Muslim Man Sues Little Caesars For $100 Million Because They Gave Him Pork On His Pizza

A Muslim Man is Suing the popular Pizza restaurant chain Little Caesars For $100 Million Because They Gave Him Pork On His Pizza. The man claims they violated this faith and made a joke of everything that he and his wife believe in.

The man claims he was told that the pizza he was served didn’t contain pork so then when he confirmed that it did he decided to take legal action.

The man has hired a lawyer and is suing Little Caesars pizza for $100 Million!

Man Pulls Out Gun At Mansfield Playground

Panic Breaks Out At Mansfield Playground After Man Pulls Gun but the story is not that simple. The man is a licenced gun owner who pulled a gun in self defense.

The man with the gun in his hand is said to have been threatened and in fear that caused him to pull a firearm out and point it in the direction on the man he viewed as a threat.

The video was captured by an onlooker who saw a situation developing and pulled his phone out to snapchat it. After pulling it out and pressing record he then was capturing a man pointing a gun at a group of people.

Man Claiming To Have A Bomb On Malaysia Flight Tries To Enter Cockpit

Scary incident on board a passenger plane right after takeoff from Melbourne, Australia. What happens next is a Scary Moment when a Deranged Man that Claimed To Have A Bomb On Malaysia Flight Tried To Enter Cockpit.

Passengers were absolutly terrified as the crazy man tried to enter the cockpit. Onlookers feared for their life and were lucky to make it out of this situation unharmed.

Woman Escapes 3 Carjackers!

A woman just escapes car jackers as 3 men jump out of a car and chase after her. The woman was lucky enough to get away but many are not! These car jackers ran at her car with a taser, a knife and a hammer!

The woman who was attacked was Clare Dovey a 40 year old woman from the Lea Hall area of Birmingham.

The 4 carjackers drove a Blue Toyota Yaris and jumped out on the poor woman. She was lucky to put the car in reverse and get away!


Police Officers Brutal Attack Suspect In Garland

Video Released Of Brutal Attack By Garland Officers On Suspect is causing a big deal of controversy! In the video that you can see below police officers beat the crap out a man for an unknown reason. The don’t know what the man might have done to upset the police officers but we can clearly see he did not fight back.

These cops beat this man down and its all on tape for the world to see. I’m interested to know how these police are handled for these actions that thanks to a camera they cant talk there way out of!

Giant Alligator Spotted Walking Down Path in South Florida

Massive Florida Gator Caught Strolling Down Pathway like it was at home and belonged. An onlooker spotted the alligator and caught it on camera.

This huge gator lefts its wife and children to go get food to feed its family and ended up shaking up the neighborhood.

Im going to tell you this if I would have seen this gator I would have ran off screaming for help and shaken up for a little while!

Boyfriend Sets Up HIDDEN CAMERA Before Going To Bed. What’s Captured Is UNBELIEVABLE!

Ever Since the beginning of time, all things supernatural have confounded people more than anything. Ghosts, poltergeists, jinns, a girl in white and a lot more.

There are things that happen that make you question things you believe and challenge your brain leaving it baffled.

One couple noticed that after waking up in the morning some of their objects were moved to another place.

They did not found any explanation about these happenings and that is why they decided to put a camera at night before they go to sleep and to film their bedroom when they are sleeping.

And in the next morning when they watched what the camera captured made their blood to freeze.