Jay Z and Beyoncé are on the verge of buying a $120M mansion in Beverly Hills. They need MORE space now that they’re having twins – so here are some descriptive pics of their new home!
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Don't Kill The Messenger!
Jay Z and Beyoncé are on the verge of buying a $120M mansion in Beverly Hills. They need MORE space now that they’re having twins – so here are some descriptive pics of their new home!
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What’s the difference? Bitches like to swallow all the time
Time to chip in… In 2011 red bull sold 4631000000 cans of energy drink. Now, let’s go by the standard 100ml can, which contains 400mg of ‘Taurine’
400mg x 4631000000mg of taurine, which equates to 185.24 metric ton. Per day, red bull (on average) sold 21687671.23 cans per day, which is 5075068493.15mg of taurine, which equates to 5.08 tons. Unless the video is deceiving, I don’t think that the place in the video could extract 5.08 tons of ‘bull semen’ per day, using the prehistoric method shown in the video.
You may now continue to drink your red bulls in peace. Thank me later.
This is a very intervening type job!
I don’t use energy drinks. The most I use is coffee in the morning and sometimes during the day, but not often.
Poor bitch at the front never gets any :/
there iss another drink that taste exact sam but without the stuff
This is very clearly false information…..way to fact check….
They just collect the semen for preservation,for future use, NOT FOR ENRGY DRINKS!!!…………………………………………………………….GO TO SCHOOL ADMIN!!!
its called reload
the c0w is like daam im givin u da pussy wtf is wrong??? bull is like i nutted :s
It is present in bull bile and breast milk! Since when does a bull produce milk?!
Red balls
good think i dont drink that stuff tastes like shit too so no wonder i didnt like it
Mason T Clark
It’s fake they just take a video of them milking the bulls d and just title it
It doesn’t even show then putting that shit in the drinks
its not killing anybody geez and probs fake
Till I see sources this is completely bullshit
Welcome to the Intenet! Where Activia are made by fecals and Coca Cola by Mutagenic coccaine
But it’s not PURE SEMEN it’s some particles in the semen, it’s not like we’re taking a bukkake everytime we drink Energizers
sin guantes ??????
people that belive this is just retarded…
The video is how they artificially inseminate cows….
It’s not true -.-.
Yea and sprinkles are actually fairy turds
The taurine used in Red Bull is produced synthetically. People should check the facts. It’s also found in cat food because the cats require it for good eye health.
This is bullshit 😉 taurine can be extracted from meat… Not from livers…. I researched this a long tine ago so….. Bitch please
RedBull you owe my wife 3 years of back child support, i knew i wasnt the damn daddy
So my redbull can give me wings. And potentially syphilis…..great
Taurine is an aminoacid
More like, mostextremebullshitwithoutsources.com.
it’s reguarded as not ‘an’ vegetarian friendly ingedient. If the next word doesn’t start with a vowel it’s not ‘an’ before it….
Why dO I even click on the links? this is bullshit.. go look up Taurine and see that it is in fish and meat… fucking stupid site.. I’m done with it.
Of course its bullshit, but it got you to click on a link and go to their site, that’s all they care about. That’s how they make their money 😛