve cause to him. The physical and mentally emotional pain that he will have to endure is heart acking. This man deserves a very harsh punishment.On another note me as a human bean fined this whole story to be disgusting. Only god him self will give him the punishment he just deserve. My heart goes out to the baby boy and mother .she has to be a strong women more then ever now . I wish them the verybest!
I know why it feels like to have that happen to me as a kid but I would that on anybody even that bitch who did it to me maybe have a few bones broken, being beat up but not rape ever
it should be done to him everyday for the rest of his life, he should not even have a life, he is so sick and twisted , anyone who thinks different if it was your child son daughter sister brother niece nephew do you think you would not be happy to hear this happen to him i dont think so
This is just very sick of this monster to do this to a child he deserve punishment but gang rape is not going to take away the fact he did what he did… Let god deal with his disgrace those inmates should not had access to him…. He should not have been put in population… But he does need to never get out of prison and he need to spend he rest of he’s days in a cell
This is sick. Rape is taught to be wrong, but then it’s ok in certain situations? Can’t be half way into something. If you believe rape is wrong then u should know this is clearly wrong. He obviously need psychological help, that will bring long term effect behavior.
Some of these comments on here are very disturbing. He who is without sin cast the first stone!! If something like this happened to one of my children I would want vengeance too. God does the vindicating not us.
I feel bad for what happend to this inmate but I do not feel at all sorry for him. He is a grown man and knows the difference between right and wrong. That poor baby did not have a chance as he took that away from him, I am a mother of one son and if anyone had done that to him I would have personally dealt the punishment my self and he would not have lived thru it. This may sound pretty harsh but as a parent thats my own personal thoughts on it. He wont live this down ever and thats how it should be.
I agree with Adrian Kimmett child abuse is sick and certainly one of the worst crimes a human being can commit. What kind of example are we setting when we see stories like this, it’s teaching us and future generations that an act of rape or abuse deserves same act upon the perpetrator. I don’t believe in an eye for an eye. I can’t applaud the actions of the inmates in fact it makes me physically sick
What goes around comes around! To rape anyone is heinous and discuss ting especially innocent children . Once a molester always a molester they need to rid the earth of these discuss ting individuals!
What truly poetic justice!! I feel ALL countries are way too easy on these sick fucks. I hope he felt a million times over what that precious baby felt!!!!!
Most ppl on here is talking about how the baby raper is getting rape by 20 inmates and how they are getting hard-on’s and standing in line to fuck the baby raper.why is the baby raper getting the hard-on and rape and killed this tiny baby…think about it ppl y care about this so called MAN if he get raped.karma is a bitch but get off shawnte ass and stop ridding adrian’s dick..some ppl on here is some internet bullys sheesh..
Adrian Kimmett I agree with you wholeheartedly. This man was certainly wrong to have done this and I dont condone any of it in any way. 2 wrongs do not make a right???
They should beat and rape him until he dies, let a horse rape him then maybe the “demons” will understand what that baby had to go through. He’s a sick bastard that deserves what he gets for touching that baby.
it may not be right to condone what happened to him in prison,but the fact of the abuse he destowed upon a innocent child makes me feel he deserves what he is getting.
I’m a Correctional officer by trade and this is very rarely heard of. My question is…Where is P.R.E.A. (Prison Rape Elimination Act sign by Bush in 2005) in all of this? I hold the Correctional Officers responsible for what happened to this inmate. Yes it was and is evil what this inmate did but he still has rights even in prison. But the all Correctional Staff should known what would happen to this man once they placed him into main inmate population. This man should of been placed on Administrative Segregation that way he would serve out his prison sentence in a single man cell 24 hours a day. Mark this there will be correctional staff that will be sued for this and possibly lose their jobs because of it.
he got what he deserved. I’m only sad that I didn’t get to watch it happen. Call me what you will… say I am a sick or twisted person but for someone to beat and rape a 1 year old baby…. They deserve EVERY fucking horrible thing they get.
he deserved it. just think about that helpless child he did this to. for anybody that feels bad for him, just think if he never did this to that child he wouldn’t be in jail. He wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place. he chose his own fate.
That poor child, I can only imagine what he went through, the PAIN- emotional and physical- that he went through. That asshole deserved everything, as cruel as it is. He won’t be doing that again, that’s for sure. Karmas a bitch…
Poor baby… What happen to his rapist is horrible, but imagine what that poor child was going through when that MOFO was violating his little body, he probably tore his little insides. So no, I don’t feel sorry for the violent rape that he got in prison. Just because he confessed doesn’t mean that you won’t do it again. And saying he’s sorry won’t take the pain away from that poor child and the terror that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
ok yes its sad a child had to go through that but i cant say that he got wat he deserved the inmates who raped him was also wrong they are no better than him!! i think he should have his hands and genitals cut off and live his life so he goes through hell every day of his pathetic life thinking bout wat he did!!!
Take that ass boys…fuck him and if u feel that he shouldn’t get that ass tapped everyday then we should look at ya ass then to… stupid bastards that’s a fuckin baby a baby an u think he got what he deserved fuck outta here…
People who condone what was done to him are disgusting. The man deserves to be punished by the law and by God. There is a reason rape is not one of the sentencing options people. He is sick and disgusting but what the other prisoners did is too. For those men who say an eye for an eye he should keep getting raped… are you saying you would return the favor to him and rape him yourself ? Didnt think so. A group of men raping one man ripping out stitches and doing it again? First of all any man in prisoner willing to participate in gang rape probably committed rape on the outside too. Dont forget these are criminals not heroes and not vigilantes. Horny, criminals who found an excuse to do what they would be doing on the outside and to take out their anger. One word comes to my mind with bloody gang rape and that’s DISEASE! Oh do you guys think GOD is looking down saying “that’s exactly what I want to see an eye for an eye just like that” ? I dont think so. Those who condoned this are almost as bad as those who did it not to mention you condone it but would you have participated in it since it was after all the right thing and what he deserved? If you condone this and this became the norm it would on make our society savages and we lose what makes us have civilization and that is the ability to to think and carry out rational thoughts and judgement when it comes to social development..
Lets not take away from the real issue and that is the baby. Why not pray for him and send thoughts to his family especially his mother. Instead the media brings all this attention to this disgusting men and his disgusting peers. The only attention that should be given to him is his conviction and sentencing. And Im done with my very long rant
This is josette I’m using my husbands FB , but to be blunt I feel he deserved everything he received that child is dead did you all miss that part ? He wasn’t just rapped he was beat to death ! Get a f*****g grip you people feel bad ? He was a year old he didn’t make it to two because if the actions of a heartless individual and I am to feel sorry ? Are you out if your mind ? Since when is it okay to rape and kill and your punishment is just a 25 yr time out if that ? Seriously the human population can not be that demented to think a person like that deserves anytime of pitty I’m disgusted with the comments and rastionalising of what was done to him
I say he reaped what he sewed. Though I do not condone the behavior of either side, I am not necessarily feeling sorry for this dude. If you go to jail and are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, then whatever happens to you is your own fault. I hope that through his own actions and his own punishment he can see what type of trauma the child he raped had to endure. I have a 3 year old son and I was sexually molested as a child so I would be furious if something like that happened to him. If you do the crime, be prepared for all the ramifications thereafter.
OMG! This is not about him, it’s about the innocent precious Angel! Where was anybody? Right! Nowhere! God has been taken out of our homes, school & work! This man is not human nor animal. Animals do not hurt their children! Prayers for the innocent lil guy!….I believe n Capital Punishment!!!! And what was done to him in an unjust system, well he is on his own & needs to work that out with God! There will never be any comparison to the injuries & injustice that this Little innocent precious boy endured at the hands of this Devil!…Where was the mother & father? We r too quick to get n & out of a relationship when it does not serve us! Always about Me!!!! Well the innocent precious children are the ones that will suffer for the actions of their parents! Hurting innocent precious children is the worse sin a person can commit!… May God have mercy to all those whom harm innocent precious children!!! Prayerssss! for this innocent precious little guy! Truly such a sad sad sad day!
Adrian, I totally see exactly where you are coming from & I definately understand what you are saying. And yeah, I see where you have been completely misunderstood by others. I feel exactly the same way you feel. Sexual violence among adults is unacceptable, period, no matter if its out of retaliation or otherwise, but in my opinion, when it comes to a BABY being sexually, physically, emotionally or abused in anyway, shape or form, I lose it. Therefore, I have no compassion for a baby-raper being raped & beaten. I’m not saying that my view-point is right or that everyone else should feel the way I do. I’m just saying that one thing I have NO tolerance for is child abuse of any kind. That’s where I lose my more intelligent, ethical way of thinking.
If the man was guilty of raping a two year old child and not falsely accused then I have no problem what so ever with him being raped him self. What we do comes back to us ten fold that is Karma and what you sow you also reap. If you take advantage of the weak and powerless you should expect that when you are weak and powerless others will take advantage of you.
However there is one part of this that bothers me. Was he proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or was he awaiting trail ? If he is guilty fine ! If he is innocent then this is a terrible miscarriage of justice and someone needs to be punished for what happened to him. Can you imagine being falsely accused of raping a child that would KILL me personally. But then to have this done to you if you were innocent ? Which is why my response to this story depends on whether he was proven guilty in a court of law.
But the problem with this is that the men who raped this predator assuming he is one lowered them selves to his level. They men who raped him are no better than him because they rendered him powerless and then —— him. There is no deference between them. I understand rage at child predators better than most. But do you want to become a monster in the process of punishing monsters.
Poetic justice in my opinion.. eye for am eye, a tooth for a tooth… was live in a very unjust world where the punishment never fits the crime. .. I would never wish rape apon anyone, and whilst I find it difficult to applaud the people who done it as like some people have previously said, rape is not somrthing to be applauded or praised because it is a beastly act. But I have no sympathy for the pedophile, a child abuser cannot be cured and are attracted to children like I am to men, it is something within them which cannot be changed cured or rehabilitated!! They will always fight the sexual desire to abuse children, thats why I propose that these beasts are wiped off the face of the earth. Nothing inhumane just a needle in the arm and put to sleep. There will be another pedophile born to replace the one that died. Theres not enough deterrents for these animals. .. I think automatic death penalty or life imprisonment with No chance of parole in a working prison camp, contributing to society as a form of slave labour to earn their keep so its no strain on the taxpayer…. whilst we pay the healthcare, counselling, and fund court cases to bring the beasts to justice!!! Givr them the choice of life inprisonment slave labour, or the needle if u want to play it “fairer” so to speak!!!
There is no fixing this type of behavior. Unfortunately, it is part of the world we live in because it has been allowed through thoughts of rehabilitating them. Guillotines please. Rid the world of monsters. For the FEW that are convicted wrongly it would be sad, but much less fewer numbers than the delinquents who do these crimes.
This really disturbed me, but emotions aside. How much better are these people who raped this man than he is? Is the purpose of this eye-for-an-eye mentality to discourage such vile crimes? Because it appears that they’re being encouraged. Is it okay for other prisoners to rape a rapist? No. Rape is never okay. This is sickening.
Cheryl I would probably say he deserves it karma but no matter what you say or do him isn’t going to help or ease the suffering of that little boy, it won’t change the past
Get rid of them all! The child molester and gang of rapists . I suppose now we should reward the gang of rapists freedom because they supposedly did justice? Twisted world we live in. I’m content with the whole lot getting the death penalty. One less child molester, 20 less rapists!
This is a sick story all the way around a baby’s death and a person being raped to top it all off complete strangers are name calling and cursing at each other let’s not feed the devil… one thing I do know is as a mother I would be capable of anything (a mothers love is one of the most dangerous thing to mess with because even a beast will be unable to stop her) I guess idk how to feel about this story….
He deserved everything he got. That baby did not deserve what happened to him. The baby can’t fight back and had no control over what that sick bastard did to him. I’m sick of people using the excuse the demons or the voiced n my head made me do it. That’s bullshit and a total cop out to try and get away with the crime committed, I hope they lock his ass up for life and I hope he gets raped on a daily basis until he dies!
Hi Adrian, totally agree with you! I obviously didn’t word it properly…I didn’t mean the rape as a sentence, I meant that if these inmates had to do It, once would have been enough, 20+ was a obviously entertainment for them and they are no better than he was! The death sentence is absolute for me.
It’s a pity they didn’t use a barbed wire dildo on the fucker. Coated in dog shit with a barbed fishhook inserted in his penis and tied to a stationary object so that every time he moved it would rip and shred his japs eye
Just to add to my previous comment….even though I do not feel sorry for this animal, .I do not condone the prisoners actions, they don’t do these brutal acts to defend the victims, they do it for their own gratification…even though I repeat, he deserved what he got.
There are no words or punishment that will erase the scars and pain of this innocent child. We pray for the child’s healing and for true Justice for the crimes committed against him.
this is horrible omg that poor baby his mother must be feeling the unspeakable pain I’ve lost a daughter to stillbirth so I kinda know her pain what a disgusting man this is where I think death penalty should be brought back and inject that fucker till he’s DEAD
People who abuse children are scum, they are sick people. However, a bunch of grown men sticking themselves in another man is just as sick. They say they did it as a punishment for his crime well just beat the hell out of him don’t call it a punishment when it’s really pleasuring you. They all are sickos in my book!!
Did it occur to anybody that the men who raped this guy were more than likely doing time for rape themselves? Rape is NEVER ok. There is no justification for rape. It is a sick crime carried out by sick people and should never be applauded, regardless of the circumstance.
This whole story is disturbing from beginning to end why didn’t they stick a death penalty on the guy instantly instead of letting 20 more men go on to commit even more crimes this man deserves to burn in hell for what he’s done to that poor little boy but in my book rape is rape whether your a man woman or child it is wrong and shouldn’t be tolerated what sort of example are we leading saying these guys are right to rape someone nevermind what crime has been commited the justice system should deal with the beast accordingley not have inmates dishing out their own punishments that are morrally wrong in the long term
that’s what that bastard deserves.. imagine how the baby felt.. that f***** is lucky to be alive still.. That sick fuck… hope next time they chop his balls in his dick off…real talk…
no way sould any one feel bad for him! think of how that poor lil boy felt, they shud just leave him to bleed to death so medical care he does desive it! he shud not be treated like a human because no human would have done what he done! if i could shake the peoples hands that done this i would!
When you have been molested or raped….then speak on this subject. Or here’s another one…put your own child in that postion. Plus this poor baby died! He deserves exactly what he’s getting. I wish the man that molested me at the young age of 8yrs had this EXACT same punishment. Instead…he married a woman who had 2 small daughters and he tried to penetrate not one but BOTH of them. He served about 7yrs and is a free man and had a child of his own. Had his Pediphile ass been raped on a daily maybe he would think twice about ever touching a child again. In his head he can continue to do it because 7yrs is a slap on the wrist and a stab to that child’s heart. That shit never goes away. Trust me…I KNOW!
I think a crime like that deserves the death sentence. No matter how a certain person feels, he will get raped, killed or brutally beaten in prison so why not just give him the death sentence. Shit anyone who can rape a child isnotright and doesn’t deserve to live off of tax payers money. But then again im from tx, so death sentence it is! Bc if it was my child he touched, I would kill him my self.
Wait he served a 30 day? He was only sentenced to 30 days for rape and murder? Why didn’t he get put in protective custody the second time?.. I’m pretty sure most of the details of this story are bullshit. I don’t support the rape of men, women, or children, however if he raped and murdered a child, it’s well deserved.
Wow lots of opinions here back and forth. I for one would not want to pay for this man’s medical bills let alone his incarceration through my tax dollars. No one is talking about that. So you know what my thoughts are on the issue….of the future of this guilty person/thing.
He got what he deserves and u hope he gets much more until finally beaten to death like he did to that poor innocent baby!! Hope he rots in hell sick cunt!!!
I can see both sides here, on one hand any parent would wish the worst torture imaginable on a rapist who had abused a child. BUT, rape is wrong and unacceptable FULL STOP! Usually sex offenders are given their own quarters as protection from other convicts, meaning the sex offenders are kept together. The 20 men who raped this discusting monster are sex offenders for that crime. If any of those 21 men ever get released from prison, imagine what they are capable of?
Taxpayers money goes towards feeding these sick excuse for human beings, who are no better that the sicko in question. How do you feel knowing that your hard earned cash is going towards the care, food and accomodation of the rapist and his perpetrators? People like this cannot be rehabilitated, nor can the lives of the victims be given back to them. I believe the death penalty should be brought to men who have been found guily of rape or murder to anyone, man woman or child. The world will be a safer place to live, and you can sleep at night knowing your families are safe, and these monsters no longer live to commit any further crimes!
I cannot understand why this still continues. It really saddens me. All I keep thinking about is my two girls, and honestly I truly don’t there is a punishment horrifying enough to describe what this man really deserves. His act is non justifiable. I don’t say I necessarily applaud the 20 men whom raped him, but I can honestly say I don’t feel bad for him. I don’t care what happens to him and whatever hurt, harm, or danger comes his way especially if I witnessed it, I would not intervene. He actually got a taste of his own medicine. I’ve been raised on this old saying ” do unto others as you, want them to do unto you ” I’m a strong believer not necessarily in Karma, but of the punishment from GOD. This man is mentally sick if he was able to be aroused by this Infant/toddler. What really possesses a human to hurt innocent children like this. I just dong think that a rapist should just be given an opportunity to get the death penalty without suffering something. All I think about us the child’s very tiny womb, just torn and his screaming voice as he is held down by force. How is that OK? All I’m saying is I could care less to whatever punishment a person with these intentions get.
I’d sit back and laugh and I they need a hand to hold him down I’d make it easy by giving a swift boot to his head. Makes me sick to eat a child is hurt by disgusting human beings like this.
there was a pastor by the name of jiji Avila. his daughters husband killed her,,, and instead of him asking for punishment or wishing for his death, he went and visited him at the prison where he was and he told him that he forgave him. No one is God to be judging others,,, and although i know that when you are put in a situation like that, its not so easy to think of nice things… but still. Only God righteous,clean, free of sin to judge us.
Fuckin disgusting the men that did this are no fuckin better than the beast he is rape is rspe man woman or child its fuckin sick should of cut the cunts dick off and shoved it in his fuckin throat till he chocked to death !!!!
An eye for an eye! This is sick story from the beginning but I have to say as a mother and a human being he deserves what he got!!! If he was sentenced to death that would not be enough punishment for what he did. He should suffer every day of his life and he should die in a very exact whay that poor baby died. Don’t look at the action that this sick prisoners did to this child molester, you should look at the picture of the baby who doesn’t know nothing in this world but love and hope and feel safe with the only father that that he knows and trust! I wish they rape him to death!!!
personally i feel this guy is getting what he deserves. i was molested as a child and the assholes that did that to me deserved close to this and one of the assholes that did it was my grandfather. i wasnt the only one that the assholes molested either. if we are going to let rapists and such just do a little prison time then they should be turned into eunuchs. if anybody, ANYBODY ever touches my children in that way they will not just go to prison. they will have long painful deaths. and to those of you that have stated that maybe he was raped as a child…..THAT IS NO EXCUSE!!!! just because some one was raped does NOT mean that they will rape!! people have a choice to go to that level. as i said before i was molested and i chose to rise above it and not do what was done to me, and i didnt need to waste time going through counseling. its done and over and in the past nothing can change that, but i could play the victim and let the incident define me like a lot of people do, instead i am a survivor i dont let this define me but i do let my experiences help me to help others. this asshole defiled and killed an innocent baby he deserves worse than any human or group of humans can give him, so for now he gets a living hell.
Do unto others as you would want done to you…..this whole story captures the essence of that saying….and when it comes to a child being harmed in such a manner I do agree that a VERY HARSH punishment should be dealt out….If you don’t want to be raped then don’t rape plain and simple….If offenders had to face punishment that mirrors their crime less of this crime would happen….and for everyone saying that the men who raped this child rapist don’t deserve to live but agree that an execution is needed to end this child rapist life I got to ask how is an execution any less harsh than a bunch of vigilantes locked in prison? Is it less gruesome to you? Are you more comfortable with less blood shed? Are you uncomfortable with torcher but ok with assassination? What is it?
people would not feel this kind of punishment is karma and great revenge to the horrors this man inflicted on a helpless child if the justice systems did more to protect children, no to mention the parents who should use better judgment when allowing others to be involved with their babies. sad fact is killing or abusing a “helpless” child carries almost no penalty compared to crimes against adults that involve being beaten and tortured death. most prisoners that take revenge this way come from back rounds where they were beaten and eve molested regularly a children by parents or their parents allowed it to happen and its a form of revenge for their abused past. maybe if we start putting an end to violence against babies by evoking stronger laws in child crimes the way we did for crimes against elderly abuse then w might hear less about these vigilante attacks!
As sick as this man is for doing that to his step-son and as much as he should suffer and the child deserves justice, the prisoners are pretty sick in the head to be able to do this to and think it’s ok to justify their actions which are in such a way the same as the what sent this scumbag to prison in the first place!!! Animals the lot of them!!
As I read all these comments that people who says that he deserves what he got in jail/prison, this tells me that you all have sick minds, I am a new mother to a baby boy, yes i would be very upset and feel hatred if someone done that to my son, but I would not condone for the person to get raped repeatedly by 20 guys 40 times over again, have you all ever thought if this was in the U.S.A, for those who done the rape in jail/prison they will get a longer sentence for what they have done, but of course we do not know what other countries will do, this makes me sad that people who are religious and those who are not would think this way, to me you want to live in the stoneage or past when this can happen, if this would’ve happened to my son I would want this guy to either get the life sentence, serve his time in prison, or death sentence, and if he is out on parol he will be in the system and title of sex offender/predator that stays with him for life, and for those who think this is just wrong of 20 guys to rape a rapist I agree with you all, my point for all this is we are not animals, we are human beings so act and think like one instead of thinking like animals
I think they should be beat and raped everyday. By giant black men. And if you think otherwise just give me your pro rapping kids side of the argue ment
If u dont have children, dont bash those who have no sympathy for ths sick fuk….while rape is devastating,i feel ths man got wht he deserved. Most of us adults couldnt handle the pain tht baby endured…(can u imagine?!) Sorry but reading ths bein a mom to a 4mo old 6 yo and 10 yo i feel no sympathy
being A victim of this kind of rape . granted i wasnt 1 year 8months old like his step son was . but he got less than he deserved in my book . child rapists and molesters deserve this till the day they die . see how they like it over and over again and not feeling safe in a place where you are ment to feel safe,
He deserves every bit of it an the ones who raped him one their not raping an killing a child their fucking a grown man who did this to his own child.. I don’t feel sorry for this so called man suppost to be a father an I hope he gets raped every single day of his life an after life sick fuck.. if it was my child he wouldn’t even had made it to the jail to turn himself in I woud have just had people rape him his self as I killed him slowly an cut his dick off an shoved it down his throut so while he’s getting raped he would choke on his own dick this is why I don’t trust no one with my child anyone is capible of anything
The 20 prisoners should be shot dead as 4 the child rapist he should be smothered in his own shit the prisoners are using his crime to justify their crime but they are on similar levels the child was the only innocent 1
I feel no sympathy or mercy for this sick human being… It may not b right wat the prisoners did to him but he made a sick choice …I can’t even say”write” wat he did! Thats how disgusted I feel about the acts ….no child deserves to endure wat this animal did…
Molesters of children are not human, therefore the rules don’t apply to them, if you harm a child then the only humane thing to do is torture and death…you have to set an example.
When you ruin a child’s life by raping a child in Brasil…..Run. Because you gonna get it worse. The litte fella had no defense….”and died”. They are probably gonna rape him again and again and again. He that live th by the sword shall die by it. His ass is toast. Don’t do the crime …..”if you like your behind”….lol. You brought that on ya self dude. Jackass…..
I believe he deserved it. Possessed by demons? I don’t understand why people use these excuses. He’s just a.sick bastard with a sick twisted mind. I think he deserves to be killed instead.
Wow, Child Molesters Annonymous must have sent the link to this story out to their entire mailing list, asking all members to come help defend this poor missunderstood soul.
I think he needs to get raped for the rest of his life after what he did to that poor baby. Your life is useless if you think otherwise. The person who wrote that article underneath the picture is probably a child rapist since they think what happened to that sick bastard is too harsh.
Everyone saying he doesn’t deserve this, is a waste of oxygen. That the world would be better off without. It’s people like you who are the reason things are as bad as they are.
I thank that’s a good start! But they shouldn’t of stopped there, he (and guys like him) should of had been killed on sight! Y do we have to pay for them just to get out and do it again then go back on vacation for a few years!
U know what..20 PRISONER WASN’T ENOUGH. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 1000. Fuck his sick minded ass. Some people can’t have kids,people can’t see there kids for whatever reason and this nasty Fucker wanna do that to a poor helpless baby. I HOPE THEY FUCK HIM UP EVERY DAY. DON’T JUST BUST THE STITCHES BUST HIS SHIT TO THE WHITE MEAT..
He raped a child n killed him he tore d babies insides, let it be d same for him. Is not the same thing for a grown man to feel the same pain as an infant child feeling the same thing is way different…. so sorry but you get what you do. Haven ya heard “don’t do things you wouldn’t want anybody doing to you” so let them keep raping him n let him die just like the poor lil angel…
What if daryel was just targetd gang or mafia style. Where they beat n killed his kid in front of him. And then forced him to turn himself in for the crime of rape and to not ever say a word to spare his wife and the rest of his family. …its plausible and
To the women posting comments ,those prisoners rape guys in jail an get out and you go out with them , married or just sleep with them period ,what about that , you never know what your man has been doing in his past,
this world’s f’ up
The bible says “do unto others as you wish others to do unto you” With that said this rapist should be raped until his last breath. Just my sick opinion
Eff him! He deserved it.that poor baby went thru trauma! For should that sick bastard.most these rapists do less than a year get out an then what? He got what he Deserved!
Story is fake, that dude has a spider web tattoo on his shoulder, He would of had to been in that prison for awhile to have gotten it or had served a long sentence before it.. I’m guessing that’s just a rape victim in prision and the silly child story put over it for drama.
I have a child. If this were done to my child I would be furious. I don’t know how I would truly feel about his rapist being done this way. You would think I would be happy. He could feel what he did to my baby. But in life, should violence be punished by violence? Does that solve anything? Does that make it OK? Am I wrong for feeling bad about this. That another human life is being tortured? The whole situation is horrible. I don’t know how to feel about this. Where was the mother if the child? How could she not have seen the signs that this would happen? I’m heart broken by this.
To wrongs don’t make a right..the guy getting raped in jail is still a criminal offence and can still be charged…so tell me the child rapest and the prisoner rapest…its the same charge
Adrian it’s basic human nature innate in ALL of us. Pain, regardless of race creed color age or sex is the one and only true deterrent in life. Every thing we do or don’t do is predicated on avoiding or alleviating pain. People stay faithful to avoid the pain of losing their love one. People drink And do drugs to deal with the pain. we work because it’s more painful to be broke than getting up in the mornings. we move away from our childhood towns to get away from the pain. EVERYTHING in life is motivated by pain. It’s not rocket science. If you study human beings you’ll see that it’s evident. Now you say that this incident won’t deter him? It most certainly will because once the brain associates ANYTHING with pain it releases hormones into the body that turns you off or repulses you. This is why when you vomit your favorite dish you never eat it again or you lose the desire for it. This is why when you burn your hand on the stove your parents never have to worry about you it doing again. Progression and liberalism would have you believe that there is a substitute for pain I’m sorry to tell you that there is none. You can talk to a child 100 times about not doing a certain thing and they will STILL do it. However one spanking solves the problem.
Not all children need to be spanked. A disappointing look from a parent is enough for SOME kids to bring them to tears. The pain they feel in their heart will deter them the next time. On the other hand there are some kids whose hearts are on the backsides and only a belt can bring about corrective behavior. This prisoner is clearly the latter. When you rape a one year old to the point of death, I’m sorry but therapy and talk will NEVER be enough to rehabilitate him. This is not his first time. A grown man doesn’t get up one day with an affinity for children, This has been going on for years. I’M SURE He has been warned. He has been talked to. He has been prayed for. NONE OF THAT has brought him enough pain. HOWEVER this particular incident he will NEVER EVER EVER forget. And unless he’s an alien and doesn’t function like every other homosapien, the next time he thinks about committing this disgusting act his brain will flood his blood stream with the necessary hormones to let him know that the end result of this could be another brutal prison gang rape. It’s not rocket science. Think about something in your life that isn’t motivated by pain. There is nothing. . We’re all motivated by it. Unfortunately SOME people need more of it than others.
Adrian kimmett i think this is something you tell yourself to make YOU feel better about this story. he will not be cured but just like how hard core addicts learn to control their urges after hitting rock bottom. . TRUST ME he will reconsider the abuse and anal obliteration he received from those inmates the next time he thinks about committing this crime. If you don’t think this will deter him then i don’t know what planet youre living on.
And by the way What Is this sick empathy you feel for him? Every one knows that inmates punish child predators and cannibals he chose His own fate. I don’t understand this culture of people who feel nothing for the victims yet go to war for these animals. Whether this cures Him or not is irrelevant justice has been served. Have you heard that one hour of pain is greater than a lifetime of talk. He felt the exact same abuse and pain He inflicted on an innocent baby. He felt what it’s like to be victimized. He felt what it’s like to be powerless to animals and this was his choice. And TRUST ME this was not his first time this was the first time he got caught. He got what he earned. If he doesn’t want to be brutalized in the future i suggest he leaves people’s children alone.
Lol yeah. I read the first portion by hitting see more. But when it gets to “continue reading” nothing happens. At first i thought you stopped your comment abruptly but now realize that i didn’t see the whole comment like this one. Don’t know why.
Anyonene who has gone thru rape, sexual abuse, or physical abuse KNOW the pain and torture inflicted upon you. It doesn’t just heal like a cut or broken bone. It stays with you and affects you the REST of your life. Even if you think it doesn’t. It DOES! Period. You look at people completely differently than those who weren’t abused. I can’t say I feel one bit sorry for this guy. That may be why I never went into law enforcement, I am NOT a Judge either. So it is not my JOB to think of the offenders rights. I am simply Me, and can focus solely on the poor little boy. THAT is who I feel bad for. Thank Heaven he is in a better place Now!!
Fuck you shawnte and best watch your fucking mouth bitch. You dont know me from shit to stink just because I feel that it wasnt right that he has to suffer that way DOES NOT make me a unfit parent and if you was in my face and said that bitch I’d shoot you and i don’t care. Dont ever fucking say that about a mother because she gave her own fuxking opinion. Like I said if they think it’s OK to allow people to do the same wrong that people go into jail for ALLOWING IT TO BE RIGHT. then we might as well go back to slavery cause everything that all our ansesters had fight for to make this nation right everyone is destroying it by allowing the shit that is a crime out on the streets ok to do in the fucking jails. I didnt say what he did WAS NOT WRONG! I simply said he didn’t have to go through all of that because all the mother fuckers that did it to him are just as bad as he is! So therefore they ALL should be put to death honestly. AND IF Y’ALL THINK ALL OF THIS IS JUSTICE THEN ALL OF YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! FUCK ALL OF YOU AND WHAT TOU HAVE TO SAY I AM MY OWN VOICE IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I WRITE. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DONT YOU FUCKING DARE COME AT ME WITH ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! AND BEST BELIEVE I WOULD NEVER GIVE ANYONE THE CHANCE TO EVEN TOUCH MY KIDS IN THAT MANNER SO BEST WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT ME MY PARENTING AND MY KIDS JUST BECAUSE I DO NOT AGREE WITH HALF OF YOU DUMB IGNORANT MOTHER FUCKERS THAT LIKES TO TALK SHIT AND ENJOY WATCHING PEOPLE SUFFERING. IDGAF. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU CARELESS MOFO’S.
This is a very touchy subject, Now a days the punishment or time you get for a crime isn’t good enough. Most get out after so long and re-commit these crimes. As a parent myself, if you are going to molest, rape or murder a child you should have the same crime committed against you. If this guy did do what he is accused of, then he’s getting justice, and hopefully it will happen till the day he dies just like the child. A child is defenseless, and in my opinion, treat others how you want to be treated.
I want to start out by saying I never really take the time to post on here but something about the story and these post really got me interested. So this world is sick and disgusting your right Adrian. but extermination of the people who are guilty of committing such disgusting crimes is not the answer. someone else will come along and do the same thing or more than likely something worse. Do not take that to mean that I am not in favor of the death penalty either. All I am saying is quit focusing on the small picture. Do you honestly think that these things don’t happen all over the world? Especially in the U.S. who has one of the highest if not the highest incarceration rates of any country in the world. Because it does. I don’t see one person questioning why this was allowed to happen in a controlled environment such as a prison. A prison, also called a correctional Facility. A facility that was designed to rehabilitate and correct negative actions by criminals. Which means that we should be correcting these actions not supporting them or allowing them to happen because we feel that he had it coming. If we allow things like this to happen we are no better then he is. so why not focus on the big picture that we are not fixing the problem we are just trying to put a band aid on it and then wonder why we have so many repeat offenders. so please stop fighting about weather or not he deserved it or weather or not the other men should be punished we all know the answer. start questioning your respective leaders on why they don’t have a prison system that helps instead of making it better…… Oh and one last thing its also hilarious that you want to attack someone else that is posting their opinion, no matter how rude it was or how you felt about it. it was uncalled for grow up everyone and get off your computer go out and do something constructive. instead of gossiping like a bunch of high school kids. because if you don’t it will be your kids getting raped in prison because we are creating more and more laws everyday and the penalties are getting steeper. how long before you or someone you know makes a mistake that lands you a year or more in prison.
I know that I am sick and tired of hearing about these kids getting raped and or killed.Most of the time these animals go to jail and get out only to do it again. There’s no real punishment because in prison they are protected from the other inmates looking to deliver their idea of justice. Now in saying that I neither agree or disagree with what has happened nor do I care. You’ve got to be a very sick individual to harm a child in anyway let alone rape one. Karma is a bitch and too bad for him he got treated like one. At least there’s a highly less chance if he does get out he’ll think twice about doing it again.
And how many more one year old babies do you think he’s gonna take after this? EXACTLY. It’s not right but he’s an animal and he got handled by other animals.
What a horribly disgusting article. I read most of the comments; I can’t even imagine the suffering the child or this man went through. I believe this man should’ve definitely been punished, but raped by 20? Not only is that sick, but what does that say about the staff of the prison? They knew that was coming in the first place, then to put him back in population with them again? To me, the child rapist, the 20 men that raped him, & the people that made the decision to put him back with those men again are all sick in the head. What human being would do any of those things? People with metal issues obviously. No child deserves that, but there had to have been some other way to punish him. There’s enough aids, stds,etc. in the world. I don’t even see why the media felt the need to even post that disgusting picture. What if this child rapist liked what happened to him, or the guards enjoyed watching, because there’s no way none were around when this happened. The while thing just says how sick in the head people are; there’s gotta be some other way of punishment, being raped by 20 men one time was enough. Those that put him back for a second round are obviously sick too. I don’t know how any one could get a good night’s sleep witnessing such horror.
No one wins, I use that word loosely, the rapist needs to be dealt with in another way, locked up 23 hours and a lot
of time to think about it, and as
far as the 40 virgins go, ( wonder if it the same 40 the Muslims get lol) they need women in prison to stop this kind of thing let then visit their husbands one in a while, that’s a great idea. But will It work? Probably not but worth a try. It know what to say anymore.
This is outrageous, for both child and adult. He turned himself in, he knew he did wrong, he saw his own fault and was clearly distgusted himself. He should of been allowed to go and do his time without having such hurrendous effects on his body, what they did to him is way too extreme. Nothing was to say he wasn’t a good step father before he did this to the child. And for those who have put him through that pain and are as bad if not worse than that man himself.
If I’m reading this right, the baby died from injuries suffered after being beaten and sodomized by this grown ass man, and y’all feel sorry for him. Wow what is the world coming too. If anybody deserved a litle prison justice it is this piece of shit. Sorry i will reserve my sympathy for the dead 1 yr old baby, not the one that beat, and sodomized him to death. Sorry that’s just me, and if I’m wrong, well then I’m just wrong. Kudo’s to the twenty Prisoner who Raped, and re-raped his sick ass after they stitched him up. I hope a few of them had AIDS and infected him so he can die a slow agonizing death. I hope when he goes to Hell, they repeat those steps for eternity…!!!
A father of 6, with Grand children that I would kill & die for…!!!
SHAME ON YOU ALL!!! You all get off on putting each other down based on your opinions, background, etc………Why must you put each other down especially when you guys are strangers…YOU GUYS PROVE THIS WORLD IS GOING TO SHIT BECAUSE ALL WE HAVE IS SHITTY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET PUTTING DOWN EVERYONE ELSE. Learn to love and accept instead of trying to be right in the internet. I have my opinion about this but I will share it with people who actually care and would do something about. You don’t like what happened then get your ASSES off the computer and actually do something instead of making yourselves feel superior to others by debating on medium that won’t do nothing but be a waste of time. Hold a protest, sign a petition, etc…..BUT DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN THIS BULLSHIT ARGUING THAT’S GOING ON HERE. (P.S. I know there will be stupid comments regarding this, put then again it will just prove my point, so prove it)
This story has really broken our trust even when it comes to family, being responsible for taking care of our own children:(:(:( this child that sadly passed away was infact the rapists step child, and the rapist wasnot just a stranger or a au pair or a nannie!!! Children are brought up with values and are taught right from wrong, but now that this child will never have a say or a voice to speak up agaisnt this monster that raped and killed this child..I know in my heart, this monster deserves every inch, every second of hell he is experiencing in jail!! And oh yes, he is going to meet his maker, but for now he needs to feel physically what he did to his step child, he needs to feel violated and humiliated, and not be able to sleep at all, because you cannot take a childs life!!!We are sapose to protect our children, and help them become leaders and great problem solvers for the future!! May this little sweet innocent child rest in peace, he is in a better place now:(:(:(:(
How can you people like this?!? What the hell is wrong with you? This man is sick just like any one else with an illness and this was a learned behavior someone did this to him when he was young! You are never going to solve these problems with more abuse! What the fuck kind of logic is that? These people need help not more pain. Fir those of you that think this is justice need to have your heads examined, we as humans should never like seeing another human in pain. It is true he should not have gone what he did but the blame lies more with the original abuser! The only way to fix this is to get these people help! What kind of people get off on hurting others? Weather it is a child or an adult? You are all blind to the real problem here , just in love with the shock and awe that you have all come to expect! Sick you are all sick and I am sorry to be part of your race.
For those who believe that what was done to this man was wrong, has never spent a day in a greving mothers/fathers shoes. Letting this mab get raped wasn’t wrong what’s wrong is we the people are paying for this nan to have free food room and bored. Granted he has no freedom but what worries does he have with this free space givin to use. And for you bible thumpers, the scripters say an eye for an eye. I believe these creatures that can bring harm to someone that can’t defend themselves (old people/ children/ woman) we shouldn’t let them sit in jail/prison just so they can build muscles for when they get out they can do it again. Put them in the peoples hands to punish, let the fathers of raped daughters handle their rapest let the mothers of a hit and run apply justice to the driver. I was raised to love one another and never lift a hand nor hurtful word to someone, also if its justified beat ass. I can’t say what I would do in that situation giving I still have both my children unharmed and untouched, but help you if my children or any other innocent souls are harmed. This world is to big for them to find you and too many torture devices to end you quick
FIRST MY LOVE AND THOUGHTS ARE WITH HIS MOTHER AND MY PRAYS ARE WITH THIS PERFECT CHILD !! The Punishment suits the crime!! and for those who are about to get on their high horse ask your self this; What would you do if you walked in and found some doing this to your child?? Would you truly believe that a jail sentence really suits the crime as you lay out your child’s final outfit!! This little boys life is no longer all because this filth put his dirty hands on the him being a parent myself it brakes my heart to think that this childs last thoughts were why is daddy hurting me, one person he is meant to feels safe with stole his innocence and claimed his life! i know 20 inmates is extreme but a grown man raping and killing a toddler if this was my child he would be lucky to be ALIVE!
It saddens me that some one feels it’s okay to hurt a helpless child. You have to be a real monster to not be affected by their cries of pain. Although what happened to him was horrible it showed him what it feels like to be helpless and abused. If it gave him any insight into what that little boy felt …. Bravo to the prisoners for a lesson well taught! !!! I can tell you he will more than likely never hurt a child like that again.
At the end of the day nobody walking on God green earth can judge nor decide this mans fate except GOD himself yes what he did to this little boy was absolutely disgusting , wrong,cold hearted and devious and no it was not up to the prisoners to decide what his punishment should be.. We as humans always seem to believe we hold the key to someone’s fate but we DONT… This man will suffer far greater for what he has done and the JUDGE of his fate is and will always ONLY be GOD! Remember everyone ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE !
Anyone who even has a inappropriate thought about a child should be sent to prison, it’s not normal and the world is not safe with people like this nonce roaming around raping and killing kids, he dont even deserve to die because then he wont suffer. He shouldnt of even been stitched or cleaned up.. he should be raped till near death everyday, and that still wont even come close how that poor little boy must have felt just before he died, there aint no god or whatever you weirdos go on about, im sure if god created man then he should be able to prevent them from killing and raping babies. This is a fucked up world and fucked up people deserve to be fucked up everyday without fail! If it was my child that was raped and murdered id personally thank the 20 men who made the cunt suffer!!
*meh* I don’t care about the pain he is suffering. I don’t condone rape or violence of any manner, but prison is where those 20 men should be (obviously) and thank goodness the system is keeping society safe from those animals. If they just have to behave like savage animals, then I think they have chosen a good candidate for their victim.
What he did to that baby is just sick no matter how you look at it.
Now these inmates raping & re-raping is not right either. BUT, if it were up to me & only me, I’d have to say, I wouldn’t try to protect his sorry ass!!! No pun intended. Yes, rape & violence both are wrong. But why protect him from anyone who is just as sick as he is. I mean, afterall, who protected that sweet, innocent baby from this disgustingly sick, piss-poor excuse for human life????? And I must say, I am putting this mildly because I’m sure my comments will upset plenty of people reading this, but I am positive that I am not the only person that feels this way.
Any person especially a parent that says this man is getting something he doesn’t deserve is full of sh*t! What this man did to that little boy, as a mother I can’t begin to put into words how sick this makes me! He’s getting exactly what he deserves! Children have no way to defend themselves against an adult in any situation let alone rape! Its pure evil.
@adrian kimmett your main issue with the 20 rapists being animals is that they weren’t raping out of ‘love’ for the child but because they were horny. So I guess we have to figure out their true intentions, which we will never know. Shawnte & her supporters I see that you all are very angry but how we respect your opinions if most you can’t string together a sentence? Adrian comes off as supporting the guy but if you read further he thinks they should all just be killed. What happened may seem justified because of the irony, but realistically we cannot use type of punishment & still call ourselves ‘civilised’. The most practical solution is to just kill them. Easy & effective.
How about trying to stop this all before it happens with education the people who abuse children are obviously psychologically damaged and their needs have to be addressed before this happens.. Plus this says a lot about society and our blatant sexualisation of children through media music and movies so it’s our fault as a society yet no one wants to do the hard yards and bring this out into the open in a public forum
I agree with what you said but I think you need to step back a bit further and speculate on weather these 20 men, obviously guilty of poor life choices, hadn’t suffered at the hands of a monster like this. Or one all their own. So many kids slip between the cracks and are abused. Grow up to make bad decisions and lead a seedy life due to the trauma caused to then as children.
For the people condoning an eye for an eye mentality. He committed the crime and I think he should be punished for it – but not by having himself raped. It’s amoral and gross and fucking defeats the purpose, and the mentalities of the comment section remind me on why rapists exist – “Because x deserved it because x did this.”
Shame on you. I think that the basic “human rights” lesson should be taught in schools and homes if people are this ignorant. Human rights were invented for a reason.
Why are people trying to defend this evil person he raped a baby ……. Who gives a fuck if he got raped in jail he gna get raped everyday in hell an all , were was him feeling badwen he ruined a child’s life fuck this guy hope he dies from getting bummed out the cunt and anyone saying its. Sad or horrid go to the prison and sit down with everyone who raped him have a firm talk with them see if it helps u lot of plebs
Sorry but I have to agree with what was done to him. I feel this should happen to any others as well to. Let them be raped daily by the inmates as a reminder of their crime. Many knowing the consequences will definately think twice before harming any child. I think this should be the punishment for any age of rape, adult or child. Just my opinion.
lot’s of questions……………how do they know “about 20 prisoners” raped him first time around.?? were they watchin?? were they counting ?? what are all the single patches on his back?? stab marks?? burns?? bite marks?? are we sure that’s not crap on his shorts?? who owns “mostextremenews” ?? how credible is this entire story??
he deserved exactly hat he gt and that to me was not enough he raped a baby a baby he should of got raped in his fucking ear that’s how small that baby back side was or smaller sick bastard he needs to get raped every time he try to sit downor take a shit moter fucker and if you don’t lik my status kiss my ass iam on facebook if you got something to say
At the end of the day the sick twisted fuck (to say the least) RAPED AND KILLED a baby!! Let the inmates do what they want to the disgusting excuse of a monster!! If the police wanna punish everyone else involved then fair dos but in my opinion hes not even getting half of what the cunt deserves. If i was in the prison with him he would have been tortured like no tomorrow before suffering from the most excruciatingly painful death. What the inmates have done to the vile beast doesnt even tickle what he deserves hopefully they do something a lot worse!!! Say what you want about my comment all you want mate he deserves to suffer. Let em get on with their punishment all day everyday im pretty sure that poor littlens mum is thinking the same thing!! R.I.P little man xx
I think big daddy coulda raped and beat him once and called it a day. But this is a little excessive, I’ll be the first to defend a child but damn son he got Molly whopped in the buttox. He’s lucky he wasn’t in a Mandingo prison where the genitals were not pee shooter size. Kidding. Anyway eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.
I have no sympathy for real convicted child rapist and child abusers. Now a sex offender that messes with a minor between the ages of 14 and 17 both sides should be address these minors have adult bodies and juvenile minds statutory rape is not acceptable but how can u tell if one is telling u i am 18 and up and they look like it, on the other hand this man raped a 20 month old bby he deserved the same punishment that bby got i would let him heal up just enough and send his ass right back out there again and again!
There are plenty of women that rape and kill children too. Do they also deserved to be anally raped as punishment? Would all of you applaud 20 men that sodomized a woman as punishment for her crimes against children? Should women that kill children via abortion be jailed and raped as well? I don’t understand how any of you can be glad that 20 more acts of rape occurred.
I am a mother and if a sicko did this to my child. I would have anal raped him with sword. Some of these comments on here defending this sick man your just as sick as he is. Everyone knows they don’t like child killers or child rapist in prison because your ass is free game to them. Maybe he should have hung himself instead of hurting an innocent child.
Was is ok what those fellow prisoners did to him? Of course not & it should be condemned by everyone who has read this. However do I feel bad for what happened to this guy? Nope not @ all. I feel nothing for him but I feel so bad for his step SoN. I won’t go so far as to say this was an eye for a eye but if you do believe in karma then wouldn’t you agree that this would be a very close example of it? I’m just saying! Peace!
Some extraordinarily sick comments in this thread will help me to finally accept the fact that a shocking majority of mankind still behaves like uncivilized monkeys and no education can change this even in thousand years. Thank you.
I was raped at six years old by a neighbor. I didnt tell.. He then raped another time. He broke her jaw and threw the baby in the car seat out of the vehicle and with know more thought about thw crimw the lay or the baby, he kpt herfor hours repeatedly raping. He was caught and yes the baby was okay. He sentenced 40 years in jail.
The very day he was supposed to be released he chose to sodomize his cellie new 1 mo time. He was sodomied wi th broom and died. Excuse the grammar but when it was time for maniac to get out I suffered. His sister wanted justice and came to me to seek it. I feel like justice was served. That is the way of the world , I was relieved that he bled and died.typos are horrible , however so is sarcasm○
I think that anyone whom puts an innocent child through such pain and torture should in fact endure what this man had daily if not daily then multiple times a day. That little boy doesn’t even have a voice to speak out about it let alone a chance to defend himself against a grow man. What he did is disgusting. How someone can look at a child in such a way is repulsing.
Don’t speak for me… I happen to believe that if these heinous acts are publicized MAYBE the “possessed” will see what truly happens on the inside of the walls of prison, they will keep their filthy, disgusting, predatory sick perverted twisted baby raping parts away from our precious children!
I don’t feel sorry for this animal, at least he understood why and what was happening to him, that innocent baby did not…but what worries me about this is that this animal will eventually be released. ? Will he do it again. ? I Say when they have confessed and there is no doubt of guilt, eye for an eye…1 rape and then the death penalty!
That poor baby. This piece of shit got off easy…hope he was crying & begging for him mom like that innocent baby must have been. Couldnt even imagine that poor lil things fear & pain…makes me sick & very sad that shit like this goes in our world,makes me never want to let my kids leave the house.
He got what he deserve and any that feels sorry for him are like him you don’t understand what it’s like as a kid to have this happen to you death is to quick and simple he needs to suffer pain like this for the rest of his life because you will never get over something like this happening to you so I hope this is only the start for this sick prick
Shawne Cincinnati it’s obvious you are not a Christian! it’s obvious your obese! It’s obvious your uneducated, what gives someone like you the right to slam other people when you don’t even have all the facts. People like you make me sick
What he did was wrong on so many different levels, bit I think the courts should have decided his fate, not the inmates. Who are any of is to play God, because in the end God is our judge. Whatever happened to having God in our communities. We need to bring him back.
This guy deserves to feel helpless and without choice. A baby has NO CHOICE but to depend on the person taking care of them. However, the caregiver has a choice in whether or not they care for this baby. He should not have been alone with this baby and as an adult should have made the adult decision and made sure he wasn’t!!
It’s such a horrible story. Something is not right. If the perp handed himself in, then why get raped over and over by 20 animals right?! Anyone who screams eye for an eye are sick fucks. There’s something called justice and processes take place for it to happen. Brazil is full of evil shit.
vengeance is mine says the invisible man,where the fuck was he when the baby was being raped?its tough.the scum turned himself in,knowing what would happen,sounds like he wanted it.the baby would have lived for 70+ years,i personally hope that man suffers everyday for the rest of his life.
That man deserved every last dick he got. People don’t have to condone the actions of the “vigilantes” but they were doing it for the loved ones of that child that couldn’t get their hands on him and most of all doing it for the pain he caused that child. People would be singin a different tune if it was there one year old that was raped and beaten. I’ve done my share of time and unfortunately seen my share of sexual assaults and seen straight men willing to give head for cigarettes. Prison is a whole different animal especially outside US. Unfortunately there is assaults in prison on registered sex offenders that got caught pissin on a tree. It does happen but not often. You have a hierarchy to report to before any assaults take place and the top dogs aren’t gonna let a couple of there people beat somebody up and get put in the hole over somebody pissing on a tree. I’ve been out of trouble for years, been sober for over 6 years, have a wife and 2 little boys which our my life. If anything ever ever happened to my child like what happened to that poor little boy, best believe that I would be ready to serve anytime I need to, to get revenge. And if he gets locked up before I get to him, every dime I make will be going to inmates inmates and guards in that prison to make sure he’s kept alive a pays EVERY day of his life. Even if one of you haters had a child that was assaulted and I knew you, I would make that man pay too and that’s anyone. I have no tolerance for child abuse and firmly believe in eye for an eye. It is our jobs to protect the next child don’t trust our justice system to protect our families.
After the rest of the Maggots have finished a couple of sessions of beating and raping this sick,twisted piece of shit,, He should be taken out and be shot in the head,Why would anyone want to keep it in jail and feed it. Penalties for Crimes like this should be Death.
I only feel bad for this man because I know that if a woman raped that child she wouldn’t be punished with rape and people would feel sympathy for her. If a woman deserves better this man deserves better too.
Men like this don’t deserve prison. Why should tax payers pay for their life in jail? They instead should be castrated! A short jail term to punish them then let them out to walk amongst us without a penis for the rest of their life! They can’t even have a sex life and that shall be their punishment!
This man raped, beat, and eventually killed a child. Now I feel for the baby. He did not deserve that. So to feel sad or any remorse for this man. I can’t and will not do it. Yes he is in prison for 20 or so years. That child can not see twenty more years. OK he got raped by prisoners so what he deserved that and much more. His dick need to be cover in honey in an ant pile or beehive no both. Then mark for life. I love my kids and any man or woman that harm my kids will not live to see another day so its best for him to be in jail. Also I believe the death plenty is to easy of a way out. He is getting exactly what he deserve.
Adrian your not for real he deserves everything he gets and fingers crossed it happens over and over let him feel the pain and suffering that poor baby felt so live in the real world cause if you think for one minute that this animal didn’t deserve it then your probably a fxxking do gooder that has no children
Going through the comments here I see there are people for and against to what happened to the rapist in jail. You are all entitled to your opinion, that’s fair enough. But no matter what country you live in, amongst any prison population child abuse is not tolerated whatsoever.
Just bring back the death penalty, problem solved. Shouldn’t have done it shouldn’t have happened to him either. It’s wrong no matter what way it’s done or the ‘reasons’ behind it. Pretty sure rape victims would never wish it on another person even to the person who did it. It’s horrible. Just kill them cleanly.
Hello everyone , unfortunately i’m Brazilian and I know very well the law in Brazil does not work as it should , prisoners in Brazil they tell the rules in the Brazilians jail so rappers are not wellcome
I have no pity whatsoever for this sick bastard. He abused and murdered a one year old child and he got what he deserved. As the old saying goes “Do The Crime, Do The Time” and expect the horrible shit that goes along with it. The fact he only got 20 years is a joke and a disgrace so something`s gotta give in a way. All the brutal beatings and raping in the world done to this guy isn`t gonna bring the poor baby back, but evil people like this deserve to be punished for their evil actions. And as for people saying it`s unfair that this as happened to him, well what do you expect from fellow criminals in prison? This happened in a jail from other thugs who probs in jail for the rest of there lives for brutal crimes so what people expect from criminals behaviour in jail? The inmates who done this to him shouldn`t be gloried as hero`s and yes they are just as sick, evil and twisted as him for doing what they did to him and being in prison in the first place. And yes rape and violence isn`t the solution to the problem and what happened shouldn`t be gloried as rape in any place in any normal place our society shouldn`t be appected. But where the law failed with justice and giving proper punishment to this bastard, these actions from other criminals in prison have taught him a lesson and this will teach paedophiles that this will what happen to them if they harm children and it will be a warning to these sick bastard`s out there who think they can do this to children and get away from it. This bastard deserves to be punished and got what he deserved. Period.
He deserved every bit of what he got! How could you even attempt to touch a child a kid that looks to you as a protector they should rape him again and again because im sure that little boy is feeling a whole lot worse then what hes getting fuckin pussy!
Weather or not he deserved it is irrelevant what’s important is that he’s locked up and some justice for that baby boy was served . Not do we venture off into shark infested waters and expect too lay quietly among them?? No we get eaten alive and torn to bits
It may not be right but it is certainly not wrong. CO’S turn your heads and let them have at him again. Till permanent physiological damage is done. Do you think a year and a half year old can recover?
I agree wit Adrianne she never said he didn’t deserve it only that any one getting joy or idolizing an act so desturbing is just as sick. There are UN said things about prison that we all know and the fact that child rapist and killers get fucked up
Jennifer Stacey you have your opinions and I have mine….at the end of the day God is in control and He sees and knows all…with that being said I’ll leave the judging to Him….I do have a heart and my heart bleeds for that innocent and defenseless child….he’s no longer in harms way….
Its called eye for a eye. Youd rather this snake be out in 30 days? He should have this done everyday of his life. But oh no we have most of you out here screening” oh this poor man!!!” Matthew he’ll take your child next bet that would change your mind. Quick death is to good.for this fuck. So stop with the potty this man shit.
He deserves everything he got and more I have no sympathy for this animal. He attacked an innocent/defenceless child. Now its time for him to feel scared, intimidated and in pain the only difference is he deserves it the child didn’t. I am a mother of 2 young boys and if anything happened to them I would be devastated- what has happened is a tiny piece of justice for the child involved.
Karma is a bitch! Can you imagine what the pain and horror that the small child endured? I believe what goes around comes around. If that was my son I would pay a thousand men to torture him as he had my innocent child. This is my opinion. I don’t care if it’s not right! What’s not right is an child having their whole life ripped from them, because of a dirty peado. Disgusting.
After they do a horrible act like that it’s hard to believe they have any humanity left, why should they be treated like human beings when they have no respect for life.
Do I think what those 20 or so men did him was right ? = No, (head)
Would I want to see him punished in this way if that was my child ? = yes (heart)
Make of that what you will, i dont care if it makes me a bad person x
I think the whole story is disgusting raping a child is horrific and beAting the child to death! The man deserves to be punished but as they say two wrongs don’t make a right fair enough if they got to him once and done what they did to the man but it’s just ridiculous letting it happen again. Like I said he should be punished of course it is a horrific thing he done unforgivable especially a child of the boys age and for someone the little boy probly trusted just sickening really I feel for his mother
Personally I don’t feel sorry for or have any compassion for this rapist what so ever. Did he feel compassion when he violently raped this infant.. No… did he give mercy?… no because he went on to murder him.. all I can imagine is what that poor little baby was going through whilst he was getting his sexual kicks and enjoyment. So yes I do condone what happend to him. and I hope that he replayed those little boys screams in his head whilst the same thing was happening to him.
Adrian you obviously haven’t got any children and answer to your question I would gladly join the que with a baseball bat and fxxk him hard up the arse and let him feel the pain that poor little child has gone through
they are heros in my eyes, good enough for him, now he will understand 1/10 of the pain he put that poor baby through!!!!!! ahhhhh he got raped to? fuck him he shouldnt have touched a child! hope he gets raped everyday till the day he dies
I think your a piece of work yourself you piece of shit. Now that I got my potty words out. No I don’t beleave that a child rapist shout get any sympathy . Reality is that if that didn’t happen to him in jail then really he wouldn’t of gotten anything more then a slap on the hands. And what about turning himself in. Does that make him a better person or something? He’ll no in my book, that’s just what a guilty ass person thinks,” maybe if I admitted to my wrong doing it males me look better. I say if you can admit it, all the more you should shoot yourself a save alot of babies getting beat and raped.I hope this makes sence.
Fully earned! I had a story similar to this happen at the hospital I work at but the baby died and it was indescribably horrible, it’s one thing to hear about it and see it.
After raping a child, 20 inmates were deprived of having a good experience. He should have been cleaned an stitched after each one. And this should take place for the rest of his natural life because that child will never forget what was done to him for the rest of his natural life.No Sympathy for Child Rapist.
Well deserved! He put his self in that situation. He is an adult who is accounted for his actions, poor baby who is only 1 yr and some months was helpless and defenseless.
its hard to say what this man deserves, if he indeed raped this child then i would say he deserved it, but then again not including this man, what about all the men who are convicted of rape that were innocent, its almost scary how many women out there say rape when infact there was a different story completely. what of those innocent men that go to jail called a rapist, but are infact not. do they deserve the same treatment. obviously i think a real rapest does, just stating some of the misfortunes that do happen to other men who are in fact not.
He deserves more than that a life time of hell will not compensate the heinous crime this muthafucker committed the mother will never hold her baby again. There is no price for that!!! & if you defend what happened to him than you are just another sorry ass piece of shit in my opinion.
Take a criminal like michael adebolajo. Just like this guy, michael adebolajo is evil and rotten to the core. Last year in the uk he alongwith a accomplice murdered a soldier off duty on the streets in london in board daylight hacking him to death with a meat cleaver in front of shocked by passers. To add insult to injury he claimed his actions were done in the name of allah, and after getting locked up for life with a 100 years prison sentence even now he is trying to get released as he believes he was right to murder lee rigby in the name of his crappy religion. In prison he`s had the shit kicked out of him by other inmates, hell he`s even been targeted by prison guards for beatings and has been denied medical treatment to. Yet then this happens to michael adebolajo do you see people saying it`s unfair? So why should it be any different with this sick bastard? Yes violence won`t bring the victims back but for brutal crimes such as these they deserve to be punished and its what they deserve.
It is sickening. But he nvr should have touched the child. He deserves to have the same nightmares that beautiful little boy will have to endure for the rest of his life. As a victim of something somewhat similar i can tell u his life will be one horrific nightmare after another. Ppl, both male and female who take the light of a child deserve the same. He’ll think twice before touching another child. And for those of u who think of this as an injustice,u have no idea wat we live with every single day/night of our lives. There is no end for us. We can’t lead normal lives. We have no life,no enjoyment in life. We have nothing but that image constantly repeating itself ovr and ovr again. We have problems with allowing anyone near us and if we r lucky enough to somewhat move on and have families that nightmare revisits and we either smother our kids from fear of it happening to them or we simply live a life with no one. Because we can’t trust anyone around us. And with ppl like him,basically it 3 meals a day,cable tv,recess and then let back out to do it to another poor child. So i ask u now where exactly is the injustice. He was taught a very valuable lesson. Take a child’s light and they take urs. Repeatedly!! Justice well served. And may god have mercy on his soul for killing that poor little boy. Cuz i can very much guarantee u that’s wat he’s done.
If u don’t wanna get raped by someone, the don’t rape someone. Got what he deserves. Eye for eye is def an acceptable form of punishment. Now u feel the pain u bestowed upon someone else.
They should all be locked in padded isolated cell’s, nothing but their own company 24/7. That’s how all rapist / sexual offender’s should be treated also chop their dick off so they cannot master bate!!!
As a parent I am outraged and being honest you hurt my child you deserve everything you get…..we can be politically correct and say its sad, blah, blah, blah…..but truth is we would probably do worse……vengence is the Lords we know…..but even knowing that, if this child were yours all common sense goes through the window…..Nobody deserves to recieve such brutality…..However, if you do the crime you will recieve what tjat entails……When it comes on to kids…..the defenseless….all bets are off and speaking only for me…..if this child were mine i would have gone totally Dexter on his ass and every inch of him
I love how some of you quote the bible. I hear Jesus said “Turn the cheek” but did Jesus turn the cheek when he confronted the Pharisees? When act is committed against us like name calling, petty theft or lies against our stature. Turn the cheek. But the act of the pedophile, especially the aggressive ones, is between him and God. Jesus said “Render unto Caesars what is Caesars”. This confused fella obviously knew what he was doing and the consequences of those actions. I say let him play the martyr as warning to future pedophiles………”STOP COMMITTING THIS SIN”
I agree that they should be punished for the disgusting crimes but this is just awful, and seriously tho why would these 20 prisoners want to rape someone?? All a bit weird
Excuse the hell outta me if I say I don’t give a f**k. This is karma at her finest. I’ll save my sympathies for those who deserve it, like …… the baby he raped.
Ok people, lets put this to rest already.Everyone have the right to their own opinion and thats all it is”an opinon”. I thought this is a section for comments only. I didnt know it was for a post for debate. I’ve read most of the comments here and not once did i read anyone say “so what do you think?” at the
end of their comments
I feel sorry for this person who was raped by these men, he had to suffer tremendously. But, I feel more sad and hurt for that baby, the awful suffering he endured at the hands of a monster, how can a human being do such violence to a child. I hope he has learned something from this crime. I also hope he stays in prison for many, many years. That poor innocent baby!
and besides that picture of the baby and that piece of shit the baby doesn’t look very happy so maybe he was beating that baby from before and this time took a whole new level that sick twisted fuck
I have a 20 month old boy myself (same age as this unfortunate little angel was) and the thought make me nauseous. Do you guys know how tiny a 20 month old body is? Can you imagine the torture and the pain before this baby died? It is obviously horrific enough to have taken the baby’s life. Keyword here is TAKEN, by another human being… to hell with this guy getting raped, it’s not going to kill him the way he killed his stepson. He seems like a big boy who can handle what he dishes out to a toddler who was maybe 3 feet tall and 25 lbs. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it will teach him a lesson. The other 20 inmates are as sick as him so I say lock em all up together and let them kill each other, just keep them off our streets and away from our children!
Putting him in with 20 other men who are all pissed off daily, knowing he RAPED and MURDERED an innocent child I think he is fortunate to still be alive. My opinion is rape is never justified however what did the powers that be think was going to happen.
It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you get raped whether you are 1 day old or 120 year’s old. If someone rapes you then this needs to happen everyday of your life until your last breath. That’s why people does this because the punishment. Is to light for these sick bastard. They get a slap on the hand and put right back on the streets where they can do it again with no restrictions. I got a neighbor that lives down the road from me that was found guilty of raping a 4 year old little girl and did not serve one day in jail according to the website all so he’s dad s a law enforcement officer. I bet that had nothing to his public n judgment. They let him out with no restrictions so he can still be around kids without supervision and that is just wrong.
I feel sorry for the dude when he gets judged by god you can hurt his flesh even kill him but thats nothing compared to what god will do i dont think its right what he did at all if this happend to my nieces or nephew u dont know what i would do i wouldent rape him tho thats just nasty plus im a follower of christ its kinda hard to deal with mixed emotions a battle between right and wrong do what god wants u to do or the devil u know it says an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth but jesus raised the bar he said if a brother slaps u on the cheek give him your other cheek too if a soilder tells u to carry his gear 1 mile carry it 2 miles im not defending him im just thinking how would jesus handle the crime i know his hand was not on the inmates that raped him that was the devil all the way the man did an evil act but two evils dont make it right its not are job to cast judgment on him thats gods job and I know the justice systems a joke but this is what scripture says obey the law of the land i pray the brother repents of his sins nothing is to big for god to heal i cant think of evil thoughts against him what does it say if you break one sin you broke them all no sin is greater than the other in gods eyes
That guy can’t be very good at Brazilian Ju-Jitsu then if he managed to get raped. I’ve seen one guy kick the shit out of twelve others with others waiting to have a go at him. He also can’t be a very good human being if he’s raping kids.
My opinion? Make him suffer as much as he made that kid suffer. No moral highground, no religious nonsense, just plain old tit for tat. Besides doesn’t the bible state “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”? If it was up to me he’d suffer a lot worse than just being gang raped. I can tolerate a lot but not the abuse of someone/something that can’t defend itself and doesn’t deserve such horrendous treatement.
This is not sad this is just what he deserves hes feeling what the poor baby felt and hopefully he gets it over and over what the hell is he thinking to do that to the baby
What he received was merciful according to the bible. If the man repents and stops doing what he’s doing then he can be forgiven and spared the lake of fire. Thats merciful
It should be the death penalty for him and anyone who thinks rape is ok, whether or not you consider it a fair punishment, the fact is anyone who would applaud the punishment he received is just as bad as the child rapist himself
GOOD…. AN EYE FOR AN EYE!! THAT POOR CHILD BEATEN AND RAPED, STRIPPED OF ITS INNOCENCE!!! Good that they paid him back for what he did to that child!! F**k him!!!
Its so sad that anyone who disagrees with him being raped in prison people view that as us sticking up for him for abusing a child. Im also confused by those who think its good hes being raped in jail… everyone agrees rape is a horrible thing so why applaud those raping him. If you think they all deserve to get back what they are doing wouldnt you also agree that those raping him in prison should also be getting raped and so on
i show no remorse for this dirty animal!!! he deserves everything he gets in there,agonizing pain!! now he knows what that poor poor toddler had to put up with!! sicko!!
I worked with sex offenders at a prison in Illinois and our unit had to be cordoned off to the rest of the prison. When our guys went to meals or the gym or the library, the rest of the prison was on lockdown. It seems to be an unwritten rule that if you rape a child, you will die a horrible death in prison at the hands of other inmates if you are not put into isolation.The worst murderer(as long as he’s not a child murderer) will take up prison justice. On one hand the justice system put into place is supposed to take care of crimes, however on the other hand looking at small children and picturing the agony and pain they must’ve gone through, well perhaps we should revert back to the ‘let the punishment fit the crime’ scenerio. Guards are at fault also. Their job is to make sure everyone is ‘behaving’ while incarcerated, however many of them think they are also judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one.. Therapists will tell you that it takes an average of 6 years of steady therapy to be able to control those sexual urges and for some it never comes.Most serve their prison term in isolation and when released eventually reoffend. Heartbreaking, but no one really knows what it is that sets them apart from other ‘normal’ human beings. It’s usually not environmental or learned behavior.It’s a lose lose situation all around.
Well done to the prisoners whohave violated this man in the same way he violated an innocent child only he never died from what they did to him the child did now who got let off ay… I would personally push knifes up the fukers arse if he did that to a child of mine!
ok. so i just went to make myself a cup of coffee, and noticed the leaflet from a funeral we have sitting atop a decorative stand next to the coffee stuff. now, i don’t know why i didn’t bring this up in the first place (maybe subconsciously blocking it out, or not wanting to use my friend’s pain as petty fodder), but a VERY close friend of ours was raped and murdered a couple of months ago. how close? my girlfriend’s picture was buried with her… she had my girlfriend’s name tattooed on her foot… she was 20 years old. just a baby. sweetest girl. you don’t even know.
does the thought of that man being raped and beaten in jail for the next 20 odd years bring me any solace? no. it doesn’t. it won’t bring her back. nothing will make that “unhappen”. and saying if it was my kid, i’d react differently… her dad’s response..? “i just hope he realizes that he fucked up his life too.” he’s not at all concerned with retribution, he’s only upset about the utter waste of potential. for both of them.
and anybody saying these people can’t be rehabilitated… complete bullshit. i know you want to believe that, but it’s simply not true. people can change. you need to find the underlying social issue that makes them act out, and try to solve that, if only in the patient’s head.
Thats why they are where they are..evil sick animals with other sick evil day when they meet there creator and have to explain why.. its straight downstairs for them where they will see real pain and anguish..too bad about these children in these situations.
I love how so many people who HAVE NEVER been a rape victim are on here advocating rape. I hope all of you get raped, so you know how it feels and the psychological and emotional traumas that come from it. Maybe then you will not be so quick to say things without having any logical, strong and sound reasoning behind it. I hate rapists, child molestors even more so. Been arrested for beating a Chomo once even. Doesn’t mean I condone rape. If you can gangrape a man in his ass 20 times with 20 people you’re one step away from raping woman and kids too. A rapist is a rapist, no excuses. Anyone who condones rape for any reasons should be raped, then they would regret wishing such a heinous crime on anybody for any reason. There definitely should be punishment and pain but why does it also have to be of a sexual nature? How does one person raping someone do anything but create another rapist?
He deserved it. Now he can feel just a bit of what that child felt, he knows why he is getting raped, that child had no idea, so small and innocent and violated by someone he trusted. Those prisoners probably don’t enjoy raping people, just like I wouldn’t enjoy murdering somebody but if anyone did that to my son I would kill them.
I am amazed as I sit here and read these hypocritical comments. I for one believe he got what he deserves. I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe in you reap what you sow. I am a soldier. We live by the eye for an eye creed. Personally I say forget due process. The justice system is faulty and corrupt. Put a bullet in his head and call it a day. And anyone of you that say vengeance is not the way, is full of shit. Let this would have been someone you cared about or your child that he beat and raped, your first instinct would have been to kill him. If it were my daughter, I would eviscerate everyone and everything that in my way, just to obliterate him. So quit with the innocent shit.
Being Brazilian/American I’m aware of the what happens to sex offenders in jail in both contries. Brazil has a way more violent way of dealing with this type of crime, I feel that the death penalty is the correct way to handle this.. But forgive me because I feel he got what he deserved.. These types of acts happens when the justice system does not do their job. Disgusting in all ways, prayers to the pain the family’s are feeling on both sides.
A child cannot defend themselves against an adult. A young boy will suffer more after the fact than an adult predator who may be able to live with himself. Why should the child live with this scar while we think about treating him like a human. My point is its.not fair so life isnt so get him again until he out himself like hes suppost to .
Fucking sick fuck wasn’t enough u beat a innocent child that could not defend his self but then u put him through the ordeal of rape …… I think pedo and kiddy fiddlers should get life and not get out the only way u coming out is in a box …. I wished they had the death penalty because I would put u on the electric chair and not put water under the hat akd make u burn in hell … u sick fuck u deserve everything u get I hope u suffer deeeply what u did …. r.i.p angel
I agree with Adrian Kimmet but they should get a taste of the pain the baby went through… Just like he ruined a baby’s life, the 20 in jail ruined his…difference being baby didn’t know what was going on or right from wrong and this sick bastard did… There are so many prostitues or easy girls out there begging for sex… Why go after a baby. I think it’s well deserved.
This sick excuse called a human raped and beat a 2 year old child… Think about the child who could not defend him self who could not yell for help or tell anyone what had happened!!! Personally i think the bastard needs to be hung!!!! I am a mother and as a mother i would do everything in my powers to make him hurt as he had hurt a child…. What is wrong with you people his punish ment was to much!!! Are you F**CKING kidding he got it easy he will heal which is getting it easy!!!! Glad to know there are men in prison that do not condone what this child rapist did… Good for those prisoners… I’m going to say thank you 🙂
The dude deserves to be assaulted and hurt like that poor defenseless child. But the underlying issue is, WHO THE HELL IS LINING UP TO KEEP ON RAPING THIS DUDE ?! His ass was BLEEDING!! I mean why not just beat him over and over? Forcefully ass raping a bloody ass doesn’t sound like there are any winners here. The inmates doing this should probably stay inmates .. Forever.
Whoever wrote this is a moron please child rapist anf or child killers are not human beings you idiot they stopped being so the minute they even thought of commiting the act so like everyone else here he does deserve daily rapes the punishment should fit the crime sorry lashes and whipping isnt good enough and death is too quick I to say bravo to those inmates keep up the good work fellas
Put yourself in the child’s shoes… The supporter of child molestation who wrote this article and others who think it wasn’t right for this guy to be punished are passive child molesters. An innocent helpless child is raped and beaten and someone thinks there is a right way to punish someone who ought to have been protecting and caring for said child? Today’s world is truly lost and backwards. The crime was heinous, and the punishment was heinous, but I have no guilt for the punishing, or vigilantism of the “karma” brought executioners. We need them here in America to keep sickos from thinking about doing sick things
How is sharia an alternative to anything? Violent and cruel faith-based laws shouldn’t even be joked about as an alternative justice. Keep cavemen from making laws, thanks much!
Had that been either of mine.. His sweet virgin ass would still be intact…. As far as the rest of him… Not a chance!!! He would have NEVER made it to see the inside of a jail cell!! You can bash me for my hateful comment all you want, but you gotta look out for and protect your own!!! He’d rather take a crap in his momma’s best frying pan than even DREAM of doing that again I’m sure… Lesson learned!!!
Thay should have did it over and over again until he feelings because he did not show any for that child thay have a lot of hate in the world today
It’s hard to imagine if you don’t have kids. I hope no ones child has to experience such cruelty. When your in that situation is when you and only will know how you feel and what the punishment should be appropriate.
Everyone needs to remember this is for opinions. The constitution gives us the freedom of speech. No matter how outrageous the opinion may be or in the method or language delivered. It is their right to express it. When make fun if someone else because of what they said or how they, you are truly show your ignorance. Thank you for everyone’s comments no matter how distorted I think they may be, it’s your opinion and respect it.
So I only read 1 page of comments, so Im unsure if anyone else has said this, but did you all miss this part of the story?? “The fact that the child died from beatings seems irrelevant and gets lost in the midst of the outrage about the child sex abuse.” Is it right what happened to the man in prision?? yes and no I will say he got what was coming, but was not right for the men to do it. I personally think for crimes of murder we should have the death penalty. Have them sit in prision for 20ish years (thats more then enough time to prove you are innocent if you are) and then lethal injection
I cant believe the tone of this article, or most of the commenters. Do any of you people have children. This man raped and beat to death a baby. his own step son. If anyone did this to my child they would be lucky if they got off as easy as he did. this monster is still standing and his genitals are still attached . In my opinion he has forfeited his basic human rights, and I hope they keep tossing him back into the lions den, may he suffer the rest of his days until they finally end his miserable existence.
Meh, justice is served and justice is really just vengeance that’s deemed fit for carrying out. It sickens me how people apply different levels of torture and think it’s more humane to castrate him and then kill him or just kill him. No. He deserves to suffer, he took a life and raped it; how can you feel pity or disregard for anything other than him suffering? How can you apply moral to a immoral monster? You can’t without looking like a dumbass. He’s a monster. A beast. When you think about defending him, think about him penetrating a crying, bleeding little boy and if you can still find reason to either pity him or speak in his defense in ANY way; you’re an idiot with fucked up morals. Stop trying to apply moral to immorality.
It just doesn’t work that way, okay?
I think he deserves what he got. However, I don’t find it fair to throw him back to the wolves that fast. I have lived in Brasil I know there laws and systems I for one don’t believe that this is an acceptable sentence. Yes rot in jail you child molesting fuck. But atleast try to imagine what it is like inside that cell being forced on while they are lining up for there turn and penetrating again and again a swollen fully exposed raw festering infected flesh these men aren’t going easy they are tearing apart his internal bowel
Tottaly agreee he did deserve that tbh. Goes to show how strong people are against child abuse n am happy to say a agree with him getten raped for him to feel the pain he put that wee boy through!
I could give 2 fuccs aboutthis pervert prick! Innocence is brutally violated then killed and now we the people must “feel bad” for him bcuz half of the same events happened to him-the “Predator”
anyone committing sexual child abuse or even worse, rape, deserve the hardest punishment of all. If that is gang rape in prison by other inmates, fine by me. Everyone knows that child molesters and child rapists are “legal pray” in prisons and it they don’t like being bum-fucked by a bunch of hard-core criminals, they should think twice before committing their horrid acts. Fuck them and thanks to everyone raping a child rapist.
I personally think that those who rape should feel the pain and fear that their victim felt at the time of the rape. If this had been any of my children he would not be here to tell the story as aren’t so many rapists as most end up killed by victims familys/associates or inmates he should really think himself lucky he is still alive!
speaking as a victim of rape and as a victim of domestic violence I can say that I do applaud the men that let this villian feel what he did to that child. that statement alone only says what I feel about the first time. The second time may have been overkill (only to sum) I strongly believe in the saying you reap what you sow therefore he got exactly what he deserved. Now this is still my personal opinion that’s I was on the other side you can’t speak for the victims that have lived through this you can’t speak for those who won’t live through it for instance no one knows what that shall went through before it died. Therefore he got to experience the pain the shame the hurts all the emotions and physical pain from his actions that is all.
As a father of two little boys… The guy got what was coming too him… But on the other hand.. Prison shouldn’t be like that…there a 100s innocent people accused of crimes ..Of rape and sexual assault they didn’t commit. Should they suffer the same fate as that pedo did…
all of the comments are some good points. but for the ppl who disagree with this let something happen to your child then it will be a different song because we all no if some one was to try or hurt are child we would be talking about killing them or wishing pain on them
2 wrongs DONT make anything right…. That being said, none of this is right, but put yourself in that child’s shoes, or the mothers for just one minute, TRY 2 feel what that poor child felt for 10 seconds of whT he had to endure, of course that sick pig deserved what he got, there is NO cure for people like him,NO rehabilTion..u threat others the way u want to be treated,, he hAd to know what was coming for him when he turned himself in, they should all be hung out for people to see!
Ok so this was gonna go one or two ways. If he didn’t turn himself somebody was gonna kill him, probably the baby’s biological father if he’s in the picture. Or 2 which exactly what he received. I’ve studied law and I have my degree in criminal justice and has spoken with many criminals. It’s say to say but prisoners do not sit well with rapist. The reason that the government gives such crappy sentences to rapist is because they already know what the prisoners are gonna do to them. And vice versa the prisoners usually rape rapist because they know the government probably didn’t give the what they really deserved. I can’t say rather it’s wrong or right; that’s just the way it is.
This is disgusting and while I agree with a n eye for an eye this makes them jist as bad as he is. I think the proper punishment would be to beat him as many times as he did this little boy. 90% of people know what really happens in prison especially when its a criminal thats comitted a crime against a child. And yet peoole still do it. They still “feel attracted” to a child. So I think once a person has done that he or she needs to be castrated and or caused paralysis from the neck down so the freaks can still feel but not do shit about it. Eventually leading them to die.
The story is disgusting from start to finish put in prison was the easy way out sick fucker should be hung and left to die slow and painfully to do to him what he done to a child makes you no better than him. Couldn’t start to think if that was my child god forbid I would hunt him down, hang him, ,torture him, slow painful death but never stoop to his level rape is rape its wrong to do to him to what he done them makes you no better
That’s not blood it’s probably from his booty hole being so open! It just slid out. LOL But seriously, unless they stuck objects up there I doubt someone would lose that much blood and still be standing. But the nasty thing is that 20 prisoners purposely bonked a bloody booty. Disgusting! #KarmaIsA…Prison *****!
Hope he is still in pain to this day sick fuck raping a 20month old baby. Anyone touched my son like that it would be a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire they’d be raped with
He got what he deserved period. A grown man knows what he is doing. Possessed by demons ? No excuses, you can be raped and raped again. Can you imagine the sounds of pure terror coming out of that baby’s mouth ? Crying, screaming, begging ? Yea… humans are animals who are taught to live in society. Now if you wanna act like an animal, go live with the animals. { prison }
I don’t feel sorry for the child rapist at all, chances are the men used objects to rape him not necessarily their genitalia (which does not make it any better), but nevertheless I could careless, that’s good for him. I bet if other pedophiles and sadistic types of ppl knew they’d have this sort of punishment coming it would be a much better deterrent than just some jail time, but I know we’re not allowed to be that barbaric, nice to know he paid though.
This is terrible, I have three young children myself and couldn’t image how I would feel about a person if they harmed my kids, but I also believe that after this man was raped and beaten once and medics having to stitch him, he should have been put in solitary. What he did was wrong but that shouldn’t mean he should be beaten and raped every single day. No matter how you feel about him you have to remember he did turn himself in and he knew it was wrong, plenty of people get off on murder charges by pleading insanity and that’s only their scapegoat after they had been caught.
He raped a child,, not a adult!! but a innocent child that couldnt fight back,, and to say that it dont matter really is just sick,, he got what he deserved a eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth and karma is a bitch!!
As a mother. grandmother n great-grandmother has no-one thought wat this poor baby of 20mths was put through??? I pity him not for his sickening abuse on a defenceless child!! its the child id be concered with!!
Tha bastards mind is corrupt so he probably didn’t feel the same pain and agony as that wee boy , I just hope the wee boy can have some sort of normal life after this sickening ordeal
All I can say is imagine if this happened to a loved one of yours, would you still feel bad for this man, I don’t feel bad for him at all, see the thing is, a lot of these men in prison don’t like pedophiles and rapists, and they’re probably never going to see their children again, and for the prisoners doing life, what does it even matter to them to hurt this man, it doesn’t matter they’re doing life! This man got what was coming to him! And the poor baby, may god embrace him and keep him safe…. This story makes my heart hurt! For the little baby who lost his life!
What he did was wrong and he got less than he deserved … The child died from the beating and he ( the RAPIST/MURDERER ) is still alive. His asshole will heal again after they stitch him up… If this was your child , some of you would have wanted to do the same to him and more or even kill him if you had the chance and you would have felt differently to this situation …I’m not condoning what they did was right but KARMA IS A BITCH AND WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDS… this was an innocent baby.
It’s funny how the people who are saying this man”baby rapist” didn’t get what was coming to him. If your beautiful INNOCENT baby daughter had her in side’s ruptured, torn, screaming, scared, bleeding, unimaginable pain (that killed her). What about this helpless child who died from what He CHOSE to do! I think he gets what he deserves. .oh and he ASLO WILL HAVE TO ANSWER TO GOD.
An eye for an eye. Raping defenceless children is the lowest act in humanity possible he definitely deserved some sort of physical punishment. Hoping that HE felt the same sort of fear that that poor child felt !!
I really think he got what he deserved double time! When you as a grown man rape and beat a 20 month old baby an eye for an eye! Sorry if I was that child’s mother he would’nt have made it to turn himself in!!!
Man, looks like there’s a bunch of child rapist all up and down this thread. I guess with 1 in 3 kids being abused in some form in Canada it doesn’t surprise me the number of supporters that think it wasn’t okay for him to unwillingly get what he gave to poor innocent unwilling baby. Go kill yourselves, seriously. You suck if you don’t think he got what deserve
that pic is SO FUNNY!!! omg that is EXACTLY what his nasty ass gets if the baby boy wouldn’t have died he probably wouldn’t have turned his self in and I’m pretty sure that was not the first time he made him suffer (screaming) “FUCK HIM” what he took from that baby was everything so he deserves to rot in prison and for karma to remind him every day of the life that he took and how he took it praying for the baby family RIP little angel
My only comment is i dont applaud those men but I damn sure dont feel bad for the dude you live by sword u shall die by it now he knows what pain he caused that little boy for his own pleasure
In my opinion there are women men what have u out there that would and could do damn near anything you could think of sexually with and for you they are out there some where I’m sure not to hard to find why in the world do people choose to mess with little kids babies leave them alone you are seriously messing them up for the rest of their life just so u can meet your own sick desires I really don’t get people it’s a sick sad world we live in but not for me to judge That’s up to the good lord himself
That was a baby and karma is a bitch and he met her full forced and I don’t feel sorry for him he hurt a child who can’t defend them self maybe now he see how the child felt
I like how some odd few are defending this obvious monster. Karmas is a B/t$! Ok n i hope no gets to experience this tragic episode themselves with their kids i myself say hey judgement comes in all forms i dont empower what happened but i dont frown upon it either
He got what was coming too him, glad he experienced the horror, trauma and violation of being raped and raped by even bigger monsters than himself, now execute that piece of shit, public service done. No sympathy for this type of evil from start to finish!.
If any of you think rape is acceptable PERIOD, then you’re all fucking sick. No one deserves to be raped, people disgust me with that. Again, if you think him or anyone being raped for revenge is right then you’re all just as sick as him and the people who raped him. Believe it.
Don`t know what planet some of you lot are living on, he beat and raped a baby boy ! Dying is far too easy, let him suffer and go through pain, I hope they tear this son of a bitches ass up everyday!
An innocent defencless child being raped and killed!!!!! is far different from a grown ass jiu jitso professor! pervert ..if it was my child id pay to have him raped and tortured myself lowlife piece if shit dint deserve no rights mercy no sympathy ..did he show any of that wen he was raping a child naaa …
All though I condemn any form of abuse/rape, be it a child or a woman, to say a man deserves to be raped by men who have probably committed the same crime themselves, in the past, is wrong. Anybody is entitled to a fair trial. That sort of behavior doesn’t make it better.
I’m glad he got what he deserved, but I didn’t have to read about it. Weather he deserved it or not it’s still a disgusting story. Those people in prison are also rapists. This is why I obey the law, so I never have to be near people like them.
Im so happy that this guy got punished , unlike here in England they just put them in prison and protect them from inmates who would mostly like attack them for coming to prison for such a sickening crime. Especially to any CHILD whats wrong with this world. Even Animals are a better creation they protect there young not bloody rape them !
There are no words to describe, the complete and utter hatred I would have towards this child rapist….and justice by revenge although brutal does still not deminish the the act of rape against a baby
shit if it wer me……ida got one of them under age ppl they say that can just get away with murder, if i was that childs parent i woulda had that man killed str8 up! fuck jail. die muther fucker, i have 2 kids………………N I WISH A MUTHER FUCKER WOULD, ID GO TO PRISON FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE FOR MY CHILDS LIFE BEING TAKEN OR FOR MY CHILD BEING RAPPED!
He got exactly what he deserved. Idk why people feel sorry for him. He is a fuckin animal not a human. He did that to that poor innocent helpless baby. That baby couldn’t defend himself. Idc they did his heartless ass exactly right. People who harm children shouldn’t be on this earth.
What he did was HORRIBLE. At least he turned himself in. The proper punishment would be jail for a very long time and no rights to see his son, NOT rape. Vengeance is NEVER good.
He got what he deserves. ..i hope they rape his ass. ..until it locks up on him…..every night….nasty bastard….now he knows the pain he gave to that young child!
I hope the whole fucking jail goes through him everyday who the fuk rapes a baby hope someone slits his throat as they rape him he deserves to die!! If a dog bites a child and scars them for life it gets put down but if a human rapes a kid and scars em for life gets 10yrs how the fuck does that work kill all the kiddy fiddlers and child rapist they are oxygen theifs
The dirt bag raped a baby what more do I have to say!!!!!!! The fact the you think that his punish ment was too much makes me sick!!!! It was not enough… Do you have children??????
Everyone is so focused on this man…. where was his mother while all of this happened!!!????? I blame her for allowing this man to do that to her child. They’re all sick! I can’t stand the sick, twisted monsters that walk this earth.
He didn’t care about human beings rights when he was doin what he did to that poor child so what goes around comes around n he deserves everything he got!!!!!!!!!
The fact that he rape such a pure innocent baby and killed him, he deserve whatever he put himself through, may God have mercy on his soul cause it seems like the prisoners Won’t
I’m just mad that this sick fuck! Didn’t get ganged raped for 3rd time. Next time, stick a broom stick up his ass! These rapist should be put to DEATH as soon as possible, fuck that whole “I’m innocent until proven guilty” shit! kill that rapist!
My whole problem with this article is it continually tries to compare Brazil and Americas Legal and prison systems. Neither which are the same thing. Think whoever wrote this needs to find another profession you suck.
Deserves everything he gets for raping a 20 month old baby boy. I feel no pity for him cos he damn sure didnt feel pity for the baby when he raped him!!
Im just going to point out to all those quoting that pharse as an excuse to applaud this stuff. . Ghandi once said “an eye for an eye will make the whole blind”. You’re all very welcomed.
I hope he gets a life sentence and gets raped every fucking dqy, this is the.most disturbing artical ive awhile….just shows how.fucked this…
And it would nt suprise me if all the peoples saying it wrong him gettin raped himself the majority of these people probably do not have any children of ther own
All civilised behaviour went out the window when he did that to the little baby boy so he deserved it all and more also wish this would happen more in the uk as these bastards have human rights here
Wonder how it feels like to rape bloody torn asshole. A pheggit pedo rapist being raped by pheggit prisoners. All that blood and shit from torn asshole.
Ohh so the poor guy suffered. So a growm man got raped by grown men. Did he consider the pain of the baby boy ? That man will suffer a lot more in life , karma and justice will win.
fuck him he reapped n killed a child i say give him the same death, let them rape him n kill him! in the bible it is eye for n eye right? fuck the legal system let god handle him!
fuck him he rapped n killed a child i say give him the same death, let them rape him n kill him! in the bible it is eye for n eye right? fuck the legal system let god handle him!
I just want to know if this is real. I’m shocked and I wanna know if there’s a way to confirm this story just to prove it’s not more fake news that goes through our news feed on the daily.
This whole story is pretty sickening from start to finish. Child abuse/rape is certainly among the most heinous of crimes but how twisted and sick are we ourselves if we are able to applaud and support the actions and evil committed by those who would repeatedly and violently sodomize and gang rape someone with 19 other men? And hold them and their sick actions up as some kind of hero’s of justice? The world would be a better place without this man and those who raped him in it. When we discover these types of people among our population we should be exterminating them in an efficient fashion not locking them all in cage together to carry out further devious evil abominable acts amongst each other.
I don’t give two fucks about this rapist. I hope the continue to rape him
First, I’m heartbroken for that poor child. Second, this individual deserves to be locked up for life. However, I cannot condone someone being raped for some sort of vigilante justice by a bunch of thugs who are themselves a bunch of sexual deviants and who give two fucks (no pun intended) about the actual child victim.
karma is a big ol ass raping bitch lol… he got what was coming
He got what he deserved and I hope it continues until he’s killed or kills himself!!!! Lowdown piece of shit
What a horrible man, and what a horrible generation I live in, as I read comments of people condoning eye for an eye mentality. Half the comments posted are almost as disgusting as what this guy did.
I don’t understand how any single person can feel pity for this sick pervert! He raped an innocent, defenceless child! This is one of the filthiest crimes a human could possibly commit! The injuries that his inmates caused him will heal in no time, but this infant and the family have to live with the mental and emotional pain of what the bastard did. Jail time isn’t going to change what sick thoughts this prick has about children, but having to go through what he did to that baby might help! Who knows if his stepson was his only victim?!
If it was your child I doubt any of you would object to his punishment..
I have spent the last 13 years of my life serving this country in the Military and I am hear to tell you that all of you who; A-feel bad for this man, B-think those that raped him should be punished, and C-Feel that this man going to prison is punishment enough- Well I would like to put an M118LR round right through your fucking head as well as end your entire blood line to help prevent any of those that think like you from popping your heads up again. This “man” raped a child!! A fucking child!! This child has no voice to talk about what happened, to tell you that he is hurting, and that that “man” hurt him. No instead this small boy has to suffer in silence! The people that raped this “man” over and over again are fucking criminals you jack wagons, what did you think was gonna happen!! They are in prison for a reason. This was justice via the criminal code! Because even the low life scum that we send to prison for years and years know that what this man did deserves a special kind of punishment that only they can deliver. So take your “this is so wrong” thoughts and beat them out of your heads with a rubber mallet because you are part of the fucking problem. People like you are the reason we have to wait till bullets are hitting right next to us before we can shoot back, people like you are the reason this country is going to shit because you have lost the fighting spirit, you would rather sit back and hope that someone else takes care of it but when we do take care of it you fucking cry and say it was wrong the way we did it. So to all of you who think this man was wrongfully treated, please do those of us that are still willing to fight for this country a favor and stop breathing…Forever!
Yes it is sick that he raped a baby. He will be punished in hell but it’s really sick that so many of you applaud the prisoners rapist. He should just be castrated and put to death No need to make him suffer beyond that.
My gut reaction was… they shouldn’t have left him able to breathe… let alone stand on his own two feet. This was a brutal story from start to finish. It saddens me that he did such a thing to an innocent child. No punishment will ever bring that poor baby back. I hope lives with the horror of what he did and what was done to him for many many years. He said he was posessed by demons when he did. So, were his attackers. Justice is served.
Like in the pictures tie them up and let rats and what no eat their penis while they cry and watch honestly there is no punishment to cruel for adults who in their minds believe it’s ok to touch or do things to children fuck him and every other rapist child sex offender I hope they get raped with baseball bat end with nails and everything stickin. Out stupid sick mother fuckers
I don’t understand why some of you are geting so damn hurt by these comments. Seriously people he’s a grown ass man that RAPED a one year old boy. I’m sure after repeatly being raped by the inmates he still didn’t feel as much pain as that poor child did. The inmates raped him for a reason…what was his sick ass reason for doing that to that baby ?! He deserves what he got in prison.
Let me say GOOD
Ok imma keep it real. I have an 8 year old daughter a 6 year old son plus a 1 year old turning 2… a mother..either way doesnt make this child come back whether they kill him or rape him it wouldnt bring any of my children back if it were to happen to them. NOW I AM A CHRISTAIN, I LOVE THE LORD AND HAPPY I MADE THE CHOICE TO MAKE HIM KING IN MY LIFE….BUT what every person thats on this guys side. Let me paint this act of violence….first imagine you being in a relationship and leaving your child in the Hands of SOMEONE YOU TRUST. He beats your child for whatever reason (strike one) THEEENNNN RAPING YOUR TODDLER YOUR FOR NO APPARENT REASON….YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER ISNT DEAD BEFORE THE RAPE…HE HAS A GROWN MAN LARGE PENIS INTO YOUR CHILD. (but you guys want say he DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE GANG RAPED. Um helloo !!! Then you say he needs to be put to death. (Clears Throat) I dont understand how that makes anything anything GOOD AND DESERVE TO BE PUT TO DEATH QUICKLY….LOL…YALL PLAYING YASELF A BS CARD. In the bible it clearly states…DO TO OTHERS AS YOU HAVE THEM DO UNTO U. The way I see it that baby couldn’t defend himself or do the same to him. And Believe it or not a LOT OF CRIMINALS ARE TOTALLY AGAINST HURTING OR KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN. So yes he is getting what is done to him. YES HE DESERVES IT. I dont care if he has a mental health issue. THAT SHIT WAS MOST DEF UNCALLED FOR TO THAT CHILD…ALL OF IT. I DO HOPE THEY KEEP DOING IT TO HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL HE DIES (WHICH U OBVIOUSLY BELIEVE IN THE DEATH PENALTY). IS THAT NOT WHAT HE DID. ITS NOT THE BEATING THAT KILLED THE CHILD IT WAS THE RAPING THAT KILLEF THE CHILD. Everyone thats on this mans side about not having his ass ripped open again and again. People talking about being logical. I am very LOGICAL AND I AM VERY WILL. Prison time is too easy and being put to death immediately is not fair for what he did to that family. So if it were left up to me, YES HE SHOULD BE RAPED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL HE DIES. THIS ISNT ABOUT GETTING THEIR ROCKS OFF AT ALL. THEY WERE ALREADY GETTING THERE ROCKS OFF BEFORE HE CAME. THIS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE THIS IS ON THE BEHALF OF THE CHILD. PONDER ON THAT.
And to Mr. Tate, read all of the comments before you make such a statement. At no time did I say I felt sorry for this douche. I stated that he deserved to go to jail FOR LIFE. However, I stand by the fact that I do not condone men raping men under any circumstance, or women for that matter. God bless that child. My heart bleeds for him, but raping his abuser will not bring him back. Rape is barbaric and there is no place in society for it at all.
This story is sick. The fact that most people are focusing on how abused the abuser was are even more sick. People’s rights advocates are a disease. What about the poor little boy who was too young to defend himself? Who cares that he died or did none of you notice that part? Why are you all so dang concerned about what is happening to the person who raped and killed an innocent helpless person? Quit scratching the surface and noticing only what you want or what media wants. The person who raped/killed that toddler had no mercy for him so why the pitty party for the offender? I’m not condoning what is happening to him but I don’t feel sorry for him. My heart goes out to the child who lost his life.
It’s wrong to rape a young boy, but the man turn him self in becuase he knows he did wrong but DAME he got rape more than 20 dame time like dame, dont you people think he learn is lesson all ready.
He hurt a lil kid that was not able to defend himself he’s getting what he has coming he didn’t give the boy a fighting chance so fuck him
Castrate the sob
When you act like a devil and then are pplaced into a pit of devils and serpents, I feel no sadness or pitty.
Is rape ok for anyone. ..Of course not. I don’t play with fire of fear of being burnt.
Now put a bullet in his head.
He deserves more then that as a father he’s supposed to protect his child from harm
Rape the bastard every day.
Until he dies.
The next child rapist might think twice about raping a kid.
Dont like being raped????
Dont rape.
Leave our kids alone you filthy mutts.
Deserves everything he got and more.
Rape him again
Fuck him he deserves even more
To all, please stop all this, I was raped over 20 times between the ages of 6 and 15. I let this get to me for many years, I watched as 2 marriages were destroyed and still I did nothing. After my 2nd marriage was destroyed I tried to kill myself, spent a few days in psych ward. Here I realised there was nothing wrong with me, and I started to deal with my past. I don’t feel anything towards the people who raped me, I do wish that they were dead. Believe me when I say if you have been raped like that you would not wish it on any person, yes he deserves to be punished but how is upto the judicial system of where he lives, not the bible (I am catholic). What this man has done is so incomprehensible it is beyond belief. So opinions and beliefs are all well and good but at the end of the day only the facts matter, and believe it or not most people could not care less about others belief or opinions.
I wish I had never been raped, I was and that will never change, I have spent the last 15 years enjoying my life with my 3rd wife. But every now and again a story like this comes up, and I go into my own private area and have a good cry.
In the end we are all human beings try being nicer to each other, there are no right or wrong answer as to what should happen to this man, if it were one of my 15 step grand children I would skin him alive, then let my wife castrate him, but is that the answer?
Think of me as you will, I really don’t care, at least my response was based on fact on what it is like.
My deepest thoughts and sympathies go to the mother of this young child. RIP
so do you think that he should just sit there in jail and get fed and pampered??? and just chill out and do some peaceful time behind bars??? NO SO HE CAN GET OUT AND DO THE SAME THING??? NOW MAYBE NEXT TIME HE WILL THINK ABOUT IT before he rapes a baby, cuz hes not going to get very much time!! they NEVER do! so yes, he should get raped every single day and get his stitches torn every single day maybe just for a couple months. he will be way less likely to reoffend
Ur all retarded, do u think the people rapeing him became rapists just for that one event!? Or that they specialise in only raping child killers and pedos, don’t be so fucking stupid. They should all just be put to death it’s like putting a bunch of fighting dogs together and watching them tear each other apart. There’s no difference.
Sickening. He was wrong and should be punished, but by glorifying ‘twenty +’ new rapists as just is just gorifying rapists. So now instead of one person who thinks it is ok to take someone against their will, we now have a whole gang with practice.
Two wrongs don’t make it right….
Only 20 people…that’s a shame!
I don’t think Rape justifies more Rape. While what he did was deplorable and vicious, I don’t think that it is socially acceptable to cheer on 20 inmates Raping him and then once he was stitched up and returned to the population, tortured by being raped again by these men. I also find it disturbing that 20 men waited to rape this man over and over again. I mean, what does that say about them? They were aroused by him being beaten and blood pouring from his anus? I know that rape and murder are gut wrenching acts that should never occur in our age, but this form of justice is wrong. Condoning it is wrong. It makes us all monsters in the end.
I’m sorry, but once marked- he will carry that on his back.. an eye for an eye.. Sad part is this wasn’t just a random drugged up female or beat up ass female rape.. this was a child.. and at 1 yrs old, the trust he held in his father was unconditional.. Karma Is a BITCH.. for a reason. What goes around does indeed come back around regardless in which so ever way it deems fit.. now in this case.. that child suffered immensely. As what I have read- cost him his life.. do any of u believe in heaven and hell?.. sinners will pay over and over for eternity according to the sins they have committed on earth.. what makes this so different.. Justice in the hands of its own community. And other baby rapers get marked as well. . So silly notion that any one of the 20 men was one.. Do unto others as u shall want them to do unto u.. apparently he asked and wanted therefore sought out for what I deem is action well justified… my opinion. – based on facts.. what dog can sit across another dog during chow knowing what was done and do NOTHING..?? NOT THIS FEMALE.. that’s why they tell women to yell fire instead of rape when in a struggle.. cut pussy ass bystanders “mind their business”.. bullshit.!! To each his own.. and I’d thug out with the rest of them. . And no illiteracy here .. just a different breed than most.. -iNk
Everyone involved are complete idiots and disgusting individuals. The sick ass that raped and killed a poor innocent child, the nasty perverted losers who raped him (because they love to rape people and saw fresh mean, not because of “justice” for the child.) and the court system and prison that allowed this disgusting actions to take place. I have absolutely no pity for this loser. And yes, he got what he deserved. Meaning… u raped and kill a child, knowing you will go to prison and knowing guys there like to rape other guys and pretend its for the victim. So he got what was coming to him. But I could and would never applaud the other sick ass prisoners who are involved. They are also in prison. Some may have killed someones mother, father, daughter, son, ect. Some probably beat and sexually abused children also. There’s no telling what all they could have done. I don’t condone any of it. Just a complete sick and crazy story. Some say he needs to suffer and continue to be raped by the prisoners. So basically, let other murders, rapist and thieves bring down the hammer on another. Makes sense. (sarcasm) If I had the choice, I would have just put him to death and not by injection, but electrocution. (something painful) But that’s just me….
Soo people have a problem with a rapist getting raped, yet hand out the death penalty to a murderer? Hmmm sounds pretty dumb to me
I think it is sadly funny that this much arguing has taken place over this. In prison or jail this is the harsh reality a child sex offender faces,period..from Brazil to the US. These inmates aren’t ‘unsung Herod’s they are criminals, but ppl too,fathers and brothers and one accepts this behavior, not even criminals. So what u see is usual prison behavior, it happens. Itreally happens to child rapist/murderers
Any person who rapes a child deserves nothing less than what this disgusting man received. And I couldn’t care less about the reasons behind why the inmates did it. Point blank period. I understand everyone’s point of view but as a mother I can’t see past my anger for the actions of this piece of shit. Every case has different circumstances and should be dealt with differently but when it comes to a crime against a child there is no reasoning for me.
I think he got a taste of his own medicine,,, the law sucks!!!! They give child rapist a slap on the wrist n let them be free n live right in our neighborhoods around our kids!!!! N they continue to do it again,,, oohhh… But I’m sure he won’t be raping another child!!!! Dumb fucker he shoulda known that child rapists get raped in jail,,,, I always say they should throw them all in a island that they can’t escape from so they can rape each other at no cost to US the taxpayers!!!!!!! Survive off nature and other peoples asses…
Just like that child suffered and could not defend himself, so should he! Absolutely eye for an eye.
This chomo is the worst humans have created better off dead .
I think he got what he deserved.
Please stop with feeling sorry for this poor excuse of a man!! First of all his son whom he looked up to and loved and was supposed to be protected is now suffering and will NEVER be the same little boy again! He deserves worse that 20 prisoners raping him..he deserve to die a horrible death! May God gave mercy on his soul!
He got what he deserved he raped his little boy that’s sickening I tell u…. He deserves it 10 times in prison hope you rot in hell you bastard.rapist
Shawnte Cincinnati you may be right about the guy getting what he had coming to him. But your ignorance and arrogance show just how immature and unfit you are as a parent.
If he raped his one-year-old son, then he definitely got what he deserved. Period.
Continue to rape him !!!!! wish they did this everywhere to all rapist
Get him again !!! Then hang him by he’s balls.
This is his punishment in physical life, for the lord will also have his way.
Karma worked out fine. Now he will remember the horror he cost the poor child.
The most sickening thing is that this child was his own flesh and blood. I say cut it off.
I think he deserves everything he gets!!!
I bet it cuts down on child molesters to
He deserved it! That’s what he gets!
He got what he deserved
I don’t care who opposes my opinion. That baby died! He earned this. He should be dragged to town square and beaten then hanged. I’m no humanitarian. I believe in an eye for an eye!
He deserved it
Karma a bitch
wen them prisoners planned the attack i truly believe yt was,nt just for the rape of this poor child it was for the fact he attacked him,and died,i not saying i am rite bout every prisoners,i always watch prison types of things,i read alot ,and nearly every prisoner will say that any person jailed for anything against children is attackd,they say its a law within the jails,also i hope to god it fucking hurt him good cos its exactly same pain and abuse he did to that poorbaby just before he died,hope they do it again….
Got what he deserved the dirty bastard….
A lot of the people on here have closer views and emotions to the rapist than I : / How does his pain and suffering solve and improve the situation other than for your own feelings of satisfaction and justice ?
FINALLY!!!! Personally I do feel this POS,, had it coming & deserved it,, every fuckin sec of it.. Matter of fact every prison in the world needs a prisoner welcoming committee!!! If the justice system slaps em’ on the wrist,, let the inside justice system,, slap em on the ass!!!! Lol!!! They all need to get it in the end!!!!
This is crazy anything dealing with harm to a child is not acceptable but let’s really draw the line here that is just nasty to allow inmates to do this to the man and then you put him back for a round two how can you say that’s what he deserve no man or women should experience rape neither a child but for them to just abuse this law is beyond jaw dropping. Put yourself in that situation
I hope he gets raped repeatedly every day, dont let his wounds heal. No child should ever know those evils. Someone who could do something like that to an infant or child should not be allowed to live, I hope he got hepatitis and AIDS…..and even then, he still hasnt suffered enough!
Nighty night. Keep your butthole tight
I still say castration….don’t become what he is …..and people despise….but I have no sympathy for him.
I dont feel bad for him the prisoners should practice that over here in the USA… It would cut down on a lot of child rape if rapists were made examples of
What happened to his martial arts ? It only works on children! You bastard ! Only hope there’s for guys like him is life in that hell hole … Jail 🙂 you fuck
It’s sad on both ends, especially the child…. people minds are sick instead of prison it sounds like he needs to be in a asylum
I dont know why tf we havent heard of yhis happenin in the u.s they have these sick guks in pc all u.s rapist should have rhos done to them
He got what he deserved. He molested his own son. That’s crazy. No one brings justice like God. He deserves worse.
I feel no pity for the sick bastard he deserve the pain he gave to his baby!!!!
i think this entire thing is fake
Ctheeeeefu *points and laughs
Its just like street justice but prison justice!! Known fact been around for years thats why they keep them separated! Personally, they just need to go on with the death penalty, no such thing as a one time offender……….signed a victim from 3 yrs old to 12 yrs old
If you rape someone….you are a rapist…..I can’t condone that.
I got 2 sons n if dat was any ov mine n i ever caught him I wud watch as 200 man raped him fuk stitches e ain’t gettin NO break, cut off his dick n make him eat it sick prick u fukin crazy e got wat e deserved n day shud carry on raping him till da day e dies n teach him a lesson
Goof! Sick. Bitch.imagine what it felt like to that poor innocent 8 year old child.finally an eye for an eye!
I’m sorry, but once marked- he will carry that on his back.. an eye for an eye.. Sad part is this wasn’t just a random drugged up female or beat up ads female rape.. this was a child.. and at 1 yrs old, the trust he held in his father was unconditional.. Karma Is a BITCH.. for a reason. What goes around does indeed come back around regardless in which so ever way it deems fit.. now in this case.. that child suffered immediately immensely. As what I have read- cost him his life.. do any of u believe in heaven and hell?.. sinners will pay over and over til the end of TIME according to the sins they have committed on earth.. what makes this so different.. Justice in the hands of its own community. And other baby rapers get marked as well. . So silly notion that any one of the 20 men was one.. Do unto others as u shall want them to do unto u.. apparently he asked and wanted therefore sought out for what I deem is action well justified… my opinion. – based on facts.. what dog can sit across another dog during chow knowing what was done and do NOTHING..?? NOT THIS FEMALE.. that’s why they tell women to yell fire instead of rape when in a struggle.. cut pussy ass bystanders “mind their business”.. bullshit.!! To each his own.. and I’d thug out with the rest of them. . And no illiteracy here .. just a different breed than most.. -iNk
Whether raped for hurting a child or not, there are innocent peoples also being raped by big bubba and his thugs!!! it seems no matter what theses people love sexing who ever is locked up. No child deserve to be hurt in that manner!!
that man should have just been shot on the spot theres no reason to even still let him live… he’ll probably end up killing himself anyway before he gets raped again…. I feel bad for the child that had to go through that.
and that guy needs to die what person in theyre right mind would do that to a child? thats right no one would do that in theyre right mind so his must be really fucked up..
i was actually talking to a group of friends about this same thing thats happening now but a while back we saw something on the news that had to do with rape, and we said they deserve to be raped back then killed, this is a one year old child people think about it does he deserve to die? or does he deserve to live and have the pleasure of offing himself anyway?
to be honest though the 19 or 20 guys that raped that one guy well its not like they had anything better to do theyre in prison so why not gang bang on him? so basically it was pretty much expected from inmates to do that to a guy that raped a one yearold his own child..
You mess with a child in an inappropriate way , get busted , and go to jail for that act….. You made your bed , now lay in it…… May God have mercy on his soul , because I have NONE for him!! Prison is no joke , I have been there and seen what happens , you molest a defenseless child , what the fuck do you think is going to happen to you in the joint? It is my understanding ( after some further research ) that he not only raped his son , but also beat him to death… He is getting what he deserves! I have no mercy for those who hurt children! There is a special place for those who hurt children….this douche bags journey is just beginning!
When babies or kids get rape, we all wish 4 the worst 4 the scum that did it,soon as our wish comes true, people cry like a bitch, you would want more done than that if it happen 2 your child, so let karma do her job.
Dear God how can anyone rape a child? I just can’t understand how anyone could rape a child let alone their own child. I was taught all my life that only God can judge but as a mother & UN-perfect human I say he got exactly what he deserved just the thought of anyone hurting one of my babies in anyway especially like this POS hurt his own child makes me cold & heartless against people like this man. I have no symphony at all for him & others like him. He chose a poor defenseless child, not a man or woman his own size who would have at least had a fighting chance. I get what others are saying about the men who raped him, they for sure should not be seen as hero’s because they are probably in there for things just as bad but I doubt their crimes were worse than raping & killing a baby (unless they did the same) anyways I won’t judge the people who have pity for him but I will ask if it were your child what would you do? How would you feel? What would you wish for a child rapist? Would you be forgiving & sympathetic? I can say without a doubt that I would hate the SOB, I’d wish the worse for him & even if I had to sale my soul to the devil I would just to see the MotherF**ker suffer like he made the child suffer.
Ok so those of you who thinks this man doesnt deserve this !!! All have lost your fucking minds … I just read a story about a woman and her boyfriend brutally raping their 6 and 8 year old daughters … the mom held the girls down while her fucking boyfriend raped them repeatedly , where she took videos and pictures of the horrific acts ! She then proceeds to tell her daughters that this is how real men show they love you !!!! Now tell me how thats fucking ok with anyone …. she was given 30 years and her boyfriend got 25 !!! Now where is justice there? Our taxpayers are paying for their food clothes cots and roofing over their heads !!! Prison is way to good and hell just isnt close enough !!! Hope any sick minded fucker like these get every ounce of the shit they deserve
Asshole gets what he desearves hes lucky he dont get gutted like that one child rapist ur a sick fuck a one year old !!! Ut fucking pathetic how can u get any pleasure out of a baby!! Not even fully devloped only been in this fucked up world for a year . U desearve every rape u get sick bastard . Wait till ur in hell getting ur dick chopped off and feeling it for eternity (:
This man so got what he deserved. I feel like he deserves worse. This was his son his blood someone he was supposed to protect not rape and kill. This man is sick and he deserves the worst it may not be right but it’s what I feel he deserves. This was an innocent child who did not deserve to leave this world in such a horrible way. I hate the people who reproduce and hurt these innocent children when they have done nothing wrong. I hope this man gets the absolute worse punishment.
I am in no way, on ANY LEVEL condoning what this DISGUSTING monster did. He deserves to be punished severely, BUT to condone what these men have done and even to applaud it is wrong. Everyone keeps saying “an eye for an eye” well an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. If it was up to me this man would be this man would be castrated and then spend the rest of his life in prison, where he couldn’t hurt anyone else. What animal does this to children? But what animals does this to another human being? I sincerely believe all of them are disgusting for this. Not just him but the men that did this to him and the justice system for putting him back in that situation.
I hate that we separate child rapists from general population in this country. I wouldn’t say let them be raped but I don’t think they deserve my tax dollar supporting them for even one day. If they can do it once I don’t want to take the chance that they wouldn’t do it again. What’s the point of keeping someone like that alive? Why take the chance of releasing them to society?
This man is one that you can say has done something that will never be forgiven and if you don’t know what he is going through right now I don’t think you should be talking if you think that this man is living good why he is in jail no but at the same time this man is dieing from in said just thinking about what he did wrong and gods says that he who causes harm will be brought harm the first time was fine I don’t think that they should keep doing that to him and at the same time he has to live with what he did and what he did will never leave his soul he will live with the pain for the rest of his life apart of that if the prisone knows what will happen when they put him with the others why would they do it again
I think they should castrate all the rapists.
Rape is wrong no matter how it happens. It is much worse when it is your child. It is a pain both of you will take a while to heal if it ever does.
So I say let’s go back to mid-evil torture and castrate them and cut off their fingers one by one.
If they can’t hold their shit together then let the really sadistic people run free.
Death is too swift and repeating the offense is too unsettling let’s break all those who have hurt children in any way, break them from the inside out.
The sick bastard gets what he deservises he shouldnt be molisting his son wtf is wrong wid ppl now days i mean hell if that was my kid trust n beleive he would not be standing on earth bc i wuld have beat him to death u got what u deserive that poor kid has been scared for life bc of him so fuck what anyone says ab its not justic because u know what they should be able to do what they want to that sick son of a bitch
He deserves it. That poor baby has to live with his grossness for the rest of his life. They can do whatever they want to him. Ppl that are saying its wrong, let them be the 1 who was wronged an let’s see how they change there mind.
Our justice system is just gonna give him a slap on the wrist, so this is the only real punishment he’s gonna get. All of you know this…I mean really. We’re gonna be paying for him the rest of our wrking lives.
I do not judge for god …bt this us why this world is so far away from being saved…..the truth is this world is so fucked up …no one in it deserves salvation …everyone is a sinner and every single person on here thinks they are innocent … if people want this justice…if people believe this is justice …then we should all be tortured and killed.. this world deserves pain.
Some where in this twisted ass man head he thought it was ok to do what he did even though it is HORRIBLE. So I see it like this what u do to others should be done to you. A innocent baby absolutely disgusting. It is disgusting and horrible to do to anyone. I hope the inmates continue to do what ever they can to you so u can ever imagine how that poor angel felt u sick pig. KARMA IS A BITCH AND WHAT GORS AROUND COMES AROUND.
This tread of insults is childish! Everyone will have their own opinions… Diff strokes for diff folks! This man will have to live with disgrace of killing his child and getting abused! Story is sickening all around and ignorant behavior on social media is contagious! Rip little man.. Your in beautiful Gods hands now
I believe that he got way he deserves give props to those inmates i have a son and if anyone raped him I would wish the same upon that person for no child deserves to be hurt in that way it’s not anything they get over it cost them their life it is truly sad
Just as the legal system upholds laws, rules, and regulations so does the inmate system. If you rape, violate, hurt in any form or way a child, children or women you will be held accountable for your actions for the rest of your prison life and if your or he’s ever freed, freedom will not be free. Now god bless that child, :'(
How cruel?
Mainly for that innocent child,who will never forget what happened to him…this may haunt him forever.
I have no sympathy for the man.
Now 20+ ppl doing what he did to him….eh a little iffy on that,but what’s done is done.
Even The Lord can’t change that,I just hope he now realizes what he did,and go through what his son will have to.
What should and shouldn’t be, all went out the window when he RAPED his 1YR OLD SON. Even in the US everyone knows if you rape people, especially a child, the Inmates usually find out and you get raped/some ones bitch in prison. That is how it works. They should rape him until his intestines fall out of his ass followed by his stomach. Turn that fucker inside out!
I know the feeling of being raped/molested for years by “so call” family members, (no family here). I was a child and threaten that if I ever said anything I would die. And for those that did that to me they will get theirs in way that will be 5x times worst then what they did to me for so long.
Karma… an act,and when you act upon the innocent you will get bit in the a**! :}
Are all u people who say it’s wrong that 20 inmates raped this nasty bastard not reading correctly??? This disgusting mother fucker RAPED HIS OWN 1yr old SON!!!! This disgusting fuck got what he deserved… Hope He Keeps Getting Raped But This Time By The Whole Entire Jail!!!
It’s sad that people do this to children. Being a child of abuse I believe eye for an eye. That child will never have his innocence back and who knows if he will remember what happened if he does it may alter his man hood . And for that this man got his man hood taken from him . Justice well never be served for that type of person that monster
I think he deserve to be punish for what he did for God sakes the child was only a year old he doesn’t know what is going on I like to know where in the he’ll was his mother I say fuck him like no other he just needs to kill himself bahaaabaabaah ASS…. HOLE…. LOL
Pretty sick lifestyles people live in those 3rd world countries!! Its not normal 2 rape your own child so the man had 2 be mentally sick in the head!! The problem is the mentally sick people never get help from are system but instead they think jail is the hospital. Nice 2 know the law and inmates are judge and jury instead of god
U guys r missing the point . Fuk this man that Raped this baby that is his son . This inmate r against men or women that rape kids or women and this is wat happens to them the law gives them a tap on the hands then there back on the street . So the inmates will they r in there Do to them wat they did to the victim and hope that he won’t do it again . ……
No matter were you are a child molester or mocho will get what he put out. It’s the way the prison system is. The police tell the inmate that a pedo is coming in so every body knows why he is there. The image might if done sometime. To be there but mochos all ways get there’s in the end.
If people cant
even feel pitty..theyre just as animals…it doesnt make them even and its not humane at all…People convicted of rape should have their own fucking prison locked down 24/8…jus saying
Very sad to know that there are so many sick people in this world. That poor innocent child didn’t deserve this especially from his father. He who is supposed to be there to protect his kids from harm. He got what he deserved. No pitty for this animal
Rape that mf again!! Thats what he did to that poor innocent little boy that couldnt even defend himself. Fuckin nasty bastard hope he rots in hell
He deserve everything he got. He physically n mentally damaged his 1 year old. Glad he felt the pain that his own child endure. Not sorry for him karma is a bitch
He got wut he deserves, now he deserves to be killed, because killed that kids future to have a normal life. My bad if my comment rubs u wrong & I understand if it does, but its about that kid, not u.
I think that’s real justice !! Why when a dog bites a kid has to be sacrifice !? Then it should be the same with this kind of ppl!! Uncivilized sure what would you do or think if the kid raped was your son!? Yea that’s right!!
Its weird how a lot of people are not recognizing the carma that God has allowed to happen to this man…..yea its not right what the 20 prisoners did…but that don’t mean he didn’t deserve it
He got what he deserved&i hope he stays alive looking enough to get more of it!!!!!
I think what the inmates did to him was perfectly fine he deserves it. I have two boys of my own an if anyone was to touch them I would have that person hung an raped the fuck outta. >:( burn you sick mother fucker !!!!
I my self think he should get his ass beat down cuz if they fuck him again he is gonna get used to it he gonna wanted every day but then again fucket but fuck that motherfucker son of a bitch
wait until it happens to u or one of ur kids or someone really close to u n then id like to see what one thinks…………
It didn’t take away the trauma the baby experienced but hell yes that man deserved what happened to him
Where the fuck are the pigs .. like really.. and then again they put him in the same prison. Transfer him wtf this whole situation is fucked up
That was nothing compared to what he should be getting. He should be raped everyday(a few times a day) for his whole sentencd
Just freakin hang em .. That’s what they need to do instead of trying to make them learn a lesson which they never will these perverts are gonna keep raping ppl
It should be a law to cut their members once they are convicted of rape. Cause not matter how many years they get in jail they’ll come out.and do the same…
I was raped as a child and I woupdnt wish it.on anyone! Even my rapist!!! The lord will take care of it! I forgive but will never forget!!!!
It’s disgusting but yes he deserves this over and over. How can you do this to any child let alone your own and a 1 year old. I AM GLAD DISGUSTING FUCK!!
He deserves what happend to him bastard..poor lil boy innosent n couldnt fight that grown ass man off him..
What the inmates did was “uncivilized” but what he did to his OWN son was worse and this piece of trash deserves every bit of it
I feel horriable for the 1 year old. As for the guy tho. I think the sick fuck needs a BBC 3rd round! Maybe this time theyll finish him off
Im a rape survivor and Im fine with rapists being raped. Fuck them, whats good for the goose asshole…
He deserves death nothing else and a slow one on a different note he got put in a ass bar and a ana choke
I need you’ll to learn to read no where in the article above does it say the 1 year old died!!! But he got what he deserved!!
sick all round … i get that gang banging the molester isnt going to give the child back the remainder of his childhood nor prevent future emotional/mental scarring – that is very clear! however to those of you condemning the vigilantes: are you happy to bust a nutt paying taxes to aide such scum to live rent, sustenance, tax and utilities FOC? do you think a simple apology sufficient reparation? have you no children in your family and/or peers? molesting a child is the lowest of the low how many such molestations result in the victim/s becoming/’realizing’ they’re gay in later years? have you any idea statistically how many abuse-es’ become abusers? are you abating because of your own experiences….? jail is for criminals with a few exceptions here and there where the judicial system has failed subsequently if ‘they’ decided to have a cannibal night and put such scum on the menu thats their business. Some humans are just plain fodder and those of you that want to live with fodder should go camp outside the jail or smash a window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He deserved it its all ima say fukk them rapist bitches
We are no one to judge this man. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. As for the baby he is already in God’s hands.
Those inmate’s are just as sick as he is. Thinking that is the right thing to do is wrong. Death penalty! !
Poor Angel he deserves justice. And as for sick monster he well deserve this and more…
He deserve so much more. He’s lucky he’s alive… No one would miss one less evil child molester in the world.
I’m glad he got what he had comn to him. Nobody should ever mess with a child!!!!!
Now send him to a different jail so another 20 guys can have their way with him again and again and again!!
Good im glad he got raped he should be shot in the face too anyone that harms a child should be killed or locked up for life
Seems like karma at work he shouldn’t of touched his own child that’s…just no words to describe it
He still needs to feel more pain that is not enough come on your own 1 year old son !!!!
Hahaha all thay jujitsu don’t mean shit when you’re getting pounder by 20 priaoners, lol
It doesn’t say the baby died in this story. Either way shame on him.
Prisoners do not just hurt anyone for they are governed as well by hierarchy.
Lethal injection or firing squad. That’s the answer.
He Definitely deserved what he got!!! Raping his OWN SON!!! what the fuck is rong with him!!!!
He luckey they didnt kill him yet.
So sad about the little boy. He deserves every bit of what he got by them inmates I hope they get him again
He getting wat he deserves, I don’t feel sorry for him… my heart goes out to that child …
What a nusty bustard he will be burn in hell, and everey where he goes he will be raped !!!
Motherfucker deserved that and should of goten beat to a pulp where he almost dead
Human stupidity analysis is nothing but psycho babble! He deserves to be in stitched everyday!
two wrongs dont make it right…God B With the Soul of all who took part in such action..
Lena when u get raped no one will give 2 fucks either. If rape is bad why is it diffrent now
This is horrible.What he did was terrible and what he got is what he deserved.Some people may not agree that condoning to him what he did to the child was right.The poor child suffered,struggled and didnt have the physical strength to defend himself,so he overpowered the child like the 20 prisoners overpowered him and made him feel what the child possibly felt.An eye for an eye may not have been the best solution,I would have choosen the death penalty for him,but I dont feel an ounce of pity for him.Its not our fault karmas a bitch.
I hope he gets what he gave maybe the asshole will think of the pain he causes
I dont condone an eye for an eye. He should have been segregated from gen.pop.
rape his dum ass some more. for the rest of his sentence. blow that ass out by all mean.
he deserves everything they did to him and let him burn in hell….
Hope they continue to rape his ass over and over and over again.
I say fuck that do it again an shoot that piece of shit
God bless the child he imposed this on. Karma really sucks for him!
Every child molester diserves this !!
Who wrote this, a third grader trying to sound intelligent?
That what he seaervea y would he do that to his son thats just brutal
That nasty mf got what he deserved!!!
That’s crazy what’s wrong with people now days that’s what he gets
Why dnt they do that type of shit to men that rape lil girls?
He deserves more then just a duck in the ass. Cut his dick off.
God bless this world and our children 🙁
He got what he deserved …Poor baby now he’s marked for life
That pussy got what he deserved
Crap,crap… and more crap ..!!!!
I read the story and I dont feel sorry for what happen 2 him. All I see is now he knows how HIS OWN 1 YEAR OLD SON feels. Because he couldn’t stop it from happen 2 him. I feel its a option. Its easy 2 say that its wrong and they should be punished for what they did. If you have never been rape r had your child rape then u will never understand the feeling. I feel that he deserve what he got. I don’t care if u don’t agree like what I said. I’m not going to go back and forward with anyone that has something 2 say. Cant feel sorry for a child rapist.
He deserved to be raped in the ass with a cactus for hurting any child that way, but for him to hurt his own child that way!!! Wtf is wrong with the world.!? This is disgusting and I hope he rots in hell for doing such an awful thing to a poor innocent baby. NO MERCY!!!
He got what he deserved. He is lucky he did not get killed
I have been sitting here reading all of these damn comments for an hour! Yes the fucking sick bastard should be dead, no child deserves what he put him through! But most of the people that have commented on Adrian’s post or Shawnte’s post neither really give a rats ass or are so utterly stupid that they would take the time to insult people over and over…That is what is wrong with this country now, everyone has something to say about shit they dont care about. I feel for all the poor children that have undergone such horrific things. karma is a bitch and in the end they will be dealt with by our Lord and Savior. So before some of you keep insulting people that you will never meet face to face- think about what your words make you sound like. Im pretty sure that if we were all in the same room, noone would say shit! JS
He deserve s worse then what he is getting
Karma is a bitch..but damn animals!!!!
ThAts what he gets how can he do that to his OWN child really
They should of beat the shit out of him
Hahaha that what he gets!!!!!!
got what he had coming… pay bsck is a bitch
Eye for an eye. Karma bitch!
were does it say baby passd away didnt see it
Funny now he knows how it feels like lol
The dad got what he deserved!!!
Fuck him rape him again and aging
tear that ass hole up!!!!
I meant to say skared
He gets what he deserves,
Idk this is a sad & sick story
You all suck and fuck off
Thats wat he gets .
get what you give, ive always said , round them rapist , murderers , molesters , and all those other nasty fucks , house them, exercise them, feed them only the healthiest foods, use them, harvest body parts, lab test , medical cures, cancer research, aids research, any research
This is gross
Anyone that feel for him is sick in my opinion alone. Only thing I feel is pain in my heart for the baby boy. And to know that when he grow up, he’ll know that one of the few ppl that was supposed to protect him from that. Was the one that hurt him. And im sure the 20+ that raped him was only thinking of the loved ones they have that they cant see or touch. I feel like those 20 dicks caused him the same pain, his adult sized did to that baby. He had no remorse for the cries and screams of his child so i feel no remorse for him. And we all know if he didn’t get caught he would’ve continued to abuse that baby.
I agree with Adrian I’m afraid . Rape of any human being is the sickest act ever. Child rapists should just get the death penalty to stop them ever doing it again. The people raping that guy are as bad as he is!
#1 has this man even had a trail yet and been proven guilty??? I hate when someone is charged then all assume that it’s true! Why does the prison keep putting him in open population when they know he’s at risk? He still has human rights no matter what the crime. I understand the child is a victim, I was a victim of a crime like this, but I never would want my abuser to be abused over and over again that just continues the cycle of hate!
Oh well
What he did to his son is the most horrific pain he could’ve cause to him. The physical and mentally emotional pain that he will have to endure is heart acking. This man deserves a very harsh punishment.On another note me as a human bean fined this whole story to be disgusting. Only god him self will give him the punishment he just deserve. My heart goes out to the baby boy and mother .she has to be a strong women more then ever now . I wish them the verybest!
Sorry for the man, sorrier for the CHILD.
I know why it feels like to have that happen to me as a kid but I would that on anybody even that bitch who did it to me maybe have a few bones broken, being beat up but not rape ever
He deserves everything coming his way mental ass bitch I hope he rots in hell..
No sympathy for the rapist. Kudos to the inmates!!! Most would consider his crime punishable by death.
it should be done to him everyday for the rest of his life, he should not even have a life, he is so sick and twisted , anyone who thinks different if it was your child son daughter sister brother niece nephew do you think you would not be happy to hear this happen to him i dont think so
I don’t want to be in Brazil when the prison system let out those 20 “man”
I think all yall are sick as hell. …
adrian looks like he needs to be raped!!!
He deserved it. Case closed!
Karma is a bitch
This is just very sick of this monster to do this to a child he deserve punishment but gang rape is not going to take away the fact he did what he did… Let god deal with his disgrace those inmates should not had access to him…. He should not have been put in population… But he does need to never get out of prison and he need to spend he rest of he’s days in a cell
This is sick. Rape is taught to be wrong, but then it’s ok in certain situations? Can’t be half way into something. If you believe rape is wrong then u should know this is clearly wrong. He obviously need psychological help, that will bring long term effect behavior.
Some of these comments on here are very disturbing. He who is without sin cast the first stone!! If something like this happened to one of my children I would want vengeance too. God does the vindicating not us.
person who speaks the most sense is Adrian Kimmett. end of.
Karma is real and I guess it comes back 20 folds instead if 10
this guy deserves everything that’s coming to him the sick bastard
I feel bad for what happend to this inmate but I do not feel at all sorry for him. He is a grown man and knows the difference between right and wrong. That poor baby did not have a chance as he took that away from him, I am a mother of one son and if anyone had done that to him I would have personally dealt the punishment my self and he would not have lived thru it. This may sound pretty harsh but as a parent thats my own personal thoughts on it. He wont live this down ever and thats how it should be.
I agree with Adrian Kimmett child abuse is sick and certainly one of the worst crimes a human being can commit. What kind of example are we setting when we see stories like this, it’s teaching us and future generations that an act of rape or abuse deserves same act upon the perpetrator. I don’t believe in an eye for an eye. I can’t applaud the actions of the inmates in fact it makes me physically sick
I think this should be done to him on a daily basis until he dies! He killed and raped a one year old baby. He deserves EVERYTHING he gets!!
What goes around comes around! To rape anyone is heinous and discuss ting especially innocent children . Once a molester always a molester they need to rid the earth of these discuss ting individuals!
What truly poetic justice!! I feel ALL countries are way too easy on these sick fucks. I hope he felt a million times over what that precious baby felt!!!!!
Most ppl on here is talking about how the baby raper is getting rape by 20 inmates and how they are getting hard-on’s and standing in line to fuck the baby raper.why is the baby raper getting the hard-on and rape and killed this tiny baby…think about it ppl y care about this so called MAN if he get raped.karma is a bitch but get off shawnte ass and stop ridding adrian’s dick..some ppl on here is some internet bullys sheesh..
one bullet would of solved it.
an eye for an eye will make everyone blind
Adrian Kimmett I agree with you wholeheartedly. This man was certainly wrong to have done this and I dont condone any of it in any way. 2 wrongs do not make a right???
They should beat and rape him until he dies, let a horse rape him then maybe the “demons” will understand what that baby had to go through. He’s a sick bastard that deserves what he gets for touching that baby.
it may not be right to condone what happened to him in prison,but the fact of the abuse he destowed upon a innocent child makes me feel he deserves what he is getting.
I’m a Correctional officer by trade and this is very rarely heard of. My question is…Where is P.R.E.A. (Prison Rape Elimination Act sign by Bush in 2005) in all of this? I hold the Correctional Officers responsible for what happened to this inmate. Yes it was and is evil what this inmate did but he still has rights even in prison. But the all Correctional Staff should known what would happen to this man once they placed him into main inmate population. This man should of been placed on Administrative Segregation that way he would serve out his prison sentence in a single man cell 24 hours a day. Mark this there will be correctional staff that will be sued for this and possibly lose their jobs because of it.
he got what he deserved. I’m only sad that I didn’t get to watch it happen. Call me what you will… say I am a sick or twisted person but for someone to beat and rape a 1 year old baby…. They deserve EVERY fucking horrible thing they get.
he deserved it. just think about that helpless child he did this to. for anybody that feels bad for him, just think if he never did this to that child he wouldn’t be in jail. He wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place. he chose his own fate.
That poor child, I can only imagine what he went through, the PAIN- emotional and physical- that he went through. That asshole deserved everything, as cruel as it is. He won’t be doing that again, that’s for sure. Karmas a bitch…
Poor baby… What happen to his rapist is horrible, but imagine what that poor child was going through when that MOFO was violating his little body, he probably tore his little insides. So no, I don’t feel sorry for the violent rape that he got in prison. Just because he confessed doesn’t mean that you won’t do it again. And saying he’s sorry won’t take the pain away from that poor child and the terror that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
I think it is safe to say “they tore him a new asshole” literally lmao
The initial story is obviously VERY disturbing but for 20 men to sink to such wretched levels to rape another man is for me, beyond comprehension!
Im against all forms of rape ..but he had this coming
ok yes its sad a child had to go through that but i cant say that he got wat he deserved the inmates who raped him was also wrong they are no better than him!! i think he should have his hands and genitals cut off and live his life so he goes through hell every day of his pathetic life thinking bout wat he did!!!
Disgusting…They do that because they can…..not because they’re heroes.
Take that ass boys…fuck him and if u feel that he shouldn’t get that ass tapped everyday then we should look at ya ass then to… stupid bastards that’s a fuckin baby a baby an u think he got what he deserved fuck outta here…
now that is what i call justice
Hang em
And those 20 was not there for being little angels.
Good I hope they get him worst
That’ll work. Probably since I’m on my cell.
Well I think it sad but I think the prison should stop the rape.
People who condone what was done to him are disgusting. The man deserves to be punished by the law and by God. There is a reason rape is not one of the sentencing options people. He is sick and disgusting but what the other prisoners did is too. For those men who say an eye for an eye he should keep getting raped… are you saying you would return the favor to him and rape him yourself ? Didnt think so. A group of men raping one man ripping out stitches and doing it again? First of all any man in prisoner willing to participate in gang rape probably committed rape on the outside too. Dont forget these are criminals not heroes and not vigilantes. Horny, criminals who found an excuse to do what they would be doing on the outside and to take out their anger. One word comes to my mind with bloody gang rape and that’s DISEASE! Oh do you guys think GOD is looking down saying “that’s exactly what I want to see an eye for an eye just like that” ? I dont think so. Those who condoned this are almost as bad as those who did it not to mention you condone it but would you have participated in it since it was after all the right thing and what he deserved? If you condone this and this became the norm it would on make our society savages and we lose what makes us have civilization and that is the ability to to think and carry out rational thoughts and judgement when it comes to social development..
Lets not take away from the real issue and that is the baby. Why not pray for him and send thoughts to his family especially his mother. Instead the media brings all this attention to this disgusting men and his disgusting peers. The only attention that should be given to him is his conviction and sentencing. And Im done with my very long rant
This is josette I’m using my husbands FB , but to be blunt I feel he deserved everything he received that child is dead did you all miss that part ? He wasn’t just rapped he was beat to death ! Get a f*****g grip you people feel bad ? He was a year old he didn’t make it to two because if the actions of a heartless individual and I am to feel sorry ? Are you out if your mind ? Since when is it okay to rape and kill and your punishment is just a 25 yr time out if that ? Seriously the human population can not be that demented to think a person like that deserves anytime of pitty I’m disgusted with the comments and rastionalising of what was done to him
Raping his son…..fucked being on belief.
Him being raped……the most gangsta shit I’ve ever read.
I say he reaped what he sewed. Though I do not condone the behavior of either side, I am not necessarily feeling sorry for this dude. If you go to jail and are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, then whatever happens to you is your own fault. I hope that through his own actions and his own punishment he can see what type of trauma the child he raped had to endure. I have a 3 year old son and I was sexually molested as a child so I would be furious if something like that happened to him. If you do the crime, be prepared for all the ramifications thereafter.
OMG! This is not about him, it’s about the innocent precious Angel! Where was anybody? Right! Nowhere! God has been taken out of our homes, school & work! This man is not human nor animal. Animals do not hurt their children! Prayers for the innocent lil guy!….I believe n Capital Punishment!!!! And what was done to him in an unjust system, well he is on his own & needs to work that out with God! There will never be any comparison to the injuries & injustice that this Little innocent precious boy endured at the hands of this Devil!…Where was the mother & father? We r too quick to get n & out of a relationship when it does not serve us! Always about Me!!!! Well the innocent precious children are the ones that will suffer for the actions of their parents! Hurting innocent precious children is the worse sin a person can commit!… May God have mercy to all those whom harm innocent precious children!!! Prayerssss! for this innocent precious little guy! Truly such a sad sad sad day!
Adrian, I totally see exactly where you are coming from & I definately understand what you are saying. And yeah, I see where you have been completely misunderstood by others. I feel exactly the same way you feel. Sexual violence among adults is unacceptable, period, no matter if its out of retaliation or otherwise, but in my opinion, when it comes to a BABY being sexually, physically, emotionally or abused in anyway, shape or form, I lose it. Therefore, I have no compassion for a baby-raper being raped & beaten. I’m not saying that my view-point is right or that everyone else should feel the way I do. I’m just saying that one thing I have NO tolerance for is child abuse of any kind. That’s where I lose my more intelligent, ethical way of thinking.
If the man was guilty of raping a two year old child and not falsely accused then I have no problem what so ever with him being raped him self. What we do comes back to us ten fold that is Karma and what you sow you also reap. If you take advantage of the weak and powerless you should expect that when you are weak and powerless others will take advantage of you.
However there is one part of this that bothers me. Was he proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or was he awaiting trail ? If he is guilty fine ! If he is innocent then this is a terrible miscarriage of justice and someone needs to be punished for what happened to him. Can you imagine being falsely accused of raping a child that would KILL me personally. But then to have this done to you if you were innocent ? Which is why my response to this story depends on whether he was proven guilty in a court of law.
But the problem with this is that the men who raped this predator assuming he is one lowered them selves to his level. They men who raped him are no better than him because they rendered him powerless and then —— him. There is no deference between them. I understand rage at child predators better than most. But do you want to become a monster in the process of punishing monsters.
Poetic justice in my opinion.. eye for am eye, a tooth for a tooth… was live in a very unjust world where the punishment never fits the crime. .. I would never wish rape apon anyone, and whilst I find it difficult to applaud the people who done it as like some people have previously said, rape is not somrthing to be applauded or praised because it is a beastly act. But I have no sympathy for the pedophile, a child abuser cannot be cured and are attracted to children like I am to men, it is something within them which cannot be changed cured or rehabilitated!! They will always fight the sexual desire to abuse children, thats why I propose that these beasts are wiped off the face of the earth. Nothing inhumane just a needle in the arm and put to sleep. There will be another pedophile born to replace the one that died. Theres not enough deterrents for these animals. .. I think automatic death penalty or life imprisonment with No chance of parole in a working prison camp, contributing to society as a form of slave labour to earn their keep so its no strain on the taxpayer…. whilst we pay the healthcare, counselling, and fund court cases to bring the beasts to justice!!! Givr them the choice of life inprisonment slave labour, or the needle if u want to play it “fairer” so to speak!!!
There is no fixing this type of behavior. Unfortunately, it is part of the world we live in because it has been allowed through thoughts of rehabilitating them. Guillotines please. Rid the world of monsters. For the FEW that are convicted wrongly it would be sad, but much less fewer numbers than the delinquents who do these crimes.
This really disturbed me, but emotions aside. How much better are these people who raped this man than he is? Is the purpose of this eye-for-an-eye mentality to discourage such vile crimes? Because it appears that they’re being encouraged. Is it okay for other prisoners to rape a rapist? No. Rape is never okay. This is sickening.
Cheryl I would probably say he deserves it karma but no matter what you say or do him isn’t going to help or ease the suffering of that little boy, it won’t change the past
It isn’t right.
what comes around goes around, he shouldve known better, now hes paying the price
Get rid of them all! The child molester and gang of rapists . I suppose now we should reward the gang of rapists freedom because they supposedly did justice? Twisted world we live in. I’m content with the whole lot getting the death penalty. One less child molester, 20 less rapists!
This is a sick story all the way around a baby’s death and a person being raped to top it all off complete strangers are name calling and cursing at each other let’s not feed the devil… one thing I do know is as a mother I would be capable of anything (a mothers love is one of the most dangerous thing to mess with because even a beast will be unable to stop her) I guess idk how to feel about this story….
He deserved everything he got. That baby did not deserve what happened to him. The baby can’t fight back and had no control over what that sick bastard did to him. I’m sick of people using the excuse the demons or the voiced n my head made me do it. That’s bullshit and a total cop out to try and get away with the crime committed, I hope they lock his ass up for life and I hope he gets raped on a daily basis until he dies!
Hi Adrian, totally agree with you! I obviously didn’t word it properly…I didn’t mean the rape as a sentence, I meant that if these inmates had to do It, once would have been enough, 20+ was a obviously entertainment for them and they are no better than he was! The death sentence is absolute for me.
It’s a pity they didn’t use a barbed wire dildo on the fucker. Coated in dog shit with a barbed fishhook inserted in his penis and tied to a stationary object so that every time he moved it would rip and shred his japs eye
Just to add to my previous comment….even though I do not feel sorry for this animal, .I do not condone the prisoners actions, they don’t do these brutal acts to defend the victims, they do it for their own gratification…even though I repeat, he deserved what he got.
There are no words or punishment that will erase the scars and pain of this innocent child. We pray for the child’s healing and for true Justice for the crimes committed against him.
this is horrible omg that poor baby his mother must be feeling the unspeakable pain I’ve lost a daughter to stillbirth so I kinda know her pain what a disgusting man this is where I think death penalty should be brought back and inject that fucker till he’s DEAD
People who abuse children are scum, they are sick people. However, a bunch of grown men sticking themselves in another man is just as sick. They say they did it as a punishment for his crime well just beat the hell out of him don’t call it a punishment when it’s really pleasuring you. They all are sickos in my book!!
Did it occur to anybody that the men who raped this guy were more than likely doing time for rape themselves? Rape is NEVER ok. There is no justification for rape. It is a sick crime carried out by sick people and should never be applauded, regardless of the circumstance.
This whole story is disturbing from beginning to end why didn’t they stick a death penalty on the guy instantly instead of letting 20 more men go on to commit even more crimes this man deserves to burn in hell for what he’s done to that poor little boy but in my book rape is rape whether your a man woman or child it is wrong and shouldn’t be tolerated what sort of example are we leading saying these guys are right to rape someone nevermind what crime has been commited the justice system should deal with the beast accordingley not have inmates dishing out their own punishments that are morrally wrong in the long term
NO one should be raped period.. of course he should be punished for his actions but not babarically. that basically defeats the purpose of justice.
that’s what that bastard deserves.. imagine how the baby felt.. that f***** is lucky to be alive still.. That sick fuck… hope next time they chop his balls in his dick off…real talk…
no way sould any one feel bad for him! think of how that poor lil boy felt, they shud just leave him to bleed to death so medical care he does desive it! he shud not be treated like a human because no human would have done what he done! if i could shake the peoples hands that done this i would!
When you have been molested or raped….then speak on this subject. Or here’s another one…put your own child in that postion. Plus this poor baby died! He deserves exactly what he’s getting. I wish the man that molested me at the young age of 8yrs had this EXACT same punishment. Instead…he married a woman who had 2 small daughters and he tried to penetrate not one but BOTH of them. He served about 7yrs and is a free man and had a child of his own. Had his Pediphile ass been raped on a daily maybe he would think twice about ever touching a child again. In his head he can continue to do it because 7yrs is a slap on the wrist and a stab to that child’s heart. That shit never goes away. Trust me…I KNOW!
And if anyone supports prison rape culture. Weeeeeell:
I think a crime like that deserves the death sentence. No matter how a certain person feels, he will get raped, killed or brutally beaten in prison so why not just give him the death sentence. Shit anyone who can rape a child isnotright and doesn’t deserve to live off of tax payers money. But then again im from tx, so death sentence it is! Bc if it was my child he touched, I would kill him my self.
Take them all out back and put a bullet in em.Torture is Evil! Should he live..Hell No!! The sooner there gone the better..
Wait he served a 30 day? He was only sentenced to 30 days for rape and murder? Why didn’t he get put in protective custody the second time?.. I’m pretty sure most of the details of this story are bullshit. I don’t support the rape of men, women, or children, however if he raped and murdered a child, it’s well deserved.
Wow lots of opinions here back and forth. I for one would not want to pay for this man’s medical bills let alone his incarceration through my tax dollars. No one is talking about that. So you know what my thoughts are on the issue….of the future of this guilty person/thing.
He got what he deserves and u hope he gets much more until finally beaten to death like he did to that poor innocent baby!! Hope he rots in hell sick cunt!!!
I can see both sides here, on one hand any parent would wish the worst torture imaginable on a rapist who had abused a child. BUT, rape is wrong and unacceptable FULL STOP! Usually sex offenders are given their own quarters as protection from other convicts, meaning the sex offenders are kept together. The 20 men who raped this discusting monster are sex offenders for that crime. If any of those 21 men ever get released from prison, imagine what they are capable of?
Taxpayers money goes towards feeding these sick excuse for human beings, who are no better that the sicko in question. How do you feel knowing that your hard earned cash is going towards the care, food and accomodation of the rapist and his perpetrators? People like this cannot be rehabilitated, nor can the lives of the victims be given back to them. I believe the death penalty should be brought to men who have been found guily of rape or murder to anyone, man woman or child. The world will be a safer place to live, and you can sleep at night knowing your families are safe, and these monsters no longer live to commit any further crimes!
When a dog attacks a child in England the offending dog will be put down. Why are we not putting down children abuses?
I cannot understand why this still continues. It really saddens me. All I keep thinking about is my two girls, and honestly I truly don’t there is a punishment horrifying enough to describe what this man really deserves. His act is non justifiable. I don’t say I necessarily applaud the 20 men whom raped him, but I can honestly say I don’t feel bad for him. I don’t care what happens to him and whatever hurt, harm, or danger comes his way especially if I witnessed it, I would not intervene. He actually got a taste of his own medicine. I’ve been raised on this old saying ” do unto others as you, want them to do unto you ” I’m a strong believer not necessarily in Karma, but of the punishment from GOD. This man is mentally sick if he was able to be aroused by this Infant/toddler. What really possesses a human to hurt innocent children like this. I just dong think that a rapist should just be given an opportunity to get the death penalty without suffering something. All I think about us the child’s very tiny womb, just torn and his screaming voice as he is held down by force. How is that OK? All I’m saying is I could care less to whatever punishment a person with these intentions get.
I’d sit back and laugh and I they need a hand to hold him down I’d make it easy by giving a swift boot to his head. Makes me sick to eat a child is hurt by disgusting human beings like this.
there was a pastor by the name of jiji Avila. his daughters husband killed her,,, and instead of him asking for punishment or wishing for his death, he went and visited him at the prison where he was and he told him that he forgave him. No one is God to be judging others,,, and although i know that when you are put in a situation like that, its not so easy to think of nice things… but still. Only God righteous,clean, free of sin to judge us.
But nobody questions the author, that is never metioned or his affiliation…..the article is a hack
@Mr Peter Tinkler rare you taking about my comment on here is the best or the person above me?
The state looks down on sodomy, and that’s about the time that bitch hung up on me
Fuckin disgusting the men that did this are no fuckin better than the beast he is rape is rspe man woman or child its fuckin sick should of cut the cunts dick off and shoved it in his fuckin throat till he chocked to death !!!!
An eye for an eye! This is sick story from the beginning but I have to say as a mother and a human being he deserves what he got!!! If he was sentenced to death that would not be enough punishment for what he did. He should suffer every day of his life and he should die in a very exact whay that poor baby died. Don’t look at the action that this sick prisoners did to this child molester, you should look at the picture of the baby who doesn’t know nothing in this world but love and hope and feel safe with the only father that that he knows and trust! I wish they rape him to death!!!
personally i feel this guy is getting what he deserves. i was molested as a child and the assholes that did that to me deserved close to this and one of the assholes that did it was my grandfather. i wasnt the only one that the assholes molested either. if we are going to let rapists and such just do a little prison time then they should be turned into eunuchs. if anybody, ANYBODY ever touches my children in that way they will not just go to prison. they will have long painful deaths. and to those of you that have stated that maybe he was raped as a child…..THAT IS NO EXCUSE!!!! just because some one was raped does NOT mean that they will rape!! people have a choice to go to that level. as i said before i was molested and i chose to rise above it and not do what was done to me, and i didnt need to waste time going through counseling. its done and over and in the past nothing can change that, but i could play the victim and let the incident define me like a lot of people do, instead i am a survivor i dont let this define me but i do let my experiences help me to help others. this asshole defiled and killed an innocent baby he deserves worse than any human or group of humans can give him, so for now he gets a living hell.
Karma….enough said I think.
Do unto others as you would want done to you…..this whole story captures the essence of that saying….and when it comes to a child being harmed in such a manner I do agree that a VERY HARSH punishment should be dealt out….If you don’t want to be raped then don’t rape plain and simple….If offenders had to face punishment that mirrors their crime less of this crime would happen….and for everyone saying that the men who raped this child rapist don’t deserve to live but agree that an execution is needed to end this child rapist life I got to ask how is an execution any less harsh than a bunch of vigilantes locked in prison? Is it less gruesome to you? Are you more comfortable with less blood shed? Are you uncomfortable with torcher but ok with assassination? What is it?
Do unto others as you would have do unto you think about it justice was served
people would not feel this kind of punishment is karma and great revenge to the horrors this man inflicted on a helpless child if the justice systems did more to protect children, no to mention the parents who should use better judgment when allowing others to be involved with their babies. sad fact is killing or abusing a “helpless” child carries almost no penalty compared to crimes against adults that involve being beaten and tortured death. most prisoners that take revenge this way come from back rounds where they were beaten and eve molested regularly a children by parents or their parents allowed it to happen and its a form of revenge for their abused past. maybe if we start putting an end to violence against babies by evoking stronger laws in child crimes the way we did for crimes against elderly abuse then w might hear less about these vigilante attacks!
That is discussing but should have been killed for it in the first place !!
What goes around comes around… Tough shit for this guy. That child was innocent until this guy fuck him…
Well then death penalty should be brought back
Much deserved raping. That child must have felt fear, pain, sense of helplessness when he was raped and beaten.
Now this monster knows exactly what that child felt through his very own personal experience, thanks to the 20 men who volunteered to be his tutor.
Now hopefully he will never rape again. Even the thought should hopefully bring back the memories of his great time in prison.
As sick as this man is for doing that to his step-son and as much as he should suffer and the child deserves justice, the prisoners are pretty sick in the head to be able to do this to and think it’s ok to justify their actions which are in such a way the same as the what sent this scumbag to prison in the first place!!! Animals the lot of them!!
As I read all these comments that people who says that he deserves what he got in jail/prison, this tells me that you all have sick minds, I am a new mother to a baby boy, yes i would be very upset and feel hatred if someone done that to my son, but I would not condone for the person to get raped repeatedly by 20 guys 40 times over again, have you all ever thought if this was in the U.S.A, for those who done the rape in jail/prison they will get a longer sentence for what they have done, but of course we do not know what other countries will do, this makes me sad that people who are religious and those who are not would think this way, to me you want to live in the stoneage or past when this can happen, if this would’ve happened to my son I would want this guy to either get the life sentence, serve his time in prison, or death sentence, and if he is out on parol he will be in the system and title of sex offender/predator that stays with him for life, and for those who think this is just wrong of 20 guys to rape a rapist I agree with you all, my point for all this is we are not animals, we are human beings so act and think like one instead of thinking like animals
I think they should be beat and raped everyday. By giant black men. And if you think otherwise just give me your pro rapping kids side of the argue ment
We’ll said Adrian
If u dont have children, dont bash those who have no sympathy for ths sick fuk….while rape is devastating,i feel ths man got wht he deserved. Most of us adults couldnt handle the pain tht baby endured…(can u imagine?!) Sorry but reading ths bein a mom to a 4mo old 6 yo and 10 yo i feel no sympathy
What if it was ur child what would u do
I Hope that every child molester and rapist should have that done to that son of a bitch knows how it feels
being A victim of this kind of rape . granted i wasnt 1 year 8months old like his step son was . but he got less than he deserved in my book . child rapists and molesters deserve this till the day they die . see how they like it over and over again and not feeling safe in a place where you are ment to feel safe,
He got what he deserved.
He deserves every bit of it an the ones who raped him one their not raping an killing a child their fucking a grown man who did this to his own child.. I don’t feel sorry for this so called man suppost to be a father an I hope he gets raped every single day of his life an after life sick fuck.. if it was my child he wouldn’t even had made it to the jail to turn himself in I woud have just had people rape him his self as I killed him slowly an cut his dick off an shoved it down his throut so while he’s getting raped he would choke on his own dick this is why I don’t trust no one with my child anyone is capible of anything
The 20 prisoners should be shot dead as 4 the child rapist he should be smothered in his own shit the prisoners are using his crime to justify their crime but they are on similar levels the child was the only innocent 1
I feel no sympathy or mercy for this sick human being… It may not b right wat the prisoners did to him but he made a sick choice …I can’t even say”write” wat he did! Thats how disgusted I feel about the acts ….no child deserves to endure wat this animal did…
The baby was RAPED and DIED. The offender was RAPED and is ALIVE. An eye for an eye?
He gets what he deserves what goes around comes around
Say that again when that child happens to be your own. Let’s see if you still can keep thiscomposure and feel sorry for the rapist.
It says how much he suffed fuck him he got what was coming to the sick cunt
serves HIM RIGHT!
Molesters of children are not human, therefore the rules don’t apply to them, if you harm a child then the only humane thing to do is torture and death…you have to set an example.
When you ruin a child’s life by raping a child in Brasil…..Run. Because you gonna get it worse. The litte fella had no defense….”and died”. They are probably gonna rape him again and again and again. He that live th by the sword shall die by it. His ass is toast. Don’t do the crime …..”if you like your behind”….lol. You brought that on ya self dude. Jackass…..
I believe he deserved it. Possessed by demons? I don’t understand why people use these excuses. He’s just a.sick bastard with a sick twisted mind. I think he deserves to be killed instead.
Wow, Child Molesters Annonymous must have sent the link to this story out to their entire mailing list, asking all members to come help defend this poor missunderstood soul.
I think he needs to get raped for the rest of his life after what he did to that poor baby. Your life is useless if you think otherwise. The person who wrote that article underneath the picture is probably a child rapist since they think what happened to that sick bastard is too harsh.
Everyone saying he doesn’t deserve this, is a waste of oxygen. That the world would be better off without. It’s people like you who are the reason things are as bad as they are.
I thank that’s a good start! But they shouldn’t of stopped there, he (and guys like him) should of had been killed on sight! Y do we have to pay for them just to get out and do it again then go back on vacation for a few years!
Fuck that rapist he got what he got now he knw what that pool bby felt like thy should do that 2him over n over again
U know what..20 PRISONER WASN’T ENOUGH. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 1000. Fuck his sick minded ass. Some people can’t have kids,people can’t see there kids for whatever reason and this nasty Fucker wanna do that to a poor helpless baby. I HOPE THEY FUCK HIM UP EVERY DAY. DON’T JUST BUST THE STITCHES BUST HIS SHIT TO THE WHITE MEAT..
He raped a child n killed him he tore d babies insides, let it be d same for him. Is not the same thing for a grown man to feel the same pain as an infant child feeling the same thing is way different…. so sorry but you get what you do. Haven ya heard “don’t do things you wouldn’t want anybody doing to you” so let them keep raping him n let him die just like the poor lil angel…
What if daryel was just targetd gang or mafia style. Where they beat n killed his kid in front of him. And then forced him to turn himself in for the crime of rape and to not ever say a word to spare his wife and the rest of his family. …its plausible and
Adrian Kimmett
I absolutely agree with all of your opinions. Very well put.
Let the pigs be pigs people c’mon dont jump into there mud let them be all full of their *&%. I believe in Justice… when they die.
People like him should get the death penalty i dont condone what happend to him in prison but he did deserve it
Abusing a child should be DEAD not rehabilitation
To the women posting comments ,those prisoners rape guys in jail an get out and you go out with them , married or just sleep with them period ,what about that , you never know what your man has been doing in his past,
this world’s f’ up
good and all the people who say that shouldn’t have happened to man in jail are child rapist too
He deserved it!!
The bible says “do unto others as you wish others to do unto you” With that said this rapist should be raped until his last breath. Just my sick opinion
Eff him! He deserved it.that poor baby went thru trauma! For should that sick bastard.most these rapists do less than a year get out an then what? He got what he Deserved!
He fucking deserved to have his arsehole ripped to shreds! Imagine the pain that poor little boy suffered!
Justice is being served by 20 keep him locked up with his new found friends
Don’t do crime if you can’t do the time.
He got what he deserved..where is the justice for that poor lil boy?? Who cares if he gets rapped I don’t feel sorry for him one bit..
justice is served…
I’m all for capital punishment.
I wish something like this would happen to Alexander Richter of Racine, WI
good for him — all i gotta say.
Sicko!! He deserves everything he gets
He surely will remember 20 men fucking him in the ass for doing such horrible thing to a baby sick
No he should’ve been killed instead
all this does is make me hate people.
Fuckin deserved it, sick bastard
I think he needs depends.
he deserved to be raped from a donkey!
Story is fake, that dude has a spider web tattoo on his shoulder, He would of had to been in that prison for awhile to have gotten it or had served a long sentence before it.. I’m guessing that’s just a rape victim in prision and the silly child story put over it for drama.
Yea I’m doing the happy dance!!!! The guy got what he deserves.
I have a child. If this were done to my child I would be furious. I don’t know how I would truly feel about his rapist being done this way. You would think I would be happy. He could feel what he did to my baby. But in life, should violence be punished by violence? Does that solve anything? Does that make it OK? Am I wrong for feeling bad about this. That another human life is being tortured? The whole situation is horrible. I don’t know how to feel about this. Where was the mother if the child? How could she not have seen the signs that this would happen? I’m heart broken by this.
To wrongs don’t make a right..the guy getting raped in jail is still a criminal offence and can still be charged…so tell me the child rapest and the prisoner rapest…its the same charge
SUCKS TO BE HIM, hope it happenes again and again
Adrian it’s basic human nature innate in ALL of us. Pain, regardless of race creed color age or sex is the one and only true deterrent in life. Every thing we do or don’t do is predicated on avoiding or alleviating pain. People stay faithful to avoid the pain of losing their love one. People drink And do drugs to deal with the pain. we work because it’s more painful to be broke than getting up in the mornings. we move away from our childhood towns to get away from the pain. EVERYTHING in life is motivated by pain. It’s not rocket science. If you study human beings you’ll see that it’s evident. Now you say that this incident won’t deter him? It most certainly will because once the brain associates ANYTHING with pain it releases hormones into the body that turns you off or repulses you. This is why when you vomit your favorite dish you never eat it again or you lose the desire for it. This is why when you burn your hand on the stove your parents never have to worry about you it doing again. Progression and liberalism would have you believe that there is a substitute for pain I’m sorry to tell you that there is none. You can talk to a child 100 times about not doing a certain thing and they will STILL do it. However one spanking solves the problem.
Not all children need to be spanked. A disappointing look from a parent is enough for SOME kids to bring them to tears. The pain they feel in their heart will deter them the next time. On the other hand there are some kids whose hearts are on the backsides and only a belt can bring about corrective behavior. This prisoner is clearly the latter. When you rape a one year old to the point of death, I’m sorry but therapy and talk will NEVER be enough to rehabilitate him. This is not his first time. A grown man doesn’t get up one day with an affinity for children, This has been going on for years. I’M SURE He has been warned. He has been talked to. He has been prayed for. NONE OF THAT has brought him enough pain. HOWEVER this particular incident he will NEVER EVER EVER forget. And unless he’s an alien and doesn’t function like every other homosapien, the next time he thinks about committing this disgusting act his brain will flood his blood stream with the necessary hormones to let him know that the end result of this could be another brutal prison gang rape. It’s not rocket science. Think about something in your life that isn’t motivated by pain. There is nothing. . We’re all motivated by it. Unfortunately SOME people need more of it than others.
Adrian kimmett i think this is something you tell yourself to make YOU feel better about this story. he will not be cured but just like how hard core addicts learn to control their urges after hitting rock bottom. . TRUST ME he will reconsider the abuse and anal obliteration he received from those inmates the next time he thinks about committing this crime. If you don’t think this will deter him then i don’t know what planet youre living on.
And by the way What Is this sick empathy you feel for him? Every one knows that inmates punish child predators and cannibals he chose His own fate. I don’t understand this culture of people who feel nothing for the victims yet go to war for these animals. Whether this cures Him or not is irrelevant justice has been served. Have you heard that one hour of pain is greater than a lifetime of talk. He felt the exact same abuse and pain He inflicted on an innocent baby. He felt what it’s like to be victimized. He felt what it’s like to be powerless to animals and this was his choice. And TRUST ME this was not his first time this was the first time he got caught. He got what he earned. If he doesn’t want to be brutalized in the future i suggest he leaves people’s children alone.
Yea I’m sure your right
Karma is a B@#$% I bet that A@# is hurting.Think about the pain he caused to that innocent baby,now Karma has come right back and bit him in the A$@.
I don’t give a fuck! That’s what you get. That’s the way it is. Like it or not. Good for him.
Lol yeah. I read the first portion by hitting see more. But when it gets to “continue reading” nothing happens. At first i thought you stopped your comment abruptly but now realize that i didn’t see the whole comment like this one. Don’t know why.
Anyonene who has gone thru rape, sexual abuse, or physical abuse KNOW the pain and torture inflicted upon you. It doesn’t just heal like a cut or broken bone. It stays with you and affects you the REST of your life. Even if you think it doesn’t. It DOES! Period. You look at people completely differently than those who weren’t abused. I can’t say I feel one bit sorry for this guy. That may be why I never went into law enforcement, I am NOT a Judge either. So it is not my JOB to think of the offenders rights. I am simply Me, and can focus solely on the poor little boy. THAT is who I feel bad for. Thank Heaven he is in a better place Now!!
Fuck you shawnte and best watch your fucking mouth bitch. You dont know me from shit to stink just because I feel that it wasnt right that he has to suffer that way DOES NOT make me a unfit parent and if you was in my face and said that bitch I’d shoot you and i don’t care. Dont ever fucking say that about a mother because she gave her own fuxking opinion. Like I said if they think it’s OK to allow people to do the same wrong that people go into jail for ALLOWING IT TO BE RIGHT. then we might as well go back to slavery cause everything that all our ansesters had fight for to make this nation right everyone is destroying it by allowing the shit that is a crime out on the streets ok to do in the fucking jails. I didnt say what he did WAS NOT WRONG! I simply said he didn’t have to go through all of that because all the mother fuckers that did it to him are just as bad as he is! So therefore they ALL should be put to death honestly. AND IF Y’ALL THINK ALL OF THIS IS JUSTICE THEN ALL OF YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! FUCK ALL OF YOU AND WHAT TOU HAVE TO SAY I AM MY OWN VOICE IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I WRITE. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DONT YOU FUCKING DARE COME AT ME WITH ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! AND BEST BELIEVE I WOULD NEVER GIVE ANYONE THE CHANCE TO EVEN TOUCH MY KIDS IN THAT MANNER SO BEST WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT ME MY PARENTING AND MY KIDS JUST BECAUSE I DO NOT AGREE WITH HALF OF YOU DUMB IGNORANT MOTHER FUCKERS THAT LIKES TO TALK SHIT AND ENJOY WATCHING PEOPLE SUFFERING. IDGAF. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU CARELESS MOFO’S.
Probably have to do like your first reply and send shorter paragraphs. because going back that’s the only full reply i have read.
Hmm, i would love to read your comment but it’s being cut short and i can’t continue past the third paragraph.
This is a very touchy subject, Now a days the punishment or time you get for a crime isn’t good enough. Most get out after so long and re-commit these crimes. As a parent myself, if you are going to molest, rape or murder a child you should have the same crime committed against you. If this guy did do what he is accused of, then he’s getting justice, and hopefully it will happen till the day he dies just like the child. A child is defenseless, and in my opinion, treat others how you want to be treated.
I want to start out by saying I never really take the time to post on here but something about the story and these post really got me interested. So this world is sick and disgusting your right Adrian. but extermination of the people who are guilty of committing such disgusting crimes is not the answer. someone else will come along and do the same thing or more than likely something worse. Do not take that to mean that I am not in favor of the death penalty either. All I am saying is quit focusing on the small picture. Do you honestly think that these things don’t happen all over the world? Especially in the U.S. who has one of the highest if not the highest incarceration rates of any country in the world. Because it does. I don’t see one person questioning why this was allowed to happen in a controlled environment such as a prison. A prison, also called a correctional Facility. A facility that was designed to rehabilitate and correct negative actions by criminals. Which means that we should be correcting these actions not supporting them or allowing them to happen because we feel that he had it coming. If we allow things like this to happen we are no better then he is. so why not focus on the big picture that we are not fixing the problem we are just trying to put a band aid on it and then wonder why we have so many repeat offenders. so please stop fighting about weather or not he deserved it or weather or not the other men should be punished we all know the answer. start questioning your respective leaders on why they don’t have a prison system that helps instead of making it better…… Oh and one last thing its also hilarious that you want to attack someone else that is posting their opinion, no matter how rude it was or how you felt about it. it was uncalled for grow up everyone and get off your computer go out and do something constructive. instead of gossiping like a bunch of high school kids. because if you don’t it will be your kids getting raped in prison because we are creating more and more laws everyday and the penalties are getting steeper. how long before you or someone you know makes a mistake that lands you a year or more in prison.
I know that I am sick and tired of hearing about these kids getting raped and or killed.Most of the time these animals go to jail and get out only to do it again. There’s no real punishment because in prison they are protected from the other inmates looking to deliver their idea of justice. Now in saying that I neither agree or disagree with what has happened nor do I care. You’ve got to be a very sick individual to harm a child in anyway let alone rape one. Karma is a bitch and too bad for him he got treated like one. At least there’s a highly less chance if he does get out he’ll think twice about doing it again.
And how many more one year old babies do you think he’s gonna take after this? EXACTLY. It’s not right but he’s an animal and he got handled by other animals.
What a horribly disgusting article. I read most of the comments; I can’t even imagine the suffering the child or this man went through. I believe this man should’ve definitely been punished, but raped by 20? Not only is that sick, but what does that say about the staff of the prison? They knew that was coming in the first place, then to put him back in population with them again? To me, the child rapist, the 20 men that raped him, & the people that made the decision to put him back with those men again are all sick in the head. What human being would do any of those things? People with metal issues obviously. No child deserves that, but there had to have been some other way to punish him. There’s enough aids, stds,etc. in the world. I don’t even see why the media felt the need to even post that disgusting picture. What if this child rapist liked what happened to him, or the guards enjoyed watching, because there’s no way none were around when this happened. The while thing just says how sick in the head people are; there’s gotta be some other way of punishment, being raped by 20 men one time was enough. Those that put him back for a second round are obviously sick too. I don’t know how any one could get a good night’s sleep witnessing such horror.
No one wins, I use that word loosely, the rapist needs to be dealt with in another way, locked up 23 hours and a lot
of time to think about it, and as
far as the 40 virgins go, ( wonder if it the same 40 the Muslims get lol) they need women in prison to stop this kind of thing let then visit their husbands one in a while, that’s a great idea. But will It work? Probably not but worth a try. It know what to say anymore.
This is outrageous, for both child and adult. He turned himself in, he knew he did wrong, he saw his own fault and was clearly distgusted himself. He should of been allowed to go and do his time without having such hurrendous effects on his body, what they did to him is way too extreme. Nothing was to say he wasn’t a good step father before he did this to the child. And for those who have put him through that pain and are as bad if not worse than that man himself.
If I’m reading this right, the baby died from injuries suffered after being beaten and sodomized by this grown ass man, and y’all feel sorry for him. Wow what is the world coming too. If anybody deserved a litle prison justice it is this piece of shit. Sorry i will reserve my sympathy for the dead 1 yr old baby, not the one that beat, and sodomized him to death. Sorry that’s just me, and if I’m wrong, well then I’m just wrong. Kudo’s to the twenty Prisoner who Raped, and re-raped his sick ass after they stitched him up. I hope a few of them had AIDS and infected him so he can die a slow agonizing death. I hope when he goes to Hell, they repeat those steps for eternity…!!!
A father of 6, with Grand children that I would kill & die for…!!!
SHAME ON YOU ALL!!! You all get off on putting each other down based on your opinions, background, etc………Why must you put each other down especially when you guys are strangers…YOU GUYS PROVE THIS WORLD IS GOING TO SHIT BECAUSE ALL WE HAVE IS SHITTY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET PUTTING DOWN EVERYONE ELSE. Learn to love and accept instead of trying to be right in the internet. I have my opinion about this but I will share it with people who actually care and would do something about. You don’t like what happened then get your ASSES off the computer and actually do something instead of making yourselves feel superior to others by debating on medium that won’t do nothing but be a waste of time. Hold a protest, sign a petition, etc…..BUT DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN THIS BULLSHIT ARGUING THAT’S GOING ON HERE. (P.S. I know there will be stupid comments regarding this, put then again it will just prove my point, so prove it)
This story has really broken our trust even when it comes to family, being responsible for taking care of our own children:(:(:( this child that sadly passed away was infact the rapists step child, and the rapist wasnot just a stranger or a au pair or a nannie!!! Children are brought up with values and are taught right from wrong, but now that this child will never have a say or a voice to speak up agaisnt this monster that raped and killed this child..I know in my heart, this monster deserves every inch, every second of hell he is experiencing in jail!! And oh yes, he is going to meet his maker, but for now he needs to feel physically what he did to his step child, he needs to feel violated and humiliated, and not be able to sleep at all, because you cannot take a childs life!!!We are sapose to protect our children, and help them become leaders and great problem solvers for the future!! May this little sweet innocent child rest in peace, he is in a better place now:(:(:(:(
How can you people like this?!? What the hell is wrong with you? This man is sick just like any one else with an illness and this was a learned behavior someone did this to him when he was young! You are never going to solve these problems with more abuse! What the fuck kind of logic is that? These people need help not more pain. Fir those of you that think this is justice need to have your heads examined, we as humans should never like seeing another human in pain. It is true he should not have gone what he did but the blame lies more with the original abuser! The only way to fix this is to get these people help! What kind of people get off on hurting others? Weather it is a child or an adult? You are all blind to the real problem here , just in love with the shock and awe that you have all come to expect! Sick you are all sick and I am sorry to be part of your race.
For those who believe that what was done to this man was wrong, has never spent a day in a greving mothers/fathers shoes. Letting this mab get raped wasn’t wrong what’s wrong is we the people are paying for this nan to have free food room and bored. Granted he has no freedom but what worries does he have with this free space givin to use. And for you bible thumpers, the scripters say an eye for an eye. I believe these creatures that can bring harm to someone that can’t defend themselves (old people/ children/ woman) we shouldn’t let them sit in jail/prison just so they can build muscles for when they get out they can do it again. Put them in the peoples hands to punish, let the fathers of raped daughters handle their rapest let the mothers of a hit and run apply justice to the driver. I was raised to love one another and never lift a hand nor hurtful word to someone, also if its justified beat ass. I can’t say what I would do in that situation giving I still have both my children unharmed and untouched, but help you if my children or any other innocent souls are harmed. This world is to big for them to find you and too many torture devices to end you quick
FIRST MY LOVE AND THOUGHTS ARE WITH HIS MOTHER AND MY PRAYS ARE WITH THIS PERFECT CHILD !! The Punishment suits the crime!! and for those who are about to get on their high horse ask your self this; What would you do if you walked in and found some doing this to your child?? Would you truly believe that a jail sentence really suits the crime as you lay out your child’s final outfit!! This little boys life is no longer all because this filth put his dirty hands on the him being a parent myself it brakes my heart to think that this childs last thoughts were why is daddy hurting me, one person he is meant to feels safe with stole his innocence and claimed his life! i know 20 inmates is extreme but a grown man raping and killing a toddler if this was my child he would be lucky to be ALIVE!
It saddens me that some one feels it’s okay to hurt a helpless child. You have to be a real monster to not be affected by their cries of pain. Although what happened to him was horrible it showed him what it feels like to be helpless and abused. If it gave him any insight into what that little boy felt …. Bravo to the prisoners for a lesson well taught! !!! I can tell you he will more than likely never hurt a child like that again.
At the end of the day nobody walking on God green earth can judge nor decide this mans fate except GOD himself yes what he did to this little boy was absolutely disgusting , wrong,cold hearted and devious and no it was not up to the prisoners to decide what his punishment should be.. We as humans always seem to believe we hold the key to someone’s fate but we DONT… This man will suffer far greater for what he has done and the JUDGE of his fate is and will always ONLY be GOD! Remember everyone ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE !
Anyone who even has a inappropriate thought about a child should be sent to prison, it’s not normal and the world is not safe with people like this nonce roaming around raping and killing kids, he dont even deserve to die because then he wont suffer. He shouldnt of even been stitched or cleaned up.. he should be raped till near death everyday, and that still wont even come close how that poor little boy must have felt just before he died, there aint no god or whatever you weirdos go on about, im sure if god created man then he should be able to prevent them from killing and raping babies. This is a fucked up world and fucked up people deserve to be fucked up everyday without fail! If it was my child that was raped and murdered id personally thank the 20 men who made the cunt suffer!!
*meh* I don’t care about the pain he is suffering. I don’t condone rape or violence of any manner, but prison is where those 20 men should be (obviously) and thank goodness the system is keeping society safe from those animals. If they just have to behave like savage animals, then I think they have chosen a good candidate for their victim.
He deserved it…I couldn’t imagine any child including my own being hurt so severely…. This was a baby ppl. ..a Baby!
What he did to that baby is just sick no matter how you look at it.
Now these inmates raping & re-raping is not right either. BUT, if it were up to me & only me, I’d have to say, I wouldn’t try to protect his sorry ass!!! No pun intended. Yes, rape & violence both are wrong. But why protect him from anyone who is just as sick as he is. I mean, afterall, who protected that sweet, innocent baby from this disgustingly sick, piss-poor excuse for human life????? And I must say, I am putting this mildly because I’m sure my comments will upset plenty of people reading this, but I am positive that I am not the only person that feels this way.
Any person especially a parent that says this man is getting something he doesn’t deserve is full of sh*t! What this man did to that little boy, as a mother I can’t begin to put into words how sick this makes me! He’s getting exactly what he deserves! Children have no way to defend themselves against an adult in any situation let alone rape! Its pure evil.
@adrian kimmett your main issue with the 20 rapists being animals is that they weren’t raping out of ‘love’ for the child but because they were horny. So I guess we have to figure out their true intentions, which we will never know. Shawnte & her supporters I see that you all are very angry but how we respect your opinions if most you can’t string together a sentence? Adrian comes off as supporting the guy but if you read further he thinks they should all just be killed. What happened may seem justified because of the irony, but realistically we cannot use type of punishment & still call ourselves ‘civilised’. The most practical solution is to just kill them. Easy & effective.
How about trying to stop this all before it happens with education the people who abuse children are obviously psychologically damaged and their needs have to be addressed before this happens.. Plus this says a lot about society and our blatant sexualisation of children through media music and movies so it’s our fault as a society yet no one wants to do the hard yards and bring this out into the open in a public forum
I agree with what you said but I think you need to step back a bit further and speculate on weather these 20 men, obviously guilty of poor life choices, hadn’t suffered at the hands of a monster like this. Or one all their own. So many kids slip between the cracks and are abused. Grow up to make bad decisions and lead a seedy life due to the trauma caused to then as children.
For the people condoning an eye for an eye mentality. He committed the crime and I think he should be punished for it – but not by having himself raped. It’s amoral and gross and fucking defeats the purpose, and the mentalities of the comment section remind me on why rapists exist – “Because x deserved it because x did this.”
Shame on you. I think that the basic “human rights” lesson should be taught in schools and homes if people are this ignorant. Human rights were invented for a reason.
Sent it to your inbox.
Why are people trying to defend this evil person he raped a baby ……. Who gives a fuck if he got raped in jail he gna get raped everyday in hell an all , were was him feeling badwen he ruined a child’s life fuck this guy hope he dies from getting bummed out the cunt and anyone saying its. Sad or horrid go to the prison and sit down with everyone who raped him have a firm talk with them see if it helps u lot of plebs
Sorry but I have to agree with what was done to him. I feel this should happen to any others as well to. Let them be raped daily by the inmates as a reminder of their crime. Many knowing the consequences will definately think twice before harming any child. I think this should be the punishment for any age of rape, adult or child. Just my opinion.
lot’s of questions……………how do they know “about 20 prisoners” raped him first time around.?? were they watchin?? were they counting ?? what are all the single patches on his back?? stab marks?? burns?? bite marks?? are we sure that’s not crap on his shorts?? who owns “mostextremenews” ?? how credible is this entire story??
he deserved exactly hat he gt and that to me was not enough he raped a baby a baby he should of got raped in his fucking ear that’s how small that baby back side was or smaller sick bastard he needs to get raped every time he try to sit downor take a shit moter fucker and if you don’t lik my status kiss my ass iam on facebook if you got something to say
At the end of the day the sick twisted fuck (to say the least) RAPED AND KILLED a baby!! Let the inmates do what they want to the disgusting excuse of a monster!! If the police wanna punish everyone else involved then fair dos but in my opinion hes not even getting half of what the cunt deserves. If i was in the prison with him he would have been tortured like no tomorrow before suffering from the most excruciatingly painful death. What the inmates have done to the vile beast doesnt even tickle what he deserves hopefully they do something a lot worse!!! Say what you want about my comment all you want mate he deserves to suffer. Let em get on with their punishment all day everyday im pretty sure that poor littlens mum is thinking the same thing!! R.I.P little man xx
I think big daddy coulda raped and beat him once and called it a day. But this is a little excessive, I’ll be the first to defend a child but damn son he got Molly whopped in the buttox. He’s lucky he wasn’t in a Mandingo prison where the genitals were not pee shooter size. Kidding. Anyway eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.
I have no sympathy for real convicted child rapist and child abusers. Now a sex offender that messes with a minor between the ages of 14 and 17 both sides should be address these minors have adult bodies and juvenile minds statutory rape is not acceptable but how can u tell if one is telling u i am 18 and up and they look like it, on the other hand this man raped a 20 month old bby he deserved the same punishment that bby got i would let him heal up just enough and send his ass right back out there again and again!
There are plenty of women that rape and kill children too. Do they also deserved to be anally raped as punishment? Would all of you applaud 20 men that sodomized a woman as punishment for her crimes against children? Should women that kill children via abortion be jailed and raped as well? I don’t understand how any of you can be glad that 20 more acts of rape occurred.
I am a mother and if a sicko did this to my child. I would have anal raped him with sword. Some of these comments on here defending this sick man your just as sick as he is. Everyone knows they don’t like child killers or child rapist in prison because your ass is free game to them. Maybe he should have hung himself instead of hurting an innocent child.
Was is ok what those fellow prisoners did to him? Of course not & it should be condemned by everyone who has read this. However do I feel bad for what happened to this guy? Nope not @ all. I feel nothing for him but I feel so bad for his step SoN. I won’t go so far as to say this was an eye for a eye but if you do believe in karma then wouldn’t you agree that this would be a very close example of it? I’m just saying! Peace!
Some extraordinarily sick comments in this thread will help me to finally accept the fact that a shocking majority of mankind still behaves like uncivilized monkeys and no education can change this even in thousand years. Thank you.
I was raped at six years old by a neighbor. I didnt tell.. He then raped another time. He broke her jaw and threw the baby in the car seat out of the vehicle and with know more thought about thw crimw the lay or the baby, he kpt herfor hours repeatedly raping. He was caught and yes the baby was okay. He sentenced 40 years in jail.
The very day he was supposed to be released he chose to sodomize his cellie new 1 mo time. He was sodomied wi th broom and died. Excuse the grammar but when it was time for maniac to get out I suffered. His sister wanted justice and came to me to seek it. I feel like justice was served. That is the way of the world , I was relieved that he bled and died.typos are horrible , however so is sarcasm○
I think that anyone whom puts an innocent child through such pain and torture should in fact endure what this man had daily if not daily then multiple times a day. That little boy doesn’t even have a voice to speak out about it let alone a chance to defend himself against a grow man. What he did is disgusting. How someone can look at a child in such a way is repulsing.
Don’t speak for me… I happen to believe that if these heinous acts are publicized MAYBE the “possessed” will see what truly happens on the inside of the walls of prison, they will keep their filthy, disgusting, predatory sick perverted twisted baby raping parts away from our precious children!
I don’t feel sorry for this animal, at least he understood why and what was happening to him, that innocent baby did not…but what worries me about this is that this animal will eventually be released. ? Will he do it again. ? I Say when they have confessed and there is no doubt of guilt, eye for an eye…1 rape and then the death penalty!
That poor baby. This piece of shit got off easy…hope he was crying & begging for him mom like that innocent baby must have been. Couldnt even imagine that poor lil things fear & pain…makes me sick & very sad that shit like this goes in our world,makes me never want to let my kids leave the house.
He got what he deserve and any that feels sorry for him are like him you don’t understand what it’s like as a kid to have this happen to you death is to quick and simple he needs to suffer pain like this for the rest of his life because you will never get over something like this happening to you so I hope this is only the start for this sick prick
Shawne Cincinnati it’s obvious you are not a Christian! it’s obvious your obese! It’s obvious your uneducated, what gives someone like you the right to slam other people when you don’t even have all the facts. People like you make me sick
What he did was wrong on so many different levels, bit I think the courts should have decided his fate, not the inmates. Who are any of is to play God, because in the end God is our judge. Whatever happened to having God in our communities. We need to bring him back.
This guy deserves to feel helpless and without choice. A baby has NO CHOICE but to depend on the person taking care of them. However, the caregiver has a choice in whether or not they care for this baby. He should not have been alone with this baby and as an adult should have made the adult decision and made sure he wasn’t!!
It’s such a horrible story. Something is not right. If the perp handed himself in, then why get raped over and over by 20 animals right?! Anyone who screams eye for an eye are sick fucks. There’s something called justice and processes take place for it to happen. Brazil is full of evil shit.
vengeance is mine says the invisible man,where the fuck was he when the baby was being raped?its tough.the scum turned himself in,knowing what would happen,sounds like he wanted it.the baby would have lived for 70+ years,i personally hope that man suffers everyday for the rest of his life.
That man deserved every last dick he got. People don’t have to condone the actions of the “vigilantes” but they were doing it for the loved ones of that child that couldn’t get their hands on him and most of all doing it for the pain he caused that child. People would be singin a different tune if it was there one year old that was raped and beaten. I’ve done my share of time and unfortunately seen my share of sexual assaults and seen straight men willing to give head for cigarettes. Prison is a whole different animal especially outside US. Unfortunately there is assaults in prison on registered sex offenders that got caught pissin on a tree. It does happen but not often. You have a hierarchy to report to before any assaults take place and the top dogs aren’t gonna let a couple of there people beat somebody up and get put in the hole over somebody pissing on a tree. I’ve been out of trouble for years, been sober for over 6 years, have a wife and 2 little boys which our my life. If anything ever ever happened to my child like what happened to that poor little boy, best believe that I would be ready to serve anytime I need to, to get revenge. And if he gets locked up before I get to him, every dime I make will be going to inmates inmates and guards in that prison to make sure he’s kept alive a pays EVERY day of his life. Even if one of you haters had a child that was assaulted and I knew you, I would make that man pay too and that’s anyone. I have no tolerance for child abuse and firmly believe in eye for an eye. It is our jobs to protect the next child don’t trust our justice system to protect our families.
After the rest of the Maggots have finished a couple of sessions of beating and raping this sick,twisted piece of shit,, He should be taken out and be shot in the head,Why would anyone want to keep it in jail and feed it. Penalties for Crimes like this should be Death.
I only feel bad for this man because I know that if a woman raped that child she wouldn’t be punished with rape and people would feel sympathy for her. If a woman deserves better this man deserves better too.
Men like this don’t deserve prison. Why should tax payers pay for their life in jail? They instead should be castrated! A short jail term to punish them then let them out to walk amongst us without a penis for the rest of their life! They can’t even have a sex life and that shall be their punishment!
This man raped, beat, and eventually killed a child. Now I feel for the baby. He did not deserve that. So to feel sad or any remorse for this man. I can’t and will not do it. Yes he is in prison for 20 or so years. That child can not see twenty more years. OK he got raped by prisoners so what he deserved that and much more. His dick need to be cover in honey in an ant pile or beehive no both. Then mark for life. I love my kids and any man or woman that harm my kids will not live to see another day so its best for him to be in jail. Also I believe the death plenty is to easy of a way out. He is getting exactly what he deserve.
Adrian your not for real he deserves everything he gets and fingers crossed it happens over and over let him feel the pain and suffering that poor baby felt so live in the real world cause if you think for one minute that this animal didn’t deserve it then your probably a fxxking do gooder that has no children
Going through the comments here I see there are people for and against to what happened to the rapist in jail. You are all entitled to your opinion, that’s fair enough. But no matter what country you live in, amongst any prison population child abuse is not tolerated whatsoever.
Adrian sadly enough you are probably right. I was being optimistic I guess. Ignorant of me. I’m just glad he suffered.
Just bring back the death penalty, problem solved. Shouldn’t have done it shouldn’t have happened to him either. It’s wrong no matter what way it’s done or the ‘reasons’ behind it. Pretty sure rape victims would never wish it on another person even to the person who did it. It’s horrible. Just kill them cleanly.
Hello everyone , unfortunately i’m Brazilian and I know very well the law in Brazil does not work as it should , prisoners in Brazil they tell the rules in the Brazilians jail so rappers are not wellcome
I have no pity whatsoever for this sick bastard. He abused and murdered a one year old child and he got what he deserved. As the old saying goes “Do The Crime, Do The Time” and expect the horrible shit that goes along with it. The fact he only got 20 years is a joke and a disgrace so something`s gotta give in a way. All the brutal beatings and raping in the world done to this guy isn`t gonna bring the poor baby back, but evil people like this deserve to be punished for their evil actions. And as for people saying it`s unfair that this as happened to him, well what do you expect from fellow criminals in prison? This happened in a jail from other thugs who probs in jail for the rest of there lives for brutal crimes so what people expect from criminals behaviour in jail? The inmates who done this to him shouldn`t be gloried as hero`s and yes they are just as sick, evil and twisted as him for doing what they did to him and being in prison in the first place. And yes rape and violence isn`t the solution to the problem and what happened shouldn`t be gloried as rape in any place in any normal place our society shouldn`t be appected. But where the law failed with justice and giving proper punishment to this bastard, these actions from other criminals in prison have taught him a lesson and this will teach paedophiles that this will what happen to them if they harm children and it will be a warning to these sick bastard`s out there who think they can do this to children and get away from it. This bastard deserves to be punished and got what he deserved. Period.
He deserved every bit of what he got! How could you even attempt to touch a child a kid that looks to you as a protector they should rape him again and again because im sure that little boy is feeling a whole lot worse then what hes getting fuckin pussy!
Weather or not he deserved it is irrelevant what’s important is that he’s locked up and some justice for that baby boy was served . Not do we venture off into shark infested waters and expect too lay quietly among them?? No we get eaten alive and torn to bits
It may not be right but it is certainly not wrong. CO’S turn your heads and let them have at him again. Till permanent physiological damage is done. Do you think a year and a half year old can recover?
I agree wit Adrianne she never said he didn’t deserve it only that any one getting joy or idolizing an act so desturbing is just as sick. There are UN said things about prison that we all know and the fact that child rapist and killers get fucked up
Jennifer Stacey you have your opinions and I have mine….at the end of the day God is in control and He sees and knows all…with that being said I’ll leave the judging to Him….I do have a heart and my heart bleeds for that innocent and defenseless child….he’s no longer in harms way….
Its called eye for a eye. Youd rather this snake be out in 30 days? He should have this done everyday of his life. But oh no we have most of you out here screening” oh this poor man!!!” Matthew he’ll take your child next bet that would change your mind. Quick death is to good.for this fuck. So stop with the potty this man shit.
He deserves everything he got and more I have no sympathy for this animal. He attacked an innocent/defenceless child. Now its time for him to feel scared, intimidated and in pain the only difference is he deserves it the child didn’t. I am a mother of 2 young boys and if anything happened to them I would be devastated- what has happened is a tiny piece of justice for the child involved.
Karma is a bitch! Can you imagine what the pain and horror that the small child endured? I believe what goes around comes around. If that was my son I would pay a thousand men to torture him as he had my innocent child. This is my opinion. I don’t care if it’s not right! What’s not right is an child having their whole life ripped from them, because of a dirty peado. Disgusting.
After they do a horrible act like that it’s hard to believe they have any humanity left, why should they be treated like human beings when they have no respect for life.
Do I think what those 20 or so men did him was right ? = No, (head)
Would I want to see him punished in this way if that was my child ? = yes (heart)
Make of that what you will, i dont care if it makes me a bad person x
I think the whole story is disgusting raping a child is horrific and beAting the child to death! The man deserves to be punished but as they say two wrongs don’t make a right fair enough if they got to him once and done what they did to the man but it’s just ridiculous letting it happen again. Like I said he should be punished of course it is a horrific thing he done unforgivable especially a child of the boys age and for someone the little boy probly trusted just sickening really I feel for his mother
Personally I don’t feel sorry for or have any compassion for this rapist what so ever. Did he feel compassion when he violently raped this infant.. No… did he give mercy?… no because he went on to murder him.. all I can imagine is what that poor little baby was going through whilst he was getting his sexual kicks and enjoyment. So yes I do condone what happend to him. and I hope that he replayed those little boys screams in his head whilst the same thing was happening to him.
Adrian you obviously haven’t got any children and answer to your question I would gladly join the que with a baseball bat and fxxk him hard up the arse and let him feel the pain that poor little child has gone through
Waow i seeing so manu cases and this one would be the sicks, He needs the death penalty after all those prisoners made him feel his step son pine.
they are heros in my eyes, good enough for him, now he will understand 1/10 of the pain he put that poor baby through!!!!!! ahhhhh he got raped to? fuck him he shouldnt have touched a child! hope he gets raped everyday till the day he dies
I think your a piece of work yourself you piece of shit. Now that I got my potty words out. No I don’t beleave that a child rapist shout get any sympathy . Reality is that if that didn’t happen to him in jail then really he wouldn’t of gotten anything more then a slap on the hands. And what about turning himself in. Does that make him a better person or something? He’ll no in my book, that’s just what a guilty ass person thinks,” maybe if I admitted to my wrong doing it males me look better. I say if you can admit it, all the more you should shoot yourself a save alot of babies getting beat and raped.I hope this makes sence.
Fully earned! I had a story similar to this happen at the hospital I work at but the baby died and it was indescribably horrible, it’s one thing to hear about it and see it.
After raping a child, 20 inmates were deprived of having a good experience. He should have been cleaned an stitched after each one. And this should take place for the rest of his natural life because that child will never forget what was done to him for the rest of his natural life.No Sympathy for Child Rapist.
Obiously the people who dont think he deserved it have no children, poor baby :'( still think he needed more, think of how a the baby suffered.
Well deserved! He put his self in that situation. He is an adult who is accounted for his actions, poor baby who is only 1 yr and some months was helpless and defenseless.
its hard to say what this man deserves, if he indeed raped this child then i would say he deserved it, but then again not including this man, what about all the men who are convicted of rape that were innocent, its almost scary how many women out there say rape when infact there was a different story completely. what of those innocent men that go to jail called a rapist, but are infact not. do they deserve the same treatment. obviously i think a real rapest does, just stating some of the misfortunes that do happen to other men who are in fact not.
He deserves more than that a life time of hell will not compensate the heinous crime this muthafucker committed the mother will never hold her baby again. There is no price for that!!! & if you defend what happened to him than you are just another sorry ass piece of shit in my opinion.
Take a criminal like michael adebolajo. Just like this guy, michael adebolajo is evil and rotten to the core. Last year in the uk he alongwith a accomplice murdered a soldier off duty on the streets in london in board daylight hacking him to death with a meat cleaver in front of shocked by passers. To add insult to injury he claimed his actions were done in the name of allah, and after getting locked up for life with a 100 years prison sentence even now he is trying to get released as he believes he was right to murder lee rigby in the name of his crappy religion. In prison he`s had the shit kicked out of him by other inmates, hell he`s even been targeted by prison guards for beatings and has been denied medical treatment to. Yet then this happens to michael adebolajo do you see people saying it`s unfair? So why should it be any different with this sick bastard? Yes violence won`t bring the victims back but for brutal crimes such as these they deserve to be punished and its what they deserve.
To finish him up they should have cut his dick off and put it up his ass…to tolerance for mistreating a child that can’t defend him or her self..
It is sickening. But he nvr should have touched the child. He deserves to have the same nightmares that beautiful little boy will have to endure for the rest of his life. As a victim of something somewhat similar i can tell u his life will be one horrific nightmare after another. Ppl, both male and female who take the light of a child deserve the same. He’ll think twice before touching another child. And for those of u who think of this as an injustice,u have no idea wat we live with every single day/night of our lives. There is no end for us. We can’t lead normal lives. We have no life,no enjoyment in life. We have nothing but that image constantly repeating itself ovr and ovr again. We have problems with allowing anyone near us and if we r lucky enough to somewhat move on and have families that nightmare revisits and we either smother our kids from fear of it happening to them or we simply live a life with no one. Because we can’t trust anyone around us. And with ppl like him,basically it 3 meals a day,cable tv,recess and then let back out to do it to another poor child. So i ask u now where exactly is the injustice. He was taught a very valuable lesson. Take a child’s light and they take urs. Repeatedly!! Justice well served. And may god have mercy on his soul for killing that poor little boy. Cuz i can very much guarantee u that’s wat he’s done.
If u don’t wanna get raped by someone, the don’t rape someone. Got what he deserves. Eye for eye is def an acceptable form of punishment. Now u feel the pain u bestowed upon someone else.
They should all be locked in padded isolated cell’s, nothing but their own company 24/7. That’s how all rapist / sexual offender’s should be treated also chop their dick off so they cannot master bate!!!
Good! Anyone who defends or feels bad for this piece of garbage can go join him!
As a parent I am outraged and being honest you hurt my child you deserve everything you get…..we can be politically correct and say its sad, blah, blah, blah…..but truth is we would probably do worse……vengence is the Lords we know…..but even knowing that, if this child were yours all common sense goes through the window…..Nobody deserves to recieve such brutality…..However, if you do the crime you will recieve what tjat entails……When it comes on to kids…..the defenseless….all bets are off and speaking only for me…..if this child were mine i would have gone totally Dexter on his ass and every inch of him
I love how some of you quote the bible. I hear Jesus said “Turn the cheek” but did Jesus turn the cheek when he confronted the Pharisees? When act is committed against us like name calling, petty theft or lies against our stature. Turn the cheek. But the act of the pedophile, especially the aggressive ones, is between him and God. Jesus said “Render unto Caesars what is Caesars”. This confused fella obviously knew what he was doing and the consequences of those actions. I say let him play the martyr as warning to future pedophiles………”STOP COMMITTING THIS SIN”
God bless
I agree that they should be punished for the disgusting crimes but this is just awful, and seriously tho why would these 20 prisoners want to rape someone?? All a bit weird
Excuse the hell outta me if I say I don’t give a f**k. This is karma at her finest. I’ll save my sympathies for those who deserve it, like …… the baby he raped.
Ok people, lets put this to rest already.Everyone have the right to their own opinion and thats all it is”an opinon”. I thought this is a section for comments only. I didnt know it was for a post for debate. I’ve read most of the comments here and not once did i read anyone say “so what do you think?” at the
end of their comments
I feel sorry for this person who was raped by these men, he had to suffer tremendously. But, I feel more sad and hurt for that baby, the awful suffering he endured at the hands of a monster, how can a human being do such violence to a child. I hope he has learned something from this crime. I also hope he stays in prison for many, many years. That poor innocent baby!
and besides that picture of the baby and that piece of shit the baby doesn’t look very happy so maybe he was beating that baby from before and this time took a whole new level that sick twisted fuck
hanging is to good for him he deserves everything he gets.maybe then he will know what he put that poor child through.
Although im against rape in itself. but… innocent child was brutally raped.beaten and killed..this is his punishment…
I have a 20 month old boy myself (same age as this unfortunate little angel was) and the thought make me nauseous. Do you guys know how tiny a 20 month old body is? Can you imagine the torture and the pain before this baby died? It is obviously horrific enough to have taken the baby’s life. Keyword here is TAKEN, by another human being… to hell with this guy getting raped, it’s not going to kill him the way he killed his stepson. He seems like a big boy who can handle what he dishes out to a toddler who was maybe 3 feet tall and 25 lbs. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it will teach him a lesson. The other 20 inmates are as sick as him so I say lock em all up together and let them kill each other, just keep them off our streets and away from our children!
I would have raped him than killed him this is a helpless child who can’t defend his self sicko people like that make mesick and should be killed
Fuck dat nigga
Putting him in with 20 other men who are all pissed off daily, knowing he RAPED and MURDERED an innocent child I think he is fortunate to still be alive. My opinion is rape is never justified however what did the powers that be think was going to happen.
It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you get raped whether you are 1 day old or 120 year’s old. If someone rapes you then this needs to happen everyday of your life until your last breath. That’s why people does this because the punishment. Is to light for these sick bastard. They get a slap on the hand and put right back on the streets where they can do it again with no restrictions. I got a neighbor that lives down the road from me that was found guilty of raping a 4 year old little girl and did not serve one day in jail according to the website all so he’s dad s a law enforcement officer. I bet that had nothing to his public n judgment. They let him out with no restrictions so he can still be around kids without supervision and that is just wrong.
Hmm it appears mr dictionary has deserted most of you again.
I think it’s horrible what happened, I can’t even bare to think to long on the topic.
I too say, an eye for an eye. No Child should suffer such evil.! God have mercy on the monster who dare touch anyone I love …
If he left the kid alone it never would have happened to him,do 2 others as u would have done to u
i guarantee he will not be raping anymore toddlers. Two wrongs don’t make things right but I feel he got exactly what he deserved.
Think of the poor child have that done to him by a grown man and the injury he had to go through. Hope it hurts when he needs the loo for a long time
Rape it self is wrong but you don’t do wrong with wrong we are no one to choose his punishment only ower Lord can judge
I feel sorry for the dude when he gets judged by god you can hurt his flesh even kill him but thats nothing compared to what god will do i dont think its right what he did at all if this happend to my nieces or nephew u dont know what i would do i wouldent rape him tho thats just nasty plus im a follower of christ its kinda hard to deal with mixed emotions a battle between right and wrong do what god wants u to do or the devil u know it says an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth but jesus raised the bar he said if a brother slaps u on the cheek give him your other cheek too if a soilder tells u to carry his gear 1 mile carry it 2 miles im not defending him im just thinking how would jesus handle the crime i know his hand was not on the inmates that raped him that was the devil all the way the man did an evil act but two evils dont make it right its not are job to cast judgment on him thats gods job and I know the justice systems a joke but this is what scripture says obey the law of the land i pray the brother repents of his sins nothing is to big for god to heal i cant think of evil thoughts against him what does it say if you break one sin you broke them all no sin is greater than the other in gods eyes
That guy can’t be very good at Brazilian Ju-Jitsu then if he managed to get raped. I’ve seen one guy kick the shit out of twelve others with others waiting to have a go at him. He also can’t be a very good human being if he’s raping kids.
My opinion? Make him suffer as much as he made that kid suffer. No moral highground, no religious nonsense, just plain old tit for tat. Besides doesn’t the bible state “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”? If it was up to me he’d suffer a lot worse than just being gang raped. I can tolerate a lot but not the abuse of someone/something that can’t defend itself and doesn’t deserve such horrendous treatement.
This is not sad this is just what he deserves hes feeling what the poor baby felt and hopefully he gets it over and over what the hell is he thinking to do that to the baby
he must not have been a real good jiu jitsu professor if he couldnt defend himself 0.o
He is sick. That precious baby deserve any of that. Smh. How sad. I bet he will never again rape another soul. He better had learned his lesson
He deserves that treatment everyday for the rest of his life for what he did to that little boy.
Eye for eye that’s how justice should be surved . To show the offender what that person they hurt went through
he deserved that and so much more I would love t shack the hand of every prisoner that destroyed him like he destroyed that poor innocent boy
What he received was merciful according to the bible. If the man repents and stops doing what he’s doing then he can be forgiven and spared the lake of fire. Thats merciful
I think the leniency afforded these animals are the reason why it happens as frequently as it does.
The only good thing this guy did was turn himself in. What happens within the confines of a prison – no matter where it is – we can’t stop it
Karma at the best.
It should be the death penalty for him and anyone who thinks rape is ok, whether or not you consider it a fair punishment, the fact is anyone who would applaud the punishment he received is just as bad as the child rapist himself
GOOD…. AN EYE FOR AN EYE!! THAT POOR CHILD BEATEN AND RAPED, STRIPPED OF ITS INNOCENCE!!! Good that they paid him back for what he did to that child!! F**k him!!!
Its so sad that anyone who disagrees with him being raped in prison people view that as us sticking up for him for abusing a child. Im also confused by those who think its good hes being raped in jail… everyone agrees rape is a horrible thing so why applaud those raping him. If you think they all deserve to get back what they are doing wouldnt you also agree that those raping him in prison should also be getting raped and so on
i show no remorse for this dirty animal!!! he deserves everything he gets in there,agonizing pain!! now he knows what that poor poor toddler had to put up with!! sicko!!
I worked with sex offenders at a prison in Illinois and our unit had to be cordoned off to the rest of the prison. When our guys went to meals or the gym or the library, the rest of the prison was on lockdown. It seems to be an unwritten rule that if you rape a child, you will die a horrible death in prison at the hands of other inmates if you are not put into isolation.The worst murderer(as long as he’s not a child murderer) will take up prison justice. On one hand the justice system put into place is supposed to take care of crimes, however on the other hand looking at small children and picturing the agony and pain they must’ve gone through, well perhaps we should revert back to the ‘let the punishment fit the crime’ scenerio. Guards are at fault also. Their job is to make sure everyone is ‘behaving’ while incarcerated, however many of them think they are also judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one.. Therapists will tell you that it takes an average of 6 years of steady therapy to be able to control those sexual urges and for some it never comes.Most serve their prison term in isolation and when released eventually reoffend. Heartbreaking, but no one really knows what it is that sets them apart from other ‘normal’ human beings. It’s usually not environmental or learned behavior.It’s a lose lose situation all around.
Well done to the prisoners whohave violated this man in the same way he violated an innocent child only he never died from what they did to him the child did now who got let off ay… I would personally push knifes up the fukers arse if he did that to a child of mine!
ok. so i just went to make myself a cup of coffee, and noticed the leaflet from a funeral we have sitting atop a decorative stand next to the coffee stuff. now, i don’t know why i didn’t bring this up in the first place (maybe subconsciously blocking it out, or not wanting to use my friend’s pain as petty fodder), but a VERY close friend of ours was raped and murdered a couple of months ago. how close? my girlfriend’s picture was buried with her… she had my girlfriend’s name tattooed on her foot… she was 20 years old. just a baby. sweetest girl. you don’t even know.
does the thought of that man being raped and beaten in jail for the next 20 odd years bring me any solace? no. it doesn’t. it won’t bring her back. nothing will make that “unhappen”. and saying if it was my kid, i’d react differently… her dad’s response..? “i just hope he realizes that he fucked up his life too.” he’s not at all concerned with retribution, he’s only upset about the utter waste of potential. for both of them.
and anybody saying these people can’t be rehabilitated… complete bullshit. i know you want to believe that, but it’s simply not true. people can change. you need to find the underlying social issue that makes them act out, and try to solve that, if only in the patient’s head.
(love you meagan. we miss you. <3)
Thats why they are where they are..evil sick animals with other sick evil day when they meet there creator and have to explain why.. its straight downstairs for them where they will see real pain and anguish..too bad about these children in these situations.
Absolutely discusting… He deserves to be raped every day until he dies…
That’s why im ignoring your petty comments go chat to your pedophile mates your boring now
got what was coming ….and yeah the ones that did it to him should not ever be released.
Two wrongs don’t make a right but in this particular case I can see why the inmates went haywire on his rectum. a
they should do this to all these disgusting fuckers! word will soon get around and these fucked up units will stop it
I love how so many people who HAVE NEVER been a rape victim are on here advocating rape. I hope all of you get raped, so you know how it feels and the psychological and emotional traumas that come from it. Maybe then you will not be so quick to say things without having any logical, strong and sound reasoning behind it. I hate rapists, child molestors even more so. Been arrested for beating a Chomo once even. Doesn’t mean I condone rape. If you can gangrape a man in his ass 20 times with 20 people you’re one step away from raping woman and kids too. A rapist is a rapist, no excuses. Anyone who condones rape for any reasons should be raped, then they would regret wishing such a heinous crime on anybody for any reason. There definitely should be punishment and pain but why does it also have to be of a sexual nature? How does one person raping someone do anything but create another rapist?
Even more so the poor child died you fxxking twat so you keep your stupid comments to yourself
I cant see anyone that agree with your shit comments Adrian so I suggest you don’t say anything
He deserved it. Now he can feel just a bit of what that child felt, he knows why he is getting raped, that child had no idea, so small and innocent and violated by someone he trusted. Those prisoners probably don’t enjoy raping people, just like I wouldn’t enjoy murdering somebody but if anyone did that to my son I would kill them.
Ah the internet comments section. Home to such intelligent discussions… Lol
He deserved it. I won’t be crying for him. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.
people who hurt children in any manner should have the same thing done to them of what they did to the child eye for an eye
I am amazed as I sit here and read these hypocritical comments. I for one believe he got what he deserves. I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe in you reap what you sow. I am a soldier. We live by the eye for an eye creed. Personally I say forget due process. The justice system is faulty and corrupt. Put a bullet in his head and call it a day. And anyone of you that say vengeance is not the way, is full of shit. Let this would have been someone you cared about or your child that he beat and raped, your first instinct would have been to kill him. If it were my daughter, I would eviscerate everyone and everything that in my way, just to obliterate him. So quit with the innocent shit.
Being Brazilian/American I’m aware of the what happens to sex offenders in jail in both contries. Brazil has a way more violent way of dealing with this type of crime, I feel that the death penalty is the correct way to handle this.. But forgive me because I feel he got what he deserved.. These types of acts happens when the justice system does not do their job. Disgusting in all ways, prayers to the pain the family’s are feeling on both sides.
We have a school teacher in the far north in court over multiple rape and soddomy
An eye for an eye and the whole world will be blind. If its ok to rape a rapist then we are all rapists.
A child cannot defend themselves against an adult. A young boy will suffer more after the fact than an adult predator who may be able to live with himself. Why should the child live with this scar while we think about treating him like a human. My point is its.not fair so life isnt so get him again until he out himself like hes suppost to .
Fucking sick fuck wasn’t enough u beat a innocent child that could not defend his self but then u put him through the ordeal of rape …… I think pedo and kiddy fiddlers should get life and not get out the only way u coming out is in a box …. I wished they had the death penalty because I would put u on the electric chair and not put water under the hat akd make u burn in hell … u sick fuck u deserve everything u get I hope u suffer deeeply what u did …. r.i.p angel
Although he deserved it..Pictures weren’t necessary……
I agree with Adrian Kimmet but they should get a taste of the pain the baby went through… Just like he ruined a baby’s life, the 20 in jail ruined his…difference being baby didn’t know what was going on or right from wrong and this sick bastard did… There are so many prostitues or easy girls out there begging for sex… Why go after a baby. I think it’s well deserved.
That’s the only crime prisoners don’t accept in jail
This sick excuse called a human raped and beat a 2 year old child… Think about the child who could not defend him self who could not yell for help or tell anyone what had happened!!! Personally i think the bastard needs to be hung!!!! I am a mother and as a mother i would do everything in my powers to make him hurt as he had hurt a child…. What is wrong with you people his punish ment was to much!!! Are you F**CKING kidding he got it easy he will heal which is getting it easy!!!! Glad to know there are men in prison that do not condone what this child rapist did… Good for those prisoners… I’m going to say thank you 🙂
The dude deserves to be assaulted and hurt like that poor defenseless child. But the underlying issue is, WHO THE HELL IS LINING UP TO KEEP ON RAPING THIS DUDE ?! His ass was BLEEDING!! I mean why not just beat him over and over? Forcefully ass raping a bloody ass doesn’t sound like there are any winners here. The inmates doing this should probably stay inmates .. Forever.
Whoever wrote this is a moron please child rapist anf or child killers are not human beings you idiot they stopped being so the minute they even thought of commiting the act so like everyone else here he does deserve daily rapes the punishment should fit the crime sorry lashes and whipping isnt good enough and death is too quick I to say bravo to those inmates keep up the good work fellas
Put yourself in the child’s shoes… The supporter of child molestation who wrote this article and others who think it wasn’t right for this guy to be punished are passive child molesters. An innocent helpless child is raped and beaten and someone thinks there is a right way to punish someone who ought to have been protecting and caring for said child? Today’s world is truly lost and backwards. The crime was heinous, and the punishment was heinous, but I have no guilt for the punishing, or vigilantism of the “karma” brought executioners. We need them here in America to keep sickos from thinking about doing sick things
How is sharia an alternative to anything? Violent and cruel faith-based laws shouldn’t even be joked about as an alternative justice. Keep cavemen from making laws, thanks much!
i would say both !! While the judge decides, his inmates can do the business !
He may have confessed but us he legally guilty of the crime . . TNHIS IS A MATTER OF
Only one word justice. Whatever he gets he deserves it. I have no sympathy for child abuser
Had that been either of mine.. His sweet virgin ass would still be intact…. As far as the rest of him… Not a chance!!! He would have NEVER made it to see the inside of a jail cell!! You can bash me for my hateful comment all you want, but you gotta look out for and protect your own!!! He’d rather take a crap in his momma’s best frying pan than even DREAM of doing that again I’m sure… Lesson learned!!!
This sick piece of shit should be tortured until his last dying breath.
Thay should have did it over and over again until he feelings because he did not show any for that child thay have a lot of hate in the world today
It’s hard to imagine if you don’t have kids. I hope no ones child has to experience such cruelty. When your in that situation is when you and only will know how you feel and what the punishment should be appropriate.
Everyone needs to remember this is for opinions. The constitution gives us the freedom of speech. No matter how outrageous the opinion may be or in the method or language delivered. It is their right to express it. When make fun if someone else because of what they said or how they, you are truly show your ignorance. Thank you for everyone’s comments no matter how distorted I think they may be, it’s your opinion and respect it.
So I only read 1 page of comments, so Im unsure if anyone else has said this, but did you all miss this part of the story?? “The fact that the child died from beatings seems irrelevant and gets lost in the midst of the outrage about the child sex abuse.” Is it right what happened to the man in prision?? yes and no I will say he got what was coming, but was not right for the men to do it. I personally think for crimes of murder we should have the death penalty. Have them sit in prision for 20ish years (thats more then enough time to prove you are innocent if you are) and then lethal injection
I cant believe the tone of this article, or most of the commenters. Do any of you people have children. This man raped and beat to death a baby. his own step son. If anyone did this to my child they would be lucky if they got off as easy as he did. this monster is still standing and his genitals are still attached . In my opinion he has forfeited his basic human rights, and I hope they keep tossing him back into the lions den, may he suffer the rest of his days until they finally end his miserable existence.
Meh, justice is served and justice is really just vengeance that’s deemed fit for carrying out. It sickens me how people apply different levels of torture and think it’s more humane to castrate him and then kill him or just kill him. No. He deserves to suffer, he took a life and raped it; how can you feel pity or disregard for anything other than him suffering? How can you apply moral to a immoral monster? You can’t without looking like a dumbass. He’s a monster. A beast. When you think about defending him, think about him penetrating a crying, bleeding little boy and if you can still find reason to either pity him or speak in his defense in ANY way; you’re an idiot with fucked up morals. Stop trying to apply moral to immorality.
It just doesn’t work that way, okay?
Thanks. this is what happens when you have money
I think he deserves what he got. However, I don’t find it fair to throw him back to the wolves that fast. I have lived in Brasil I know there laws and systems I for one don’t believe that this is an acceptable sentence. Yes rot in jail you child molesting fuck. But atleast try to imagine what it is like inside that cell being forced on while they are lining up for there turn and penetrating again and again a swollen fully exposed raw festering infected flesh these men aren’t going easy they are tearing apart his internal bowel
Tottaly agreee he did deserve that tbh. Goes to show how strong people are against child abuse n am happy to say a agree with him getten raped for him to feel the pain he put that wee boy through!
I could give 2 fuccs aboutthis pervert prick! Innocence is brutally violated then killed and now we the people must “feel bad” for him bcuz half of the same events happened to him-the “Predator”
2 wrongs don’t make a right, neither side is right!
anyone committing sexual child abuse or even worse, rape, deserve the hardest punishment of all. If that is gang rape in prison by other inmates, fine by me. Everyone knows that child molesters and child rapists are “legal pray” in prisons and it they don’t like being bum-fucked by a bunch of hard-core criminals, they should think twice before committing their horrid acts. Fuck them and thanks to everyone raping a child rapist.
I personally think that those who rape should feel the pain and fear that their victim felt at the time of the rape. If this had been any of my children he would not be here to tell the story as aren’t so many rapists as most end up killed by victims familys/associates or inmates he should really think himself lucky he is still alive!
speaking as a victim of rape and as a victim of domestic violence I can say that I do applaud the men that let this villian feel what he did to that child. that statement alone only says what I feel about the first time. The second time may have been overkill (only to sum) I strongly believe in the saying you reap what you sow therefore he got exactly what he deserved. Now this is still my personal opinion that’s I was on the other side you can’t speak for the victims that have lived through this you can’t speak for those who won’t live through it for instance no one knows what that shall went through before it died. Therefore he got to experience the pain the shame the hurts all the emotions and physical pain from his actions that is all.
As a father of two little boys… The guy got what was coming too him… But on the other hand.. Prison shouldn’t be like that…there a 100s innocent people accused of crimes ..Of rape and sexual assault they didn’t commit. Should they suffer the same fate as that pedo did…
You mate ain’t living in the real world your what know as a twat
all of the comments are some good points. but for the ppl who disagree with this let something happen to your child then it will be a different song because we all no if some one was to try or hurt are child we would be talking about killing them or wishing pain on them
2 wrongs DONT make anything right…. That being said, none of this is right, but put yourself in that child’s shoes, or the mothers for just one minute, TRY 2 feel what that poor child felt for 10 seconds of whT he had to endure, of course that sick pig deserved what he got, there is NO cure for people like him,NO rehabilTion..u threat others the way u want to be treated,, he hAd to know what was coming for him when he turned himself in, they should all be hung out for people to see!
Ok so this was gonna go one or two ways. If he didn’t turn himself somebody was gonna kill him, probably the baby’s biological father if he’s in the picture. Or 2 which exactly what he received. I’ve studied law and I have my degree in criminal justice and has spoken with many criminals. It’s say to say but prisoners do not sit well with rapist. The reason that the government gives such crappy sentences to rapist is because they already know what the prisoners are gonna do to them. And vice versa the prisoners usually rape rapist because they know the government probably didn’t give the what they really deserved. I can’t say rather it’s wrong or right; that’s just the way it is.
fuck him,now he Mies what it feels like to be powerless.
This is disgusting and while I agree with a n eye for an eye this makes them jist as bad as he is. I think the proper punishment would be to beat him as many times as he did this little boy. 90% of people know what really happens in prison especially when its a criminal thats comitted a crime against a child. And yet peoole still do it. They still “feel attracted” to a child. So I think once a person has done that he or she needs to be castrated and or caused paralysis from the neck down so the freaks can still feel but not do shit about it. Eventually leading them to die.
The story is disgusting from start to finish put in prison was the easy way out sick fucker should be hung and left to die slow and painfully to do to him what he done to a child makes you no better than him. Couldn’t start to think if that was my child god forbid I would hunt him down, hang him, ,torture him, slow painful death but never stoop to his level rape is rape its wrong to do to him to what he done them makes you no better
That’s not blood it’s probably from his booty hole being so open! It just slid out. LOL But seriously, unless they stuck objects up there I doubt someone would lose that much blood and still be standing. But the nasty thing is that 20 prisoners purposely bonked a bloody booty. Disgusting! #KarmaIsA…Prison *****!
Hope he is still in pain to this day sick fuck raping a 20month old baby. Anyone touched my son like that it would be a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire they’d be raped with
He got what he deserved period. A grown man knows what he is doing. Possessed by demons ? No excuses, you can be raped and raped again. Can you imagine the sounds of pure terror coming out of that baby’s mouth ? Crying, screaming, begging ? Yea… humans are animals who are taught to live in society. Now if you wanna act like an animal, go live with the animals. { prison }
I don’t feel sorry for the child rapist at all, chances are the men used objects to rape him not necessarily their genitalia (which does not make it any better), but nevertheless I could careless, that’s good for him. I bet if other pedophiles and sadistic types of ppl knew they’d have this sort of punishment coming it would be a much better deterrent than just some jail time, but I know we’re not allowed to be that barbaric, nice to know he paid though.
This is terrible, I have three young children myself and couldn’t image how I would feel about a person if they harmed my kids, but I also believe that after this man was raped and beaten once and medics having to stitch him, he should have been put in solitary. What he did was wrong but that shouldn’t mean he should be beaten and raped every single day. No matter how you feel about him you have to remember he did turn himself in and he knew it was wrong, plenty of people get off on murder charges by pleading insanity and that’s only their scapegoat after they had been caught.
He raped a child,, not a adult!! but a innocent child that couldnt fight back,, and to say that it dont matter really is just sick,, he got what he deserved a eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth and karma is a bitch!!
As a mother. grandmother n great-grandmother has no-one thought wat this poor baby of 20mths was put through??? I pity him not for his sickening abuse on a defenceless child!! its the child id be concered with!!
Tha bastards mind is corrupt so he probably didn’t feel the same pain and agony as that wee boy , I just hope the wee boy can have some sort of normal life after this sickening ordeal
All I can say is imagine if this happened to a loved one of yours, would you still feel bad for this man, I don’t feel bad for him at all, see the thing is, a lot of these men in prison don’t like pedophiles and rapists, and they’re probably never going to see their children again, and for the prisoners doing life, what does it even matter to them to hurt this man, it doesn’t matter they’re doing life! This man got what was coming to him! And the poor baby, may god embrace him and keep him safe…. This story makes my heart hurt! For the little baby who lost his life!
This piece of shit got what it deserves. Do evil, get evil in return.
Who wrote this a pedophile. Stfu
What he did was wrong and he got less than he deserved … The child died from the beating and he ( the RAPIST/MURDERER ) is still alive. His asshole will heal again after they stitch him up… If this was your child , some of you would have wanted to do the same to him and more or even kill him if you had the chance and you would have felt differently to this situation …I’m not condoning what they did was right but KARMA IS A BITCH AND WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDS… this was an innocent baby.
It’s funny how the people who are saying this man”baby rapist” didn’t get what was coming to him. If your beautiful INNOCENT baby daughter had her in side’s ruptured, torn, screaming, scared, bleeding, unimaginable pain (that killed her). What about this helpless child who died from what He CHOSE to do! I think he gets what he deserves. .oh and he ASLO WILL HAVE TO ANSWER TO GOD.
He deserve it n more that worthless fuck!
That’s what I call proper punishment , he deserved everything he got, anyone else thinks different then your no better than him
An eye for an eye. Raping defenceless children is the lowest act in humanity possible he definitely deserved some sort of physical punishment. Hoping that HE felt the same sort of fear that that poor child felt !!
Arshole bandit tore himself a new one.. He is So sick that even the prisoners can’t accept his madness action towards that innocent child.
I really think he got what he deserved double time! When you as a grown man rape and beat a 20 month old baby an eye for an eye! Sorry if I was that child’s mother he would’nt have made it to turn himself in!!!
Man, looks like there’s a bunch of child rapist all up and down this thread. I guess with 1 in 3 kids being abused in some form in Canada it doesn’t surprise me the number of supporters that think it wasn’t okay for him to unwillingly get what he gave to poor innocent unwilling baby. Go kill yourselves, seriously. You suck if you don’t think he got what deserve
that pic is SO FUNNY!!! omg that is EXACTLY what his nasty ass gets if the baby boy wouldn’t have died he probably wouldn’t have turned his self in and I’m pretty sure that was not the first time he made him suffer (screaming) “FUCK HIM” what he took from that baby was everything so he deserves to rot in prison and for karma to remind him every day of the life that he took and how he took it praying for the baby family RIP little angel
My only comment is i dont applaud those men but I damn sure dont feel bad for the dude you live by sword u shall die by it now he knows what pain he caused that little boy for his own pleasure
In my opinion there are women men what have u out there that would and could do damn near anything you could think of sexually with and for you they are out there some where I’m sure not to hard to find why in the world do people choose to mess with little kids babies leave them alone you are seriously messing them up for the rest of their life just so u can meet your own sick desires I really don’t get people it’s a sick sad world we live in but not for me to judge That’s up to the good lord himself
That was a baby and karma is a bitch and he met her full forced and I don’t feel sorry for him he hurt a child who can’t defend them self maybe now he see how the child felt
I like how some odd few are defending this obvious monster. Karmas is a B/t$! Ok n i hope no gets to experience this tragic episode themselves with their kids i myself say hey judgement comes in all forms i dont empower what happened but i dont frown upon it either
He got what was coming too him, glad he experienced the horror, trauma and violation of being raped and raped by even bigger monsters than himself, now execute that piece of shit, public service done. No sympathy for this type of evil from start to finish!.
Eh he’s just satisfying his sexual urges… same as homosexuals. No biggie.
If any of you think rape is acceptable PERIOD, then you’re all fucking sick. No one deserves to be raped, people disgust me with that. Again, if you think him or anyone being raped for revenge is right then you’re all just as sick as him and the people who raped him. Believe it.
thoses 20 guys that raped him should be free done us all a favouer ! hang the basterd !
Yeah I would with a bat in my hand up his arse
Don`t know what planet some of you lot are living on, he beat and raped a baby boy ! Dying is far too easy, let him suffer and go through pain, I hope they tear this son of a bitches ass up everyday!
It’s all horrible. And horribly written. Know the difference between ‘then’ and ‘than’ and know what a period is and how to use one.
Gud shud av hd his d…k chopped off too
Im a mother of two and in my opinion they should have chopped his penis off first then left them too it dirty vile man
Its sad that happen to the child.They should just stone him and be done.
Got what he deserved!
An innocent defencless child being raped and killed!!!!! is far different from a grown ass jiu jitso professor! pervert ..if it was my child id pay to have him raped and tortured myself lowlife piece if shit dint deserve no rights mercy no sympathy ..did he show any of that wen he was raping a child naaa …
Good keep banging that hoe he deserves it
All though I condemn any form of abuse/rape, be it a child or a woman, to say a man deserves to be raped by men who have probably committed the same crime themselves, in the past, is wrong. Anybody is entitled to a fair trial. That sort of behavior doesn’t make it better.
serves him right, dont care what anyone says, after what he did to that child he had it coming.
I’m glad he got what he deserved, but I didn’t have to read about it. Weather he deserved it or not it’s still a disgusting story. Those people in prison are also rapists. This is why I obey the law, so I never have to be near people like them.
Im so happy that this guy got punished , unlike here in England they just put them in prison and protect them from inmates who would mostly like attack them for coming to prison for such a sickening crime. Especially to any CHILD whats wrong with this world. Even Animals are a better creation they protect there young not bloody rape them !
He deserves everythink he gets
Should jus let him go..out of that jail. How can prison off let this happen.terrible. must punish all those sicko 20 prisoners.sad
There are no words to describe, the complete and utter hatred I would have towards this child rapist….and justice by revenge although brutal does still not deminish the the act of rape against a baby
Feel sick after reading that but yes i hope his life from now is (rape , beat , stitch, repeat )
shit if it wer me……ida got one of them under age ppl they say that can just get away with murder, if i was that childs parent i woulda had that man killed str8 up! fuck jail. die muther fucker, i have 2 kids………………N I WISH A MUTHER FUCKER WOULD, ID GO TO PRISON FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE FOR MY CHILDS LIFE BEING TAKEN OR FOR MY CHILD BEING RAPPED!
If it was your child you wouldnt be talking “human rights” ! He deserves it, over and over and over! No sympathy here!
He got exactly what he deserved. Idk why people feel sorry for him. He is a fuckin animal not a human. He did that to that poor innocent helpless baby. That baby couldn’t defend himself. Idc they did his heartless ass exactly right. People who harm children shouldn’t be on this earth.
What he did was HORRIBLE. At least he turned himself in. The proper punishment would be jail for a very long time and no rights to see his son, NOT rape. Vengeance is NEVER good.
He got what he deserves. ..i hope they rape his ass. ..until it locks up on him…..every night….nasty bastard….now he knows the pain he gave to that young child!
How much he suffered? Please! What about that innocent baby? You reap what u sew…he deserves much worse!
Well I think that article summed up humanity quite well. How horrifying.
I hope the whole fucking jail goes through him everyday who the fuk rapes a baby hope someone slits his throat as they rape him he deserves to die!! If a dog bites a child and scars them for life it gets put down but if a human rapes a kid and scars em for life gets 10yrs how the fuck does that work kill all the kiddy fiddlers and child rapist they are oxygen theifs
this is horrific i cant beleive what he did and what the prisioners did tohim …although he raped a child….it is terrible he had endure that
The dirt bag raped a baby what more do I have to say!!!!!!! The fact the you think that his punish ment was too much makes me sick!!!! It was not enough… Do you have children??????
Now he knows how his step son felt. Should have cut off his penis and let him cry in his own blood.
Everyone is so focused on this man…. where was his mother while all of this happened!!!????? I blame her for allowing this man to do that to her child. They’re all sick! I can’t stand the sick, twisted monsters that walk this earth.
He must be pretty butt hurt by now
This needs to happen in America more often. Maybe then we won’t have so many repeat offenders/predators.
This man desved what he got the sick fuck see how he liked it Nasty man
He deserves it I kill him if he did it to my child that’s a promise life for a life 5 years in jail for sorting someone out easy
got what was coming
He didn’t care about human beings rights when he was doin what he did to that poor child so what goes around comes around n he deserves everything he got!!!!!!!!!
The fact that he rape such a pure innocent baby and killed him, he deserve whatever he put himself through, may God have mercy on his soul cause it seems like the prisoners Won’t
I’m just mad that this sick fuck! Didn’t get ganged raped for 3rd time. Next time, stick a broom stick up his ass! These rapist should be put to DEATH as soon as possible, fuck that whole “I’m innocent until proven guilty” shit! kill that rapist!
As a survivor of sexual abuse started when I was 2, the only comment I have to say is, “TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE IT RIGHT.”
No Mercy! Leave him to decay in the hell he created for himself. Rest in peace little angel.
Shawnte or whatever your name is your fuckin stupid, if you wergoing through the same shit you would think a lot differently
He deserves to be more then raped , sick cunt sucked in to him
Good im glad he got what he did.
So I’m guessing there wasn’t any room in Administrative Segregation.
Well i think he deserves everything he gets.
I am glad thank you prisoners for stepping up .
My whole problem with this article is it continually tries to compare Brazil and Americas Legal and prison systems. Neither which are the same thing. Think whoever wrote this needs to find another profession you suck.
Deserves everything he gets for raping a 20 month old baby boy. I feel no pity for him cos he damn sure didnt feel pity for the baby when he raped him!!
he deserved this and worst
Im just going to point out to all those quoting that pharse as an excuse to applaud this stuff. . Ghandi once said “an eye for an eye will make the whole blind”. You’re all very welcomed.
Justice at its best!
That is why he should have learned Muay Thai instead of bjj. Bjj is only effective on a single opponent.
I think those prisoners are just as sickening as this guy! Any man who gets off by sticking his Johnson in another man’s ass is gay! It’s disgusting!
Anyone that rapes a child deserves a fate worse than death
I hope he gets a life sentence and gets raped every fucking dqy, this is the.most disturbing artical ive awhile….just shows how.fucked this…
That’s right
And it would nt suprise me if all the peoples saying it wrong him gettin raped himself the majority of these people probably do not have any children of ther own
All civilised behaviour went out the window when he did that to the little baby boy so he deserved it all and more also wish this would happen more in the uk as these bastards have human rights here
Nobody wins here
Think your all forgetting that, that poor innocent child lost his life, that sicko still has his, his scares will heal !!
Ur all missing a vital point hear that poor boy was beat raped n killed id applaud the prisoners who did this to him
Wonder how it feels like to rape bloody torn asshole. A pheggit pedo rapist being raped by pheggit prisoners. All that blood and shit from torn asshole.
That’s what he gets and I hope he gets more you don’t touch a baby like that .
Ohh so the poor guy suffered. So a growm man got raped by grown men. Did he consider the pain of the baby boy ? That man will suffer a lot more in life , karma and justice will win.
Just glad I.wasn’t.locked up in there I’d be a queer too
They say treat others as you want to be treated righ? With that being said he gave his son bad treatment so they gave him the treatment he wanted.
Very well deserved….. a life for a life, a rape for a rape especially more if childs are involved
The only disturbed people are the one that want to show mercy to this peace of shit I guess you one of them
fuck him he reapped n killed a child i say give him the same death, let them rape him n kill him! in the bible it is eye for n eye right? fuck the legal system let god handle him!
fuck him he rapped n killed a child i say give him the same death, let them rape him n kill him! in the bible it is eye for n eye right? fuck the legal system let god handle him!
But at ten fold
I just want to know if this is real. I’m shocked and I wanna know if there’s a way to confirm this story just to prove it’s not more fake news that goes through our news feed on the daily.
Whats that word oh yeah KARMA
He deserves what he got….hopefully more to come for this piece of filth.
By saying he desevered that makes you no better than him this story is disgusting and god only should deal and decide/ judge him
well it is only fair to return the action, but he received more than the child, he was lucky that he recived his 20 times. So he should be happy
He deserves any oz of punishment to makes me sad thinking how that could’ve been my daughter. So yes, to hell wit this man and the prisoners
If he beat and raped a 1 yr old child he deserved it! A human being doesn’t do that!
fxck this piece of shit of a human…raped by men good well deserved justice is complete for child
I hope they do it again. Then kill him.
That’s all they did to him then he pretty f…k lucky
But what if it turns out he wasn’t guilty and the mother made it up because she was angry with him? It’s done ever day in family court
Aside from all the ethical arguments here, isn’t this kinda karma?
Yea he deserves every bit of it stupid scum ofa fat guys corn hole
Guess karma literally bites back! (x
They should make him suffer the rest of his life just like the innocent has to suffer shit like that is never forgotten
Brazil niggaz, nahh, it’s not serious, no forgiveness.
He is probably enjoying it why he went back for more. He even posed for a photo
To bad they stabbed him multiple times in the back….just kidding.
Not a single fuck was given that day. Except to the sick fuck that thought it was ok to beat and then rape a baby, he got 20.
That fucking piece of shit got exactly wat he deserved. I hope he gets raped everyday until he commits suicide
people, you say that “the child is scared for life”! newsflash. he died from the injuries…..
He so deserved what he got.that poor child.demons my arse or shall I say his arse.
RIP beautiful child xXx
20 a day naw lets see if we can jump that up to 1000 a day
I hate when it’s that time of the month when i get caught without a tampon.
He should be raped by 20 inmates every day. And if you pity this man I don’t understand your logic.
Holy shit! He must have been kept busy in there!!!
Fuck that child molester, I hope he felt it all
they should of killed the dirty bastard
He probably turned him self in because the childs mother was going to find out what happened.
Let’s hope they shove bar wire up his arse because th only way getting that out is ripping it hahahaha
He is young kids hurting kids
You people should be ashamed of this!!!
If that sick horrible cruel bastard can do that to a child then he deserves everything he gets.
God help us please, we are a people without a vision and we need your help this day.
I think this is sad evil for evil is also wrong who knows if he really did it. Sad case. Very sad.
He who is without sin cast the first stone…
He deserves it evry dat till hes dead sikk cunt u treat a kid like tht ue ass will get fukked.
28 ADs on this link duh you think it’s really true or just appeals to shocking people so they click it?
And then they were 20 jail house queers. And I’ll bet they wasn’t there for me and little angels
Now he will kill everyone with who has raped him with aids, what a comeback.
They should of finished him with the mop handle
I think he deserves everythink he gets to be honist shouldent of done the crime
Sorry stupid spell check DEATH